Violet "favorite daughter": description, features of growing. Care for indoor flowers

Indoor flowers complement the home interior and create warmth and comfort. There are floral works for every taste. The favorites of many are violets. Varieties, colors and shapes of inflorescences - a great variety. Classification of varieties is quite complex and includes several groups.

Violet "beloved daughter" deserves special attention.

This variety impresses the human imagination with its gentle and harmonious beauty.

violet favorite daughter

History of the variety

The beauty of violets pleased the Italians and the British a hundred years ago. In the USSR, amateur gardeners grew violets, passing leaflets from hand to hand.

Saintpaulia "beloved daughter" was created by domestic breeders Boris and Tatyana Makuni.

To this day, Makuni varieties are admirable and take prizes in international competitions.

Botanical characteristic

In the description of violet "favorite daughter" you can include the main criteria.

Rosette of leaves is dark green. The leaves are oval with a rough surface. The edges of the leaves are uneven. Large flowers are translucent, delicate lilac shades with lavender notes. Fringe on the edges of the petals of darker or lighter colors.

care for indoor flowers

Violet "beloved daughter" pleases with its bright bloom almost all year round. At first, small dark buds open. After inflorescences begin to grow and lighten. Dark stains and fringes appear on the petals.

On peduncles, there are up to 8 buds. Flowers average 5 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks.

Violet also has healing qualities. Plant extracts are used in medicine and cosmetology. The beautiful indoor flower contains vitamins B and C. Other substances are present, for example, salicylic acid and carotene. Undoubtedly, such properties are beneficial for the body.

Leaves, stems and flowers are used for medicinal purposes, as an antiseptic for colds.

Violet Care

Caring for indoor flowers takes time. If you take proper care of the flower beauty, the violet will respond with a fragrant look, will delight the household and surprise guests.

saintpaulia favorite daughter

Violet "favorite daughter" is not too demanding in content.

It is only necessary to observe certain rules of care:

  • a pot to choose a small size, on average up to 7-9 cm;
  • use specialized, light land;
  • regularly feed and trim the plant;
  • Responsible to watering violets.

It is also worth taking care of the necessary lighting. Violet "favorite daughter" loves the light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. Drafts are not acceptable for keeping a flower.

Watering is necessary moderate. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system. Drying of the soil is also fatal to the plant.

It is optimal to fertilize the plant periodically throughout the year. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers are introduced during the period of active growth. And during the formation of buds and flowering, phosphorus and potash fertilizers are suitable.

It is worth remembering that adult flowers need a periodic transplant. It is preferable to transplant the plant in spring and observe some rules:

  • the pot should not be large;
  • the flower pot before transplantation is treated with boiling water and vinegar;
  • expanded clay or other drainage is mandatory;
  • the root is washed and damaged elements are removed (damaged ones are brown);
  • the violet is placed in a pot and filled with a special peat mixture.

For uniform flower growth, rotation of the pot is required from time to time.

As necessary, old leaves are removed and withered flowers break off.

violet favorite daughter makuni

Watering and lighting

For the growth and abundant flowering of violets, Makuni's “favorite daughter” needs certain lighting and temperature. The condition of the flower and its external data depend on optimal conditions.

A place for a flower is chosen with bright diffused light, with no direct sunlight. In the autumn and winter, it becomes cool on the windowsills. It should be in the cold period to place the pots deep into the room, in order to avoid hypothermia.

The optimum temperature for violets ranges from 20-22 degrees.

Watering is enough 2 times a week. Water should be warm. Watering directly under the root is not recommended, otherwise it may begin to rot.

Violets are very fond of showers. During spraying, it is important not to overdo the amount of water. For newly planted flowers, you can cover the soil zone.

It is also worth remembering that adult violets need a regular transplant. Transplanting the plant, of course, is better in the spring.

Flower diseases

If you properly care for indoor flowers, you can avoid many troubles in the form of diseases and plant death.

The main enemies of violets are aggressive sunlight and improper watering.

Brown spots appeared on violet leaves? This indicates sunburn.

In this case, it is necessary to move the flower pot to the penumbra. Over time, sluggish, clarified leaves will regain their original appearance. Leaflets that have been badly damaged are best trimmed carefully.

violet favorite daughter makuni

Propagation of violets at home

Violets can be propagated independently. Even a novice can do it. The most common way is considered to be cuttings.

A healthy leaf is selected. Trimming should be at an angle of 45 degrees, this will increase the area of ​​root formation. The length of the legs should not exceed 4 cm. The leaf is washed in warm water.

Rooting can be carried out both in water and in light soil. With land rooting, you need to create a greenhouse. This can be done using polyethylene or a glass jar. The greenhouse is cleaned after a crescent or a little more.

An easy way to reproduce is pinching. It is important, choosing a stepson, make sure that there are at least 3 leaves on it. When separating a sprout, it is important not to injure the mother outlet. The separated stepson is placed in a pot of earth, and greenhouse conditions are created for him for 3 weeks.

As a rule, the appearance of a beautiful violet "favorite daughter" house brings variety and comfort. Regal delicate flowers simply conquer their beauty.


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