Grid stucco: runtime technology, tips and tricks

Plastering the wall is a simple process, but sometimes there is a risk of the mixture to run off. It is in this situation that you can not do without a reinforced mesh. Although the question often arises whether there is a need for it. To make the finish high-quality and reliable, this is the best solution.

The plaster on the grid sinks into the cells and no longer flows down. When such a coating hardens, it turns out reliably and durable. According to the masters, this method is becoming more popular because of its effectiveness. But you need to pay attention to some points, one of which is the coating layer. If it is up to 10 millimeters, then the use of fittings is not required. If this thickness increases, then you definitely can not do without an addition.

Which grid to choose?

Today there are enough offers on the market, for this reason it is not always easy to choose the right one. To make a choice quickly, it is important to consider the characteristics. According to them, each person makes a choice and decides what will be effective. If there is no experience, then it is better to consult with the masters or to study such information.

wall plastering on a grid

To create a reinforcing material, manufacturers use a variety of components:

  • Fiberglass. A unique modern composition that allows you to work with a small layer of plaster, making it as reliable as possible.
  • Polymers This is plastic, which is used today in many industries. It shows itself as one of the reliable, but it does not burden the entire structure and is inexpensive.
  • Metal. This is a classic that has been in demand on the market for many years. But at the same time, the metal mesh, the price of which is high (90 rubles per square meter), does not lose its leading position.

Depending on the construction process, a choice is made. Do not overpay, as each species will have its own price, if this is not necessary. So before choosing, you need to understand what each of them represents.


Today it is often used, because it is easy to use. This is a fabric with small cells created from fiberglass. Plastering on a grid of this type is most often performed inside any room. Although in some cases it happens that apply outside.

Specialists highlight one main advantage - it is not necessary to level the walls before starting work. Such a canvas is attached to any surface, and plastering begins. Most often, a gypsum finish appears on it. Since the work as a result turns out to be simple, a person without experience can take up it.


Today, plastic is present everywhere, and it is not uncommon in interior decoration. Plastering on a grid of polymers is quick and convenient. The fact is that such protection is reliable and comparable to metal, but at a price several times lower. That is the cost today is the main stumbling block.

The main plus is that the design does not receive a large load, but at the same time, reliability does not decrease. In construction stores, there is always such a grid with various cells and thicknesses. When it is used, it is easy to align the walls with a large deflection, up to about 20 millimeters. Plastering on a grid of this format is a relatively easy process.


The most common option for today is a metal mesh. Because when there are large differences and gaps on the surface, you just can not do without it. But most often plastering of facades on a grid occurs. And for efficiency, the mixture is made of cement. On sale, everyone will find several basic modifications:

  • The use of thin wire is carried out by means of a woven system. Such nets are effective both inside and outside any room. Basically, the mesh size of such a grid is 10 x 10 mm. Plaster mesh 10 x 10 is fixed easier than any other, because it does not have high rigidity. But during operation it shows itself as one of the reliable elements in the decoration.
  • Mesh netting - it is woven-reinforced. The price of the metal mesh is up to 200 rubles per square meter. Often used not only in decoration, but also in any other construction processes. It shows itself well in large areas. She has the size of one cell in standard terms slightly larger than the first (20 x 20 millimeters).
  • There is another grid manufacturing system - this is the welding of individual rods of various thicknesses. The application is extensive - mainly used to ensure that buildings or any structures do not precipitate during operation. Cells can have different sizes (the most popular is a 10 x 10 mm plaster grid). Everyone chooses the right one depending on the type of work.
  • Expanded metal fittings. It is created using special technology, which gives it maximum strength. For this, a special machine is used, on which the metal sheet is stretched. Equal-sized cells are formed in the process. As a result, the grid for the plaster of this sample withstands a thick layer of plaster, and also gives the strength of the created structure.

These are the main types that are easy to find in the market. But before you start, you need to decide what you need. The use of metal allows you to increase the bearing capacity and make the finish durable. Therefore, this method is considered the most common and high quality. Work with each grid implies its own steps and rules. The mounts are specific, depending on the material chosen.

Fiberglass application

As already noted, such a mesh is light and there is no need to use a special type of fixation for it - the solution is quite suitable. To get it neatly and evenly, it is slightly pressed with a spatula. For convenience, the grid is cut into strips, but when laying between them overlap is done. If the site has an extraordinary surface, then any fasteners can be used for reliability. But they should not stick out after plastering. When finishing a wooden structure, the latches can be brackets from a building stapler.

grid plaster

Other types of use

Polymeric compositions are most often fixed in the same way as fiberglass, because they have almost the same thickness. If this is not enough, then it is quite possible to cope with self-tapping screws. An overlap is also made in places where the strips are joined. The procedure is simple, but do not miss some little things.

grid technology

Metal mesh is most often used when you need to create a large layer of plaster. It is for this reason that it is important to securely fix the entire foundation. Only after this the plastering work begins . Execution Technology:

  • Before starting, the grid is divided into the desired sheets. In this process, do not forget that the junction is overlapped.
  • If the grid itself for plaster is not new, then rust is removed from it.
  • When the thickness is small, the cut is performed with metal scissors. In another case, a grinder is used.
  • For reliability, fixing is carried out with dowels, but before starting, places are marked and holes are drilled. When the wall is concrete or brick, then you can not do without a punch.
  • It’s better to start from any top corner. Gradually, fixing the grid under the plaster, fasteners are used on the working surface.
  • But there is one feature - the fittings should not be tight. There is always a gap. This method gives the wall greater strength and reliability.
    technology plaster

An important feature is the fact that you need to achieve maximum tension without sagging material. If voids are formed in the plaster, this reduces its load-bearing abilities and all meaning is lost. The whole process of fixing the mesh is simple, but you cannot skip anything. Each person without experience in applying plaster will cope with this procedure in a short time. But before starting it is worth stocking up with everything you need.

How to put beacons?

You can’t do without them. When the mesh is selected and located on the working surface, it is worth installing beacons, so to speak guides for the rule. According to them, it turns out to make the layer as flat and monolithic as possible. To make a rule, you need to take a small piece of metal profile up to one and a half meters in size, so that it is convenient to move it. Lighthouses are fixed with gypsum or any solution in use. But the guides must be set strictly according to the level.

plaster technology

How is the finishing process going?

According to the masters, if there is a grid of any design, then plastering usually occurs in two layers, although many experts increase this application to three.

grid plastering technology

Everyone must decide for himself, depending on the state of the surface. But the order is always the same and it is worth sticking to:

  • To apply the first coat is not difficult, because you just need to spread the plaster. This requires a trowel. The composition is taken on it and is applied to the wall with a sharp movement. To get this done, the mixture should not be too thick. Thanks to this process, the layer is obtained as strong as possible.
  • As soon as the first begins to dry, you can begin to impose the second. It should already be kneading more tight, like dough.
  • All work is carried out from the bottom up. After they begin to stretch the rule over the entire area, slightly shifting from side to side. This allows you to make the entire surface more even.
  • But the third layer is done as needed. It is necessary to visually evaluate the surface - if something went wrong, then you can make a third application, but more subtle, just to even out the errors. The technology for performing plastering is simple.
  • When this is done, the beacons are removed, and the holes from them are smeared with the same composition.


On this plastering is completed. To make the surface of the treated area neat, it is worth making a finish grout. The composition is taken more liquid. Such manipulations will not be difficult for anyone.

on the grid


So, we found out how to plaster walls on a grid. As you can see, the materials may be different. But the technology of plastering on the grid is about the same.


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