The project of a house from a profiled bar 200x200. How to make the dream a reality

If you have the financial means, time and desire, then any developer can build an excellent home. The main difficulty for everyone who wants to build a new residential complex is the choice of a project for future construction. The most popular and reliable is the project of a house made of profiled timber 200x200, which is considered the standard of strength and stability. All this is due to the use of such building material as timber - processed, solid and natural.

Wooden house. How to realize a dream

If the developer first undertakes the construction of a residential complex, then it is necessary to have a clear plan of work and action. First you need to determine the size of the future building, the number of floors and square meters. If a profiled beam is used, then its type should be determined: glued or dry. If the developer has the means and wants to build a reliable home, then the projects of country houses from dry profiled timber 200x200 - this is the most practical option, albeit a little more expensive. Then, a project for future construction is formed: drawings, estimates, layout, and so on. As soon as all the preparatory work is completed, an agreement on the receipt of services has been concluded, the company will begin its work, and the owner will only have to observe how the construction is carried out.

project of a house from a profiled bar 200x200 with a garage

The project of a house from a profiled bar 200x200: key features and advantages

The first thing a builder needs to do is decide on the amount. Depending on the budget, the type of future project, its size and the building material itself will change. The most profitable and practical remains precisely the profiled beam. This is a new generation of material, it is made from softwood. Its difference from an ordinary bar is visible even with the naked eye.

  • Meticulous finish. The beam has two smooth sides (either flat or convex, repeating the shape of the log).
  • The presence of a castle connection, providing a strong bond of adjacent bars to each other.
  • Complete prevention of gaps between the bars after shrinkage.
    project of a house from profiled timber 200x200

Wooden house: reliable, beautiful and warm

In addition to these features of the building material, a number of advantages of the timber are noted . Wood materials have a long service life. Due to the special structure, any logs can be easily modified - to create an aesthetic appearance.

In addition, timber is the most environmentally friendly material. It has high thermal insulation properties. Therefore, when choosing building material for future construction, it is worth paying special attention to these indicators. The project of a house from a profiled bar 200x200 can be of any scale, the main thing is that real professionals take up the work. This building material is ideal for houses with 1, 2 or 3 floors. Due to the large size of the material, it easily withstands various mechanical damage. Projects of houses from profiled timber 200x200 are distinguished by a special design and layout. Therefore, choosing a project from typical options, one thing should be taken into account: is this option suitable for all characteristics or should a new project for future construction be developed?

projects of houses from profiled timber 200x200

Turnkey Projects

The project of a house from a profiled bar 200x200 can be of several types, depending on the chosen service in the construction company. If the developer does not want to "mess around" and delay the construction, it is better to choose a turnkey house. In this case, the selected construction company not only erects the main part, but also carries out interior decoration, connects all communication systems, so that the owner at the end of construction can enter the house and immediately live in it. Naturally, the cost of such a service is increasing. But significantly reduced time costs for the decoration itself, which will be performed if you choose the usual type of construction.

projects of houses from profiled timber 200x200 under shrinkage

Project selection is paramount

Projects of houses from profiled timber 200x200 are the most popular. Naturally, the size and area of ​​construction for each developer will vary, but if you choose the design of the home, then here it can be the most diverse, because the tree lends itself perfectly to decoration and processing. The chalet style remains popular both in classical variations and in modern interpretations. For the houses of this style, a log house with a remainder is mainly chosen, only the type of castle connection changes. This type of building material provides reliable fastening in the corners and makes the building more durable and stable.

If a tree is chosen as the main building material, then it is worth considering its key feature: over time, the material undergoes shrinkage. Therefore, you should choose the appropriate house designs from a profiled beam 200x200 for shrinkage, where this feature is taken into account.

projects of country houses from dry profiled timber 200x200

What are the criteria for choosing a construction company?

A team of professional builders and architects can implement even the most complex house project from a profiled bar 200x200 with a garage. When choosing a company that will work on the developer’s order, one should take into account not only the pricing policy, but also the organization’s capabilities.

To be sure that the house built will comply with the previously developed plan and will last for more than a dozen years, you need to study the company's portfolio. Particular attention should be paid to the working staff: the older the employees, the more experienced they will be, which means they can do their job professionally. The presence of special construction equipment is another important criterion for choosing an organization.


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