The foundation for a 4x6 bathhouse with your own hands: installation, instructions and technology

If you need a foundation for a 4x6 bath, then you can prefer a pile base. It will be not only inexpensive, but also strong enough.

Pluses of piles

foundation for a 4x6 bath

The advantage of this design is that it is possible to erect even very overall structures on it, while the soil can be weak and unpredictable. Among the soils on which it is possible to build a pile foundation, loamy, clay soils, as well as plant soils with a large amount of humus and peat can be distinguished.


DIY foundation for a 4x6 bath

If there is sand or soil on the territory that has an impressive number of pores, sometimes you just can not do without the presence of piles. The secret lies in the fact that only the upper soil layer is distinguished by the instability qualities, while the lower part of the foundation will be in the lower, denser layers.

Features of the pile foundation

strip foundation for bath 4x6

If you decide to build a pile foundation for a 4x6 m bath, you need to familiarize yourself with the technological features of the design. Most often, the supports are located vertically, however, in some cases, which imply a special mobility of the soil, piles can be installed at some angle. If on the territory during the snowmelt it is likely that the upper layers will begin to move intensively, during the construction of the type of foundation described above, the support pillars should be installed at a certain angle. Before starting the manipulation, it is necessary to select the material for the manufacture of piles. They can be made of concrete and reinforcement, this design can last more than 100 years. However, concrete for production must be used with the M 200 brand . Production can be done at the construction site, if appropriate equipment is available. The supports can be steel, they are pipes, the material consumption in this case is quite impressive, for the installation it will be necessary to use a crane. Among other things, the surface of the elements will need to be treated with an anti-corrosion coating.

Features of the use of wooden poles

foundation for a bath 4x6 price

If you will be building a pile foundation for a 4x6 m bath, then you can use wooden piles that are pre-sanded. These components of the structure must be even, their length can be 8.5 meters or less, while the diameter is equivalent to 35 cm. For the manufacture of supports, it is necessary to coniferous wood, among which pine, larch, fir or spruce can be distinguished. The foundation created with the help of such piles will soon begin to collapse. That is why it can not be called durable. To extend the life of the elements, they must be treated with special protective compounds.

Technology of work

foundation for a 4x6 bath in Samara

The pile foundation for a 4x6 m bath is built according to a certain technology. A drill will need to be involved in the process, it is most preferable to choose its manual variety, due to this it will be possible to expand the lower part of the well. With this tool, it will be possible to form a support heel for piles. This indicates that concrete can be saved. If the well will have a diameter ranging from 50 to 60 cm, it is recommended to use motorized or electric drills. Such a foundation for a 4x6 bathhouse in Samara can be built by a team of specialists, without having to worry about making wells and piles. However, if you do the work yourself, then after drilling it is necessary to make the formwork from roofing material, its shape should be cylindrical, and the diameter should correspond to the size of the well. It is necessary to deepen such a pipe by 30 cm more in comparison with the pit itself. The upper part of this element should be made of several layers of roofing material, after they are pulled together with steel wire, which will serve as one of the parts of the formwork. After the pipe should be carefully installed in the well. Do not be afraid that water will form at the bottom of the well, if its volume exceeds 1/4 of the pit volume, it is recommended to pump out the liquid while the solution is being poured.

Features of the construction of the base

foundation for a 4x6 bath on stilts

If you are independently building the foundation for a 4x6 bath on piles, then it is important to understand how necessary the use of roofing material is. If we exclude such a pipe from the base structure, then the cement milk will seep into the soil, as a result, it will not be possible to achieve the design strength of concrete. Among other things, frosty heaving forces will affect the surface of the piles, which will negatively affect the foundation elements. The pile foundation for the 4x6 bath should be reinforced, for this it is recommended to use vertically arranged bars with a diameter of 6 millimeters. Strengthen them among themselves with the help of crossbars. The need to use the grillage you must determine yourself, it is equipped in the event that the bath will have an impressive weight. At the final stage, it will be necessary to pour concrete, periodically making it tamped. It will be more convenient to carry out such work by the method of layer-by-layer concrete pouring. On this, it can be considered that the pile foundation for the 4x6 bathhouse is made by oneself, after which the structure should be left until the mortar completely solidifies.

Column Brick Foundation

pile foundation for a 4x6 bath

If you decide to build the foundation for a 4x6 bath with your own hands, then a column design can be chosen. At its core, quite often there is a brick. It is necessary to use its clay red variety. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, physical condition, climatic conditions and product quality, the lifespan of such a foundation can be from 50 to 100 years. The most important condition for the construction of this type of foundation is the strength and quality of the masonry. This is due to the fact that the supports can prematurely collapse, causing the deformation of the bath. Without taking into account the cement base and backfill, it is necessary to prepare a pit intended for the installation of poles. Its depth can vary from 0.5 to 1.2 meters. If you make such a foundation for a 4x6 bath, the price of the services of professionals should interest you. Developers charge 1800 rubles for one post for their work. If you intend to do the work yourself, then at the bottom of the prepared hole you need to fill up sand, gravel or crushed stone, forming a layer thickness of 15 cm. A screed is laid on top, which is reinforced with reinforcement. The layer thickness should be up to 20 cm.

In the role of reinforcing cage, you can use steel mesh or reinforcing bars that are connected by a wire so that it is possible to form a lattice. After the laying of the brick is completed, the obtained columns must be treated with bitumen in order to exclude direct contact with the soil. The cavities between the supports and the ground must be covered with gravel or gravel.


As an alternative solution, a strip foundation for a 4x6 bath can be equipped. It is necessary to begin the construction of such a foundation with the preparation of the site from which the upper fertile soil layer is removed. At the next stage, a trench is prepared, the bottom and walls of which are aligned and compacted. Next, a pillow of sand and gravel is poured, and then the reinforcement cage is laid. At the last stage, the formwork should be mounted and the mortar filled. Its surface is carefully leveled, and then watered during the entire stage of building strength, the only way to eliminate the likelihood of cracking on the foundation. In order to extend the drying step, it is necessary to lay a wet burlap on the surface, which from time to time should be wetted with water.


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