Honorary Citizen of Russia: history, order, list

The Honorary Citizen of Russia award is not given to every resident of the state. Who needs to be and what needs to be done to be awarded the title of Honorary Citizen? Let's find out the definition of this award.


“Honorary Citizen of Russia” is the title awarded to residents of a settlement or city by the highest governing bodies of this territory. This award symbolizes gratitude and expression of gratitude of the society for any contribution to the city.

honorary citizen of Russia

About the Order

The “Honorary Citizen of Russia” sign is a public reward for long and active work, which helps to strengthen the strength, prosperity and greatness of our country. The Order is awarded to residents of our state aged 30 years and older, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation. The decision is made by the expert council of the All-Russian Committee for Awards and Titles. The Order of the “Honorary Citizen of Russia" can be obtained by citizens of the Russian Federation who:

  • more than 3 years they have been heads of state, municipal and regional authorities, as well as enterprises, public organizations, political parties, sports societies and trade unions;
  • For more than 5 years they have held the positions of deputy heads, chief engineers, technologists, accountants, scientific and artistic leaders and other professions;
  • made a huge contribution to the rise of domestic science, journalism, culture and sports;
  • serve in the State Drug Control Service, FSB, FSO, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other state structures.

honorary citizen of Russia list

Order Description

The “Honorary Citizen of Russia” award is a star with 8 ends. The creators of the order placed in the center an image of a large imperial crown, which the court jewelers made for Empress Catherine the Second in 1762.

The medal is made of white metal, most often it is silver, which is coated with yellow metal, that is, gold. On the reverse side of the award at the factory, its individual number is engraved.

Presentation ceremony

The event is held in a festive atmosphere, where all candidates for this order are invited: regional leaders, government officials, famous scientists, representatives of cultural and scientific circles of public organizations, labor collectives, the media, as well as foreign guests. Participants are awarded publicly.

Order Honorary Citizen of Russia

“Honorary Citizen of Russia”: list

This list includes a large number of outstanding residents of our country. Each region is proud of its talents. For example, the Moscow list of “Honorary Citizen” includes:

  • Asmolov Vladimir Pavlovich - a talented musician who performs melodies in the style of Russian chanson.
  • Vladimir Vasiliev is a former soloist of the group "Earthlings".
  • Ledenev Yuri Mikhailovich - a leading employee of the Institute for Nuclear Research, as well as a doctor of physical and mathematical sciences.

The list also includes People's Artist of the Soviet Union Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Vladimir Zeldin, Valery Zolotukhin. The president and founder of the state academy of Slavic culture - Kuchmaeva Izolda Konstantinovna was also awarded the order.

Badge Honorary Citizen of Russia

What was awarded Armen Dzhigarkhanyan for?

Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan was born in Yerevan in 1935. Towards the end of the fifties he graduated from the Art Theater Institute in Yerevan. He worked in the same city at the Stanislavsky Theater.

An honorary citizen of Russia, Dzhigarkhanyan played in various performances. In 1967, he collaborated with the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater, where he was involved in three performances at once.

From 1969 to 1996, Dzhigarkhanyan was one of the leading artists. At the Vladimir Mayakovsky Moscow Drama Theater, his main role was Levinson in the play "The rout". He played in the productions of “Tram”, “Desire”, “Conversations with Socrates”, “Running”, “Sunset”, “Victoria?”, “Victim of the Century” and others.

He worked a lot with the director Mark Zakharov. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for being the most filmed domestic actor. On his account more than 250 roles in films, cinema and performances. During his long life, he worked with other directors:

  • S. Kolosov;
  • T. Keosayanos;
  • Yu. Karasik;
  • S. Mikaelian;
  • V. Titov ;
  • A. Bobrovsky;
  • E. Ginzburg;
  • A. Surikova;
  • K. Shakhnazarov;
  • G. Danelia;
  • V. Bortk.

award honorary citizen of Russia

About how Vladimir Zeldin took the creative path

Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin was also awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of Russia”. He was born in the city of Kozlov in 1915. His mother was a teacher, and his father was a musician and conductor. In a word, his childhood was filled with love and tenderness. In addition to little Vladimir, the family had several more children: brother Jura and sisters Irina, Elena and Nina.

In 1920, the Zeldin family moved to live in the city of Tver. Volodya went to study at the gymnasium. After 4 years, the family moves to Moscow. My father played various musical instruments, so the children also played them. Vladimir mastered the trumpet, violin and piano. Later it was very useful to him in life.

He dreamed about ballet for a very long time. Already at the age of 12, he tried to enroll in a choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theater. However, the father did not allow the dream to come true, because he saw in his beloved son a talented musician.

A few years later, Vladimir had a dream of becoming a military sailor. He was attracted by the romance of this profession, but could not enter the school, because he had poor eyesight. When he graduated from school, neither father nor mother survived. He had to enroll as an apprentice fitter at the Experienced Transmitter plant. He did not like the work because of the monotony and lack of romance.

In the early thirties of the twentieth century, the production of theater workshops recruited a course of actors, and Vladimir Zeldin went there. He was enrolled. He easily passed the exam, in which he read Bezymensky's poems and Konchalovskaya’s stories.

At the courses, together with the chief choreographer Galina Shakhovskaya, Zeldin taught dances. Also, in parallel, he studied in the cavalry arena, he was even awarded the sign of the Voroshilov horseman. He studied at the arena with the sons of Anastas Mikoyan and Vasily Stalin.

During his long life, he had the opportunity to meet on stage with Maria Babanova, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Nikolai Bukharin and Alexander Vertinsky.

In 1938, Vladimir Zeldin transferred to the Transport Theater (today it is called the Gogol Theater). It is from this theater that his play begins in performances based on classical works of world literature.

So, we learned about the order “Honorary Citizen of Russia”. The complete list can be found on the website of the All-Russian Committee for Ranks and Awards. To become a participant in the competition, you must submit an application, as well as pay for participation in it. Remember that a talented and distinguished citizen of the Russian Federation can become the owner of this order.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2304/

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