Three great truths that proverbs and sayings about nature reveal to us

The beauty of Russian nature has always surprised other nations. And what's so strange, because we have dense forests and a wild and original beast. Where else do you see this? Especially now, when the technogenic world absorbs everything around, even that which needs to be protected more than the apple of an eye. After all, as they say: "The earth is like a plate: what you put is what you eat."

But unfortunately, not many people remember this wisdom. And all because proverbs and sayings about nature began to disappear from our speech. Ultimately, this can play a trick on us all. After all, it was they who for many centuries taught us three great truths.

sayings about nature

The first truth: love nature, because she is the mother of all living things

What do ancient proverbs and sayings teach us? Man and nature are one, and this is the great truth of the universe. After all, if there is no mother land, then humanity will quickly come to an end. Where then will it raise food, take water and graze cattle?

That is why many Slavic sages taught that we need to love the world around us, and then he will reciprocate. And this attitude was traced in everything that they did. Even to go through the forest, they sometimes asked permission from the spirits of nature.

And even though many now do not believe that otherworldly forces exist, the essence remains the same: a person needs to learn to love nature.

The second truth: be able to see the world and draw the right conclusions

Many sayings about nature teach how to perceive the signs that the world shows us. After all, he only at first glance looks silent, but in fact he constantly sends us his messages. However, you need to be able to distinguish between them, and for this you need to know proverbs and sayings about nature. For instance:

  • A gray morning is a red day.
  • The sky before the storm is black cloth.
  • Low swallow flies, it will rain soon.
  • The first snow is like swan fluff.
  • Water flowed from the mountain, brought spring with it.

sayings man and nature

And although proverbs about nature are somewhat similar to signs, their main task is not to show a person a direct connection between cause and effect. No, they are, first of all, aimed at teaching him to look at the world around him correctly and to see in him a wise interlocutor.

Truth Three: Enjoy the Beauty of the World

Now people are so mired in their affairs and concerns that they completely forgot about the beauty that surrounds them. But it’s enough just to stop for a minute and look around. And then you will see unprecedented landscapes that you will not see even in the best art galleries.

And sayings about nature constantly remind about this, just people will not understand this in any way. Let's hope that soon this will change, because the great Spinoza said: "There is nothing in nature that could be attributed to its shortcomings."


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