Personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation. Management reserve under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation

It is already established that the main actions in all systems are performed by certain elements that work in them for a long time. But what if they cannot fulfill their functions? In such cases, a reserve comes to the rescue. These are pre-prepared elements of the system that can fulfill all the necessary duties. It is in this vein that the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation will be considered.

general information

personnel reserve of the president of the russian federation
The official resources of the authorities of the Russian Federation publish lists of personnel reserves of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation at various levels. In this way, trained people are prepared and the continuity of development policies is ensured. This is done to ensure a stable evolution of the state. People from this list hold high government posts if they are released. Thanks to this, there is no need to waste time searching for the appropriate candidate.

As a random example, Mikhail Sheremet can be cited. This person was originally a figure in the territory of modern Ukraine. But when in 2014 the Russian Federation proclaimed the Autonomous Crimean Republic as its territory, he joined the special forces that carried out the coup. For a significant contribution, he was included in the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation. And we will begin our discussion of our topic, perhaps, with the most interesting and exciting question.

How to get into the personnel reserve of the president of the Russian Federation?

The cleverest, perhaps, have already guessed. To do this, it is necessary to be socially active and take part in important events organized by state authorities. It is enough to simply study the biographies of people who are already included in the reserve of managerial personnel. Over time, you may get the impression that they are written with a carbon copy. So, for people who were included in the reserve, a certain level of public fame is common, voicing opinions for a wide range of citizens.

And youth, arrogance and activity can increase the chances of getting into this list. Of course, the mere presence of it gives nothing but potential prospects. But becoming a governor from a reservist is quite possible. True, for this it is very desirable to be active in the subject that is being targeted. And to work, because listing is the provision of a large credit of trust.

Who are those people?

managerial reserve
Many representatives of the reserve are known to one degree or another. Among them you can meet a large number of current deputies of various levels. If a person generates a large number of initiatives, then he gradually focuses on himself the attention of experts who form the “golden list”, as he is also called - the “personnel reserve of the president of the Russian Federation”.

It should be understood that it is necessary to have a significant level of perseverance and perseverance. Suppose that someone did not cope with the problems and resigned. In this case, the reservist without preparation and time to deploy will have to act in difficult conditions. And not everyone can bear it. It is necessary to have extensive knowledge, perseverance, the ability to quickly find a common language with people and hard work.

One more example

Let's look at a man like Terenty Meshcheryakov. Although he established himself as a rather extravagant subject, he also secured a support base. Moreover, not only experts who form the reserve have good opinions about him, but also local managers. So, there was a case when Governor Valentina Matvienko visited a family in which triplets were born. At the same time, local residents noted a high standard of living and merit directly to Terenty Meshcheryakov. She even joked about it (and maybe not) that she was ready for a replacement.

When was it created?

personnel reserve of the state civil service
Perhaps this should have been placed at the very beginning of the article, but, on the other hand, it is necessary to have an initial idea of ​​what constitutes the personnel reserve of the state civil service. The foundation was laid by President Dmitry Medvedev in 2008. It was then that he signed a decree on the formation of a reserve of managerial personnel. It was envisaged that the individuals on the list in the future could apply for a number of high posts, among which - the governorship.

A special commission, led by the head of the presidential administration and deputy prime minister, compiles a list of reservists. Formally, it was noted that for the introduction it is necessary to have intellectual, creative and managerial qualities. The list includes both current government employees and entrepreneurs, as well as employees of scientific and educational institutions. Officially, party affiliation does not affect the chances of being included in it. Although some people still argue that if you are a representative of the United Russia party, then the chances will increase many times over.


presidential reserve
Before the New Year, the updated composition of the presidential reserve is always posted on official websites. A quick inspection and comparison of several lists may give the impression that they are simply copied. But this is not so. Of course, there are a lot of coincidences, but if you carefully examine the list, then numerous changes will be noticeable. So, some people are already in the power structure.

Others are still waiting for the personnel lift to take them upstairs. And some are not the first year, while others are new here. And what awaits them is difficult to predict. You can consider another example, when the inclusion in the "golden list" had a positive effect on the advancement of a person. In 2015, the head of the Obninsk administration was someone Alexander Avdeev. But in 2016 he already met as vice-governor of the Kaluga region. And given the fact that he is still listed in the reserve, it is likely that his path is not over.

How does the presidential reserve system work?

Through this tool, people are moved to perform duties in situations that are most consistent with their abilities. So, for example, a person can be redirected from the executive to the legislative branch of power and vice versa. In addition, experienced managers are also sent to manage state-owned companies or private enterprises, where the interests of the Russian Federation are represented. This topic can be attributed to Russian Railways.

Few people can disagree with the fact that in this direction a real disaster. But recently, Yakunin was removed, and, possibly, the reservist who has taken over his powers will be able to correct the existing situation. In general, the management reserve is now well staffed, and if necessary, it will be able to come to the fore. Depending on the level of activity, the state has hundreds or even thousands of people who can be attracted to high positions to solve existing problems.

Management Association

list of personnel reserve of the president of the russian federation
Many people want to be on the list of the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation, because, in fact, this opens the door to a closed club, where you can get many useful connections. So, for example, after the accession of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, a logical continuation of the integration of this territory was the inclusion of representatives of local activists. The first two people were Alexei Eremeev and the previously mentioned Mikhail Sheremet.

Who can contribute to the "golden list"?

First of all, attention should be paid to officials of the presidential administration, members of the government, heads of federal state bodies and senior officials of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This process can also be facilitated by a person who wants to be on the "golden list". To do this, you need to know the selection methodology.

Nowadays, various personnel technologies are used, which have proven themselves from the excellent side. For starters, you can pay attention to all aspects of personal-professional diagnostics. It determines the level of development of resources and the potential of candidates, as well as formulates recommendations for a possible official appointment. The presence of positive managerial experience will only increase the chances of getting into the "golden list".

About structure

The personnel reserve of the state civil service of the federal scale consists of three levels:

  1. Higher. This includes people who are selected in order to provide personnel with senior staff at the federal and regional levels of state bodies, as well as organizations and corporations operating throughout the Russian Federation;
  2. Base. Potential candidates are recruited to this level to ensure the middle management level of the above entities;
  3. Perspective. This includes government civil servants, employees of organizations and corporations who are under the age of 35.

As of July 12, 2017, the presidential reserve totaled 1,959. Of these, 389 were at the highest level, 700 at the basic level, and 870 at the promising level.

Regional reserve

how to get into the personnel reserve of the president of the russian federation
Here, in the reserve of his time at the beginning of January 2017, there were 9262 people. A number of persons who are in it receive significant promotions and successfully make a career. And if after success they are still on the "golden list", then it is likely that this is not the end. So, people whose names are in the presidential reserve become deputy governors, head subjects, and are members of the new State Duma. This is a very good social elevator for promotion in society. Although there are many who wish, but not very many posts. So you should prepare for competition. And the more attractive the position, the more people will want to occupy it. And let the best win.

Criticism of ideas

It should be noted that the very idea of ​​creating a reserve of highly qualified managerial personnel is commendable and deserves support. But, as it happened, there are certain claims to implementation. So, quite often there is criticism that people who have been caught on significant violations do not leave this prestigious list.

The public knows a little less than ten such cases. Of course, given the size of the reserve, it’s quite difficult to keep track of all, even though 150 experts select candidates. Moreover, in the total mass they are miserable tenths of a percent. You could even say that the reserve formation policy is quite successful. Although, of course, I would like even such minor omissions not to exist.

And how to get a person without connections?

presidential reserve system
Earlier it was reported that in order to become a reservist, you should have the recommendations of a circle of people from whom it is very difficult to get them. Does this mean that for the average citizen it is on the verge of reality? Not. As they say, if you really want to, you can fly into space. One desire will not be enough, but many actions will greatly simplify the promotion. Where can I start? First you need to be socially active. As a more or less structured approach, you can enter the educational structure with the government of interest in the direction of public administration.

And not just to waste the allotted time, but to study well and - just as importantly - to get in touch. You should constantly improve and be prepared, because when the chance comes, it will be necessary to seize it. Otherwise, the second is still unknown when it will turn up. You should not expect this to be a quick ascent. You have to work hard for years or even decades. To better understand, look at any governor or his apparatus. To get there, people purposefully work for at least a decade (or even several). To do this, you have to develop your skills, improve eloquence and the ability to persuade.


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