Safety rules on the plane for children and adults. Compliance Marks

Airplanes are the safest transport in the world. This has long been confirmed by extras, who argue that in accidents over the earth, far fewer people die than on the same roads. It is clear that the integrity and safety of passengers on board is a priority for airlines. Therefore, the safety rules on the plane were invented, following which you will not spoil the statistics and do not overshadow the journey for yourself and your fellow travelers.

Before the flight

Safety rules on the ship and on the plane, in the car and train are mandatory. After all, often not only your health, but also life depends on them. Therefore, when going on vacation, be sure to read the set of instructions and develop a behavior plan in accordance with the necessary recommendations. Especially if your trip involves a flight, where the rules are especially strict, while there are a lot of them.

safety rules in an airplane
It starts at the airport. You will not be allowed to board if you are intoxicated. Therefore, refrain from drinking alcohol, even from beer and light cocktails. If the airfield is not equipped with modern terminals, then special ramps to the landing gear are fed to the aircraft. Between it and the fuselage there are gaps into which the lower limb may fall. Therefore, rising or going down, carefully look at your feet. Pay attention to the signs: safety rules on the ship and aircraft are shown in the corresponding figures in the passenger compartment.


You should talk about it separately. Remember that explosive and flammable objects must not be carried aboard. This axiom extends to cold steel and firearms, ammunition and bullets, acids and mercury. You can familiarize yourself with the full list of prohibited things by buying a ticket: everything is described in detail on its back side.

Safety rules in an airplane also include the transportation of hand luggage, while its weight should not exceed 5 kg. If an emergency occurs , huge bags should not prevent passengers from going to emergency exits. By the way, it is allowed to carry securities and documents, a book or newspapers for reading on the road, a handbag, coat or cloak, baby food and a cradle for the baby. Remember that before take-off you will receive detailed instructions from the stewardess on how to behave during the flight. Listen carefully. Do not hesitate to clarify the information if you do not understand the first time.

Take off and landing

Once in the chair, inspect the cabin again: there may be signs of observing safety rules on the plane, which you will also be familiar with. You should know that takeoff and landing are the most dangerous parts of a flight. Before the liner rises under the clouds or, on the contrary, prepares for landing, turn off portable electronics: mobile phones, tablets, laptops, toys with remote control, GPS devices and so on. They create additional electromagnetic waves that can interfere with navigation instruments. You can use gadgets only during the flight itself.

safety rules for ship and airplane
Raise the seatbacks to a vertical position: in the event of an accident, it will be easy for passengers to get to the exit. Also open the porthole curtains and remove folding tables. The first action will help you observe the situation overboard and in the event of an emergency immediately report this to the stewardess. The second will make room for movement. When “Fasten your seat belts” appears on the display, do it immediately. They will ensure safety during takeoff and landing. Do not detach until the label disappears from the screen.


Sketches of safety rules in an airplane will warn you that smoking is not allowed on board. Cigars and pipes fall under the taboo: they have too long a burning part. As for cigarettes, it is allowed to take a couple of puffs exclusively in the toilet, if the “No smoking” sign is not lit there. Remember that you should refrain from a bad habit at the airport and on the take-off area.

sketches of safety rules in an airplane
Do not abuse alcohol: you can behave incorrectly in relation to companions or attendants, provoke conflicts and even fights. If you really wanted to drink, limit yourself to a small amount of light alcoholic drinks. You should not bring your own alcohol on board. Be quiet, do not interfere with other passengers, contact the flight attendant, if there is such a need, these are also safety rules in an airplane. For children, come up with interesting leisure activities so that they do not disturb the peace of those around them with their hyperactivity.


This is a drop in air pressure that occurs during takeoff and landing. The main signs of this phenomenon are pain in the ears and intestines, whistling, pinching of the skin. If you feel these symptoms, put on an oxygen mask immediately. Try to move less and not to panic. Be aware that during fast and sharp decompression at tremendous heights, you will only have 15 seconds to do the manipulation. If you don’t have time, you will lose consciousness. First put on the mask for yourself, and only then help your fellow travelers.

compliance with safety rules in an airplane
Oxygen will begin to flow only when you turn on its supply. To do this, pull the cord that connects the mask and the fuse. The safety rules on the plane say: if you suddenly opened a compartment with a mask, put it on immediately, without looking back at other people and without asking unnecessary questions. This section opens automatically if the pressure drops: you can not feel the danger, and the device will work instantly. The stewardess will not be able to help you in this situation, since she herself will be obliged to sit down and put on an oxygen mask.

In case of emergency landing

Compliance with safety rules in an airplane is very important, especially when taking off and landing, when there is a risk of accident. When you see that the landing will be hard, hide the luggage under the chair, wrap your head with something from the clothes and bend it to your knees - this will protect yourself from splinters. If the space between the seats is too tight, you should rest your hands on the front seat and put your head on them. Your main task is to leave the plane as soon as possible. After all, if fuel explodes, your chances of salvation will decrease dramatically.

safety rules for children
Do not panic. Keep calm. Tell other passengers that you have an experienced pilot, and he will certainly cope with the problem. Speak firmly and confidently - this will help more weak-minded people to gather their courage and stop the excitement. By the way, it is highly recommended that you take on board a coat made of a highly flammable material (wool, leather) - it will protect you in case of fire. And do not wear high-heeled shoes - their sharp ends can pierce the inflatable emergency gangway.

Plane crash

When you see that the plane crashes, try to quickly remove sharp and cutting objects, including jewelry and watches. If you have children, hold them firmly to your body. Do not get up if such a command is not followed. Remember, if all passengers start to run around the cabin without permission and panic, chaos and stampede will begin, which will only aggravate the situation. Follow all the instructions of the flight attendant or pilot. Forget about the tantrum. When on board someone escalates the situation with unnecessary lamentations, it is even permitted to use force against such a person.

Report to the crew about each broken porthole or damage to the hull. After all, as the safety rules in an airplane say, they can cause a depressurization of the fuselage. In this case, you will hear a rumble, the pressure will drop sharply, so oxygen masks will immediately drop out. Put them on. At the same time, the crew will try to lower the liner to the height where there is a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Fire and splashdown

Safety rules for ships and aircraft state that ignition is one of the most dangerous emergency situations on board. Smoke spreads through the cabin at lightning speed: people do not see where to move, they inhale the products of combustion and lose consciousness. The general panic begins. Remember: when you smell or fire, you have exactly three minutes to leave the plane. This is exactly the time that most liner models are designed for. You can only move on all fours, as thicker puffs of smoke rise up. If the passage is blocked, lower the seatbacks and crawl over them.

safety signs on ship and plane
When you see the plane falling into the water, put on a life jacket. Try to swim out of the cabin and climb the first fragment of the hull, log or raft - so you will have more chances to survive. When the water is very cold, move constantly so as not to freeze. Put something bright on the flight - this way, rescuers will notice you faster on the water.


If the plane landed on a hard surface, try to leave it as quickly as possible. For this purpose use emergency hatches or special inflatable ladders. If there are small children, old people, or wounded on board, help them get out. When you find yourself on the street, move away from the liner, lie on the ground and cover your head with your hands - if the plane explodes, you will not suffer from fragments.

why it is necessary to observe safety rules in the plane
Be sure to provide first aid to the wounded. It’s good if there is a first-aid kit at hand - you can put on plaits, bandage or give painkillers to the victims. Once in a deserted area, do not panic. Build canopies to hide from the sun, and go in search of drinking water. Believe that rescuers will definitely find you.

Now you understand why it is necessary to observe safety rules in an airplane. Competent actions will save not only your life, but also those people who will be near in this difficult situation.


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