Targaryen: motto, coat of arms, family tree

The Targaryen, whose motto is on everyone’s lips, were powerful rulers in Valiria. In the article we will consider part of the J. Martin Universe, which was successfully embodied in a television series. Let's talk about all the details and subtleties of a powerful kind, the history of its origin. So let’s plunge into the “Game of Thrones” universe!

History of the Targaryen

Targaryen motto

The story begins with the family living in Valiria. There she was a fairly famous and noble family, its representatives were among the most influential and wealthy people. Having dragons, men claimed power. Despite the fact that the clan was quite strong, there were still families and more powerful ones. Deinis the dreamer saw a prophecy according to which the fall of the empire was expected. She managed to persuade her father to leave Valiria and go to Dragon Stone - a dark fortress in the Narrow Sea. In Valiriya, such an act was considered an acknowledgment of their weakness.

They ruled on the Dragon Stone for about a hundred years. This period was nicknamed the "Bloody Age." Together with two other families, the Targaryens controlled the Black Sea Gulf and forced to pay huge fees.

Most of the time, rulers were concerned only with enrichment and they rejected proposals for joining forces against free cities. The powers that be were directing their eyes to the east. King Eyegon was the first to think about the possibility of picking up the Sunset Kingdoms. Thinking about this, he issued a decree according to which the masters had to create a large round table on which all important geographical objects would be applied. Perhaps the desire to conquer new territories, inherent in Eyegon and his sisters, was due to the fact that in their youth they visited the Citadel (Old Town), took part in the hunt for Arbor. All this instilled in them a military spirit, a desire for accomplishment and subjugation, which later turned into a real aggressive policy.

When the conqueror was ripe for serious decisions, Volantis offered him a deal. It was necessary to unite together in order to conquer the free cities and thus subjugate to themselves what was left of the once great Valiria. However, the king did not accept this proposal, and Volantis decided to act in his own way.


Targaryen tree

The reign of the Targaryen was violated by Volantis, who invaded foreign territories. Aegon joined the Storm King. After the defeat of Volantis, the ruler Eyegon decided to conquer Westeros with his wives. Starting the attack, the three of them landed in a place that would later become known as the Royal Harbor - the capital of all Seven Kingdoms. Vasteras succumbed, and soon the Targaryens seized power. It took my brother and sisters about two years. The Targaryen motto described very well what they were doing - only flame and blood were really visible. At the same time, the sisters wisely used diplomacy to attract new allies.

After Eyegon, his son Einis ruled, during the reign of which the rebellion of the Holy Army began. Einis's younger brother, Major, brutally crushed him and ascended the throne. Only Jaheyris I, the son of Ainis, was able to completely complete the civil war. His reign marked an era of prosperity.

Dorn Conquest

Subsequently, the grandson of Jaheyris Viseris sat on the throne, who ruled calmly and peacefully. The split occurred when his daughter Rainira and son Ayegon entered the power struggle. A bloody war broke out, ordinary people and members of the Targaryen family died. Rainier defeated, and the throne passed to her son Aegon, during whose reign all the dragons died.

Eyegon’s son, Deiron, sat early on the throne and immediately decided to conquer Dorn. He succeeded, but could not keep a large state under his power. Dorn regained its independence for 100 years. Eyegon's son, Baylor, became the ruler. His reign was no different. After him, power passed to Viseris, but he was destined to rule only one year. The new king was his son Ayegon.

The latter had many children and bastards. He officially recognized all illegitimate children before his death. One of them, Damon Blackfire, rebelled against his brother Deiron. However, the riot failed.

After Deiron, his son Ayeris ascended the throne. He did not leave heirs. Therefore, power passed to another son of Deiron, Reigel, who died with his offspring. As a result, the crown was in the hands of the fourth son of Deiron Meyekar. He was severe and fair, left rich offspring. Power passed into the hands of his son Ayegon, who burned down during a fire. The new ruler was his son Jaeheiris II.

reign of the Targaryen

Crazy king

The son of Jayheiris Ayeris became known as the Mad King. He became more aggressive and suspicious with age. At the tournament in Harrenhol, the king’s son kidnapped Lady Lianna Stark and locked her in a tower. The girl’s brother Brandon Stark rushed to defend his sister, but the King demanded to kill all the Starks. Later, he tried to persuade John Arren to extradite the last Stark - Eddard and Robert Baratheon. Arren rebelled and a civil war broke out called the Baratheon Rebellion.

Almost all Targaryens were exterminated, the Mad King escaped. People who remember and love their king hid his children - Daenerys and Viseris. It is about how the daughter of a crazy ruler regains power, is discussed in the series "Game of Thrones."


pedigree of the Targaryen

The emblem of the Targaryen is depicted in the form of dragons with three heads on a black background. It was invented by Eyegon at the very beginning in order to gain the trust of the knights and lords of Westeros, since the Valyrians never had emblems. It is not in vain that the dragon has three heads, they symbolize Eyegon, Reinis and Vysenyi - Targaryenov, with whom the conquest of the Seven Kingdoms began.

The residence of the family of rulers was in the Red Castle. The emblem of the Targaryen was one for all, but among the heirs of the Iron Throne, the residence was located in Dragon Stone.

Rod owned two swords made of Valyrian steel, which were called the Dark Arrow and the Black Flame. At the moment, they are considered lost. Two branches split off from the clan, which became independent families - these are Blackfires and Baratheons. Thus, we understand that the Targaryen pedigree is not as pure as they originally wished. It is known that it was customary to marry only their blood relatives in order to maintain blood purity. However, when there were not enough free women and men, they had to marry other families.

The genealogy of the Targarienov did not change even after they rejected the Valyrian gods and began to bow to the Seven. All the same, they advocated pure blood. Moreover, family men often had many wives, despite the fact that faith forbade it. This situation partially provoked the uprising of the Holy Army that we already knew. The Targaryen family tree was rich in bastards due to the fact that the rulers often found themselves lovers from the common people, and also enjoyed the right of the first night.

The family has an interesting custom. They never buried dead relatives, they were only cremated.


As for appearance, the Targaryen clan was distinguished by blond hair. This was very typical of the Valyrians. The eyes of representatives of the genus could have various shades of purple. Bastards did not always have these distinguishing features. Many children with dark hair were born after they began to marry the Dornish Martell family.


From the very beginning of his reign, the clan was known for the dragons obeying him. Moreover, over time, everyone began to think that the blood of dragons also flows in the family. Before Eiyenar moved to Dragon Stone, the number of these mythical creatures was unknown, but five remained after moving. At the same time, only one dragon, named Ballerion, survived until the capture of Westeros. All family members were excellent riders. When a new baby appeared, a dragon egg was put into his cradle. Not always all members of the clan had their own dragons, sometimes they had to curb a creature that belonged to someone earlier. For the maintenance of huge creatures, the rulers built the Dragon's Lair.

Before the Dragon Dance, the family owned about twenty individuals, but almost all of them died when the bloody war for power began. When Ayegon ascended the throne, he had only two dragons left - Morning and Silverwing. Both of them died before the end of the reign of the ruler. For this, Eyegon was nicknamed Dragonbane. A little later a weak and painful female was born, who soon died.

During the reign of Daenerys, three dragons appeared from eggs, which seemed lifeless for more than a hundred years. Their names were Viserion, Reigal and Drogon. They were so large that the girl could even fly at them.


coat of arms of the targaryen

The Targaryen tree was quite powerful. They could control dragons, which no one else could do. That is why people believed that family representatives also have dragon blood. Some members of the clan managed to almost completely subjugate the will of the animal. Despite this, brave men more often perished in attempts to conquer dragons than they achieved the desired goal. Sometimes creatures could show unreasonable aggression. Such a case really was. Reinaru Targaryen tore to shreds and ate a dragon nicknamed the Solar Fire.

In the series "Game of Thrones" there is a scene where Daenerys passes through the fire and remains alive. Because of this, many mistakenly think that all members of the family are not subject to fire, but this is not so. Many of them died just from the fire. By the way, when Brother Deineyris Viserys died from being doused with molten gold, his sister thought that he was not a real dragon. Even Daenerys herself suffered burns many times during battles, for example, during the battle with Drogon, which took place in the Daznak arena.

When the bloody war began, called the Dance of the Dragons, many of the kind died from fire and flame. Part of the family died when there was a fire in the Summer Castle. Eirion died simply because of his own free will decided to try wild fire. George Martin, author of the Song of Ice and Fire, about the Targaryen, said that they were not burning. The case with Daenerys is an exception to the rule, a magical and magical incident, which had no analogues.

There was also a misconception that allegedly no kind of illnesses took the genus, but a detailed study of the history of the family turns out that this is not so. The epidemic killed several people from the family, which included the then current ruler Deiron. Smallpox was also common among government officials.

As for magical abilities, the women of the clan saw prophetic dreams, which almost always came true. The visions of the well-known Deinis Dreamers, who turned the history of the clan in the other direction, are recorded in the lost book "Signs and omens." It is believed that the ruler Deiron, who was the son of Meykar and brother Amon, could also see prophetic dreams. Because the gift of the gods frightened him, the man often drank. In part, this magical ability was inherited by the Blackfire family.

The motto "Flames and Blood"

fire and blood

The motto was coined in ancient times. He became a symbol of the rule of the dynasty. In English, the Targaryen motto sounds especially solemn. So that the reader does not look for a translation of these beautiful words, we will provide it here. In English, the motto sounds like Fire and blood. These beautiful and terrible words mean the very essence of the race. The Targaryen motto fully embodied their power. On the one hand, power, dragons and fire, and on the other hand - a sea of ​​blood, the killing of relatives and a fierce struggle for power.

An interesting feature is that the Targaryen tree always had some crazy representatives, and in the literal sense. Many family members secretly or apparently had mental disabilities. This is especially pronounced in the book. The Targaryen motto seems to imply that for the power they have given, they will have to pay with blood. I must say that the tendency to insanity was manifested not in units, but in most family members. Someone noticed deviations in early childhood, and someone went crazy only with age and under the influence of certain circumstances.

Barristan Selmi, who told Daenerys Neopalimoy about who her father was, repeatedly emphasized that he had deviations from his youth. Then the young, bright and charming king all said goodbye, but with the age of strangeness they began to acquire a more cruel and unrestrained character. Barristan admitted to the girl that he was looking for some signs of insanity in her, but did not find any manifestations of "bad blood" in her.

The book says that Daenerys herself, too, began to be afraid with age, that she might experience manifestations of insanity. Most of all she was alarmed by the prophecies. Rumors that the girl may be insane, went among her enemies.


targaryen song of ice and fire

Gaimon, who was the brother and husband of Deinis S dreamer, became the heir to Eienar the Exile. His children - Elaine and Aegon - ruled gloriously. After the throne passed to their descendants - Meigon and Ayeris. The Dragon Stone was then ruled by the sons of Ayeris - Damon, Beylon and Eiyelik. The last ruler was Damon, who was the father of Ayerion, the new ruler. The young guy married a woman from the Velarion family. Their only son was Aegon the Conqueror. He, in turn, married both of his sisters - Reinis and Hanging. As you know, they became conquerors of the world. Thus, the Targaryen tree began to grow even more in all kingdoms.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23058/

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