Analysis of the work “Chelkash” by M. Gorky

The story "Chelkash" was written in 1894. Gorky heard this story in Nikolaev when he was in the hospital, from a neighbor in the ward. Its publication took place in 1895 in the June issue of the journal Russian Wealth. This article will analyze the work of Chelkash.

analysis of the work


In the port under the hot sun, the loaders laid out their simple and simple food. The thief Grishka Chelkash, well-broken by life, came up to them and found out that his friend and permanent partner, Mishka, had broken his leg. This somewhat puzzled Gregory, because at night there was a lucrative business. He looked around and saw a rustic, stocky guy, broad-shouldered, with blue eyes. He looked innocent. Chelkash quickly met with Gavrila and persuaded him to take part in a night adventure. Acquaintance with the story requires that the analysis of the work “Chelkash” be understood.

Night voyage

At night, Gavril, shaking with fear, sat on the oars, and Chelkash ruled. Finally they swam to the wall. Gregory took the oars, passport and knapsack from his cowardly partner, and then disappeared. Chelkash appeared suddenly, gave his partner something heavy, oars and his belongings. Now we need to return to the harbor, not to fall under the lights of a patrol customs cruiser. Gavrila almost fainted with fear. Chelkash kicked him well, got on the oars, and put Gavrilu behind the wheel. They arrived without incident and quickly fell asleep. In the morning, Gregory woke up first and left. When he returned, he woke Gavril and gave him his share. Knowledge of the action taking place in the story will help to analyze the work “Chelkash”.


When Chelkash was counting the money, he was unpleasantly struck by the greedy gleam in the eyes of the country boy. The peasant begs to give him everything. The hero with disgust for such greed threw money. Gavrila began to collect them and tell that he wanted to kill an accomplice because of them.

Chelkash bitter analysis of the work
Grishka simply went wild, took the money from him and went without looking back. The stone whistled and hit Chelkash’s head. He fell on the sand motionless. The peasant in horror that he had done, ran to bring to life his partner. When Grishka came to his senses, he took himself a hundred, he gave the rest to Gavril. They parted in different directions. Now, having familiarized ourselves with the contents of the story, we can analyze the work “Chelkash”.

Heroes: Chelkash and Gavrila

The spirit of romance and communication with nature permeates all the early works of M. Gorky. Chelkash is free from the laws of society.

Chelkash analysis of the work briefly
He is a thief and a homeless drunkard. Long, bony, stooped, he looks like a steppe hawk. Chelkash’s mood is excellent - there will be earnings at night.

Gavrila - a strong country guy, returns home. He did not make money in the Kuban. He is set up sadly.

Gorky describes in detail the thoughts of each of them before they agree on robbery at night. Chelkash is a proud person, recalls his former life, his wife, his parents. His thoughts skip to the crammed village guy he can help. The protagonist immensely loves the sea. In his element, he feels free, and thoughts about the past there do not bother him. We consider the heroes of the story "Chelkash" (Gorky). An analysis of a work without their characters will not be complete.


Not so Gavril. He is immensely afraid of the sea, the darkness, the possible capture. He is cowardly, greedy. These qualities push him to a direct crime, when in the morning for the first time in his life he saw a lot of money. First, Gavrila falls to his knees in front of Chelkash, asking for money, because he is just a "vile slave."

analysis of the work Chelkash Maxim Gorky
The main character, experiencing disgust, pity and hatred for the petty soul, throws him all the money. Upon learning that Gavrila wanted to kill him, Chelkash becomes furious. He was so angry for the first time. Gregory takes the money and leaves. Gavrila, unable to control greed, seeks to kill an accomplice, but this makes her an insignificant little soul scared. He again begs forgiveness from the protagonist - a man of a wide soul. Chelkash throws money to a miserable Gavril. He staggers forever away. Having examined the main characters, you can analyze the story as a whole.

Analysis of the work “Chelkash” (Maxim Gorky)

First comes a detailed description of the port and its life. Then there are heroes. Gorky emphasizes cold gray eyes and nose, hunchbacked and predatory, and proud free temper. Gavrila is a good-natured guy who believes in God, as it turned out, is ready for anything for the sake of money. At first, it seems that the villain Chelkash is forcing the simple-minded Gavrilou to turn off the direct path to the thieves' path. The sea is an important and significant component of the story. It, like a litmus test, reveals the nature of the heroes.

Chelkash loves his strength, power, boundlessness and freedom. Gavril fears him, prays and asks Gregory to let him go. The peasant becomes especially scared when spotlights illuminate the sea. He takes the light of the ship for a symbol of retribution and gives himself a promise to order a prayer service to Nicholas the Wonderworker. In the morning, a drama is played out due to the greed that gripped Gavril. It seemed to him that Chelkash had given him little money. He is on the verge of murder, and no thoughts about God bother him. Wounded by them Chelkash with disgust gives almost all the money that Gabriel quickly hides. All traces of blood are washed away by rain. Water cannot wash away the dirt from the soul of a fearing God, Gabriel. Gorky tells how a peasant loses his human image, how low a creature who considers himself a man falls when it comes to profit. The story is built on the principles of antithesis. This ends Chelkash. The analysis of the work is briefly completed.


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