How to choose a pump for the fountain?

When choosing a pump for a fountain, it is important to consider many aspects, from the dimensions of the water tank itself to the immediate place where it is installed. The type or type of pump plays a large role in the selection. The quality and type of flowing water in the fountain directly depends on this.

Why do we need a pump?

Amazing decoration on the site

A small body of water or constantly flowing water in a fountain can become a unique and beautiful decoration or addition to an existing landscape on the territory. It can be a recreation area or vice versa the entrance to the site. In order for the water to circulate in the fountain or pond, a pump is constantly needed.

The pump for the garden fountain can be installed both under water and in the dry part of the territory, depending on the type of installation selected. It is this device that provides a vicious circle of water circulation.

Types of fountains

Tiered fountain

In order to choose the optimal model of the device that will be responsible for the circulation of water, it is worth deciding on the type of waterfall or fountain. It is important that the water flow is small, but the outlet pressure is high.

So, all artificial waterfalls can be divided into the following types:

  • geyser (looks good in open space) - in this form, the height of water rise depends on the capacity of the selected pump for the fountain (a device with a capacity of 6 thousand liters / hour will raise the liquid to a height of 1 m, if 2 thousand liters / hour - then the height will be only 20 cm);
  • a bell (looks good in a small container with water) - with a pump capacity of 900 l / h - the water height will be 30 cm, in a device with a capacity of 8 thousand l / h - 3 m;
  • individual trickles (an excellent solution for creating a dynamic effect) - with a pump capacity of 1000 l / h - the water height will be 60 cm, in a device with a capacity of 6 thousand l / h - 2.5 m;
  • a spray is an inexpensive installation that looks good in any fountain, regardless of its size, the flow of water depends directly on the pressure of the liquid in the water supply.

When choosing a pump for a fountain at the cottage, it is worth considering not only the installation itself and the water tank, but also the diameter and length of the pipeline through which water will flow. In order for the waterfall to look organically and beautifully, pipes (metal, rubber or metal-plastic) should be laid with a diameter of more than 1 inch.

Submersible options

A variety of devices for supplying and circulating water in the fountain are submersible pump options. They are installed at the bottom of an artificial reservoir, most often on a brick or concrete foundation.

Since during the operation of the submersible pump for the fountain, sludge can accumulate on it or dirt settles, it is worthwhile to think in advance of a system for protecting it from pollution. It can be a mesh in the form of a filter, which will prevent the ingress of contaminants directly to the installation.



  • the pump is completely immersed in water, which does not interfere with the surface to recreate any environment;
  • the size of the pump is small and light;
  • lack of noise during operation;
  • safety (the whole structure is hidden in a special box).
  • the pump can only be installed on a flat bottom (otherwise the valve or filter will periodically become clogged with sludge and dirt);
  • water quality should be high;
  • repair in case of breakage is carried out only when immersed in water or when the water is completely drained from the tank.

Submersible pumps operate from the mains, therefore, observing safety rules, all components must be grounded. It is important when installing such a pump to take into account the temperature regime of water, which is indicated in the instructions. All this directly affects the quality and duration of its work.

Surface pumps

One of the varieties of pumps for a small fountain or shallow pond is a surface unit for circulating water. The surface pump is installed in close proximity to the water tank. Such a device is chosen less often for the arrangement of the local area, but it is great for creating a waterfall with several levels.



  • ease and accessibility of the device in case of breakdown;
  • the height of the water rise is changed using the handle or turning the faucet on the structure;
  • the pump withstands temperature extremes and does not need to be dismantled in the winter;
  • safety (there is no need to protect wires from water).
  • the engine makes a little noise during operation;
  • you need to protect the pump from rain;
  • additional disguise is needed (stones, plants or box) so as not to stand out against the general background;
  • the filter screen requires regular cleaning.

Decorative fountain pump

Waterfall - decoration design area

These can be hydraulic systems of only one specific type. Most often immersion options are chosen. They do not violate the overall design, because they are not visible and, depending on the type of water supply, can translate into reality any idea of โ€‹โ€‹the architect.

Pumps for a decorative fountain are most often with a centrifugal effect of water supply, vortex, screw or vibration. But to create a truly unique creation, you should use the services of specialists to get the most beautiful effect.

Technical parameters of pumps

Power Depends on Water Tank

Directly on the technical parameters of the fountain pump, its functionality and quality of work depend. Usually this:

  1. Productivity, that is, how much water is capable of pumping the device for a certain period of time. This characteristic also includes the height at which the water flow is able to rise. On average, in order to raise water by 100 cm, 2 thousand liters / hour will be required. It is important to choose a device in which you can adjust the water supply if necessary.
  2. Power. The greater the power of the installation, the larger the device in size. The pump for a mini-fountain or a decorative small water tank will be minimal in size.
  3. Nozzles and mounts. They should be suitable in all respects. It is advisable to buy a pump already with "native" nozzles for a high-quality connection to the water supply system.
  4. Nozzles. To create a truly unique flow of water on the surface, you can choose from a large number of nozzles that go to each pump, a suitable model or feel free to experiment.

Overview of pump models from leading manufacturers

It is important to choose the right sizes

Today, there are many different manufacturers of pumps for fountains and ponds. Among the most popular companies on the market are the following:

  • Pondtech (USA) - the units of this company are characterized by high performance regardless of the size of the pump for the fountain, and for decorative ponds there are also options with backlighting.
  • Messner (Germany) - energy-saving pumps with a wide power range. They are additionally protected from overheating by a reinforced bearing, which ensures a long service life of such units.
  • OASE (Germany) - pumps of various price categories, from expensive to budget models. Additional options go to all pumps - automatic control, auxiliary filters, protection against low temperatures, individual adjustment of water.

Among the models that are distinguished by quality and are popular among consumers, Promax 20,000 pump of German production is especially distinguished, which is characterized by efficiency, safety and silent operation.

The German Aquamax 2000 pump has a unique rotor design and a long service life. In addition to these models, you can choose more budget options for domestic production.

What to look for when choosing?

Decor Features

In order for a waterfall or fountain to look good on the site, it is important not only to improve the territory, but also to choose the right fountain.

The pump for the home fountain should be selected based on the following factors:

  1. Technical characteristics of the installation, as well as the nozzles that go to this device (the pictures in the instructions should show how the circulation and discharge of water will occur).
  2. The length of the wire (wires and hoses that go from the pump to it must be long).
  3. The filter and protective housing must be made of high-quality materials (the productโ€™s service life and the frequency of its cleaning directly depend on this indicator).
  4. Tee (needed in the case when in the future it is supposed to install a decorative figure to block the surface pump itself).

It is worth choosing the pump and the height of the jet, depending on the dimensions of the water tank itself. So, if the capacity is small (3x4 m), then the optimal height of the water flow should be no more than 1.5 m. If you do more, then the area near the fountain will be filled with water.

In addition, the hydraulic unit should not make much noise, it is worth checking how much time it can work without turning off and how much energy it consumes. In view of electrical safety, it is necessary to choose low-voltage devices, of which there are many on the market.

If you wish, you can always add a fountain or waterfall with a unique highlight or musical accompaniment.

Fountain and cascade installation: features of the choice of pump

Most often, users choose a pump for the fountain at the cottage, which converts the water flow into a cascade. Which, by the way, looks very beautiful. But this can only be ensured by a correctly selected hydraulic device.

When choosing a pump type of a cascade type, the most attention should be paid to the power of the water pressure and performance. It is also important how many and what variety of nozzles are included with the pump.

Due to the economy, you can choose a multi-purpose pump, but not a submersible pump. It all depends on the quality of the water in the tank. If there are many small particles in the form of stones or dirt, it is better to choose the surface option. But it is also worth remembering that such species are subject to temperature differences, so in winter they should be removed and brought into a warm room.

Attention should also be paid to the hose, its length and diameter. The pressure of water and its pressure directly depend on this. So in order for the water flow to be from 50 l, the hose should be 4-inch.

Selection and installation of the device yourself

Nozzles for the pump

It is possible to arrange such a beautiful element as a fountain in a personal plot or cottage on your own. To do this, it is worth deciding on the place where it will be located, and pick up suitable elements.

The pump for the desktop fountain is selected small, since the water tank itself is small. For larger tanks, the pump must be suitable. All this is indicated in the technical specifications for the device. It is important to choose a hose for the pump and the corresponding diameter, because the quality of the water pressure also depends on its size.

To connect the submersible pump, the cable must be double insulated and the entire installation requires grounding. Surface options are installed close to the artificial pond, but should be located in a box that will protect from rain in the form of rain.

To use the pump for both the fountain and the waterfall, you can install a tee on the pipeline. At the end, a filter and a check valve are required.

Operational Features

In order for the entire installation in the form of a fountain or waterfall to last for a long time, it is worth knowing the rules of operation. Basically, they include the following:

  1. Regularly clean the protective net, nozzle, pump and its nozzles from contamination.
  2. In the cold season, the fountain is de-energized, removed and moved to a warm room.
  3. Any technique needs a break, so the pump must be turned off periodically.
  4. The submersible pump must be located on a special stand, otherwise it will become clogged with debris.
  5. The hydraulic pump should only work if there is water in the tank.


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