Asbestos-cement boards: types, characteristics, applications

Asbestos cement is a material with excellent technical characteristics. Many types of products are produced from it, having a wide scope. Among them, asbestos-cement slabs are popular.

asbestos cement slabs

Types of asbestos-cement products

Modern industry produces several types of products, the main material of which is asbestos cement. They differ in size, shape, type of finish, manufacturing methods, purpose. Asbestos-cement products include:

  • slabs;
  • sheets;
  • panels;
  • pipes;
  • shaped parts.

Plates are mainly used for facade cladding and coating. They are one-, two-, three-layer, insulated with mineral wool and coated with polyester asbestoplasty, gray and colored. Each species has its own purpose.

Asbestos cement sheets are used as roofing, exterior cladding of buildings, ceilings and floors. They are produced in two configurations: flat, wavy. The former are pressed and unpressed, with a smooth or cramped surface. The latter have an ordinary or reinforced profile, as well as different wavelengths and heights.

Wall asbestos-cement panels are made of two sheets, between which there is a semi-rigid or rigid insulation. They are frame and frameless. They are used as cladding, as well as for the construction of internal partitions of industrial and commercial buildings.

Asbestos-cement pipes have a wide range of applications: gas, water, oil pipelines, ventilation systems, sewers, drainage, garbage chutes, etc. They are common and with polymer coatings. They are divided into ventilation, pressure, non-pressure.

asbestos-cement coating slabs

Properties of asbestos cement products

Asbestos-cement products are made from such basic materials as Portland cement (80-90%) and chrysotile asbestos (10-20%). In addition, various dyes, enamels, varnishes, resins, polymer coatings are used in the manufacture. Technical characteristics of asbestos-cement products are determined by such main factors:

  • brand, degree of fluffing, location of asbestos fibers;
  • cement quality;
  • the degree of compaction of the mass;
  • conditions and duration of hardening;
  • quantitative ratio of cement and asbestos.

The positive qualities of this material include its frost resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance, fire safety, good thermal conductivity and electrical insulation. Asbestos cement is resistant to bending, tearing, and compression, but it can easily be drilled, sawed, sanded. Over time, the mechanical strength of the material increases. The disadvantage of such products is their low resistance to shock and warping.

asbestos cement slabs aceid

Read more about asbestos cement slabs

Asbestos-cement slabs, the price of which depends on many factors and varies from 400 to 1000 rubles per m 2 , have all of the above technical characteristics

. The disadvantage of this material is its rather high cost, which nevertheless pays off with its many positive qualities. Plates are used for:

  • roofing;
  • Facade cladding
  • cladding of commercial buildings;
  • manufacturing window sills, partitions, formwork;
  • erection of household buildings.

Scope of application depends on the variety of this product. Their assortment consists of several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

Facade slabs

Asbestos-cement facade slabs are used for the installation of ventilated cladding, both new buildings and long-erected buildings. Work is carried out very quickly, they can be carried out at any time of the year. Main advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • durability;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • A large assortment of colors and textures.

Asbestos-cement slabs for facades are of two types: painted, covered with stone chips. The first have a smooth surface. Top they are coated with dyes that are resistant to climatic factors. The second option is asbestos-cement slabs with a rough stone surface. The crumb from natural minerals is held on the base and creates a waterproof layer thanks to the epoxy resin that is part of the coating.

asbestos-cement facade slabs

Roofing asbestos-cement products

Plates that are used for roofing buildings are made from Portland cement, a small amount of liquid and asbestos, the fibers of which serve as a strong reinforcing mesh. Depending on the manufacturing method, this material is pressed and non-pressed. Available in the form of rectangular sheets of various sizes.

Asbestos-cement coating slabs are in demand due to their positive characteristics: strength, durability, fire safety, resistance to weathering. They provide good noise and waterproofing, protect against ultraviolet radiation. In addition, this eco-friendly material is relatively inexpensive.

Despite the rather heavy weight of roofing plates, they are easily mounted. At the same time, do not forget about security measures. Cutting plates is performed only in the mask. Acrylic is applied to the cut line. The same dye with a spray gun covers the entire asbestos-cement roof. Seams are sealed with sealant. This extends the life of the plates.

asbestos cement slabs Price

ACEID plates

ACEID slabs are a unique building material that has such basic properties:

  • does not pass water;
  • does not conduct electric current.

The name stands for "asbestos-cement electrical and arc-resistant." Such asbestos-cement boards are made from compressed raw materials. They have high resistance to mechanical stress. There are such brands of plates, depending on the bending strength: ACEID 500, 450, 400, 350. The material is made in several sizes: 300 x 120 cm, 300 x 150 cm, 120 x 100 cm, 150 x 100 cm. Its thickness can be from 0.6 to 4 cm.

The material has a wide range of applications: electric panels, induction furnaces, arc chambers, electric machines, electric furnaces, ceilings and insulation of cable channels. Often, asbestos-cement slabs of Aceid are used in construction. Their main advantages: mechanical strength, anticorrosion, low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture, chemicals, high temperatures and pressure.


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