How to obtain Israeli citizenship: step by step instructions. Emigration to Israel

Such a topic as Israeli citizenship and obtaining a residence permit in this state excites many people. In particular, Jews and those who simply would like to move there. As practice shows, many people succeed in implementing their plans. Since today, Israel, according to statistics, is a leader in the number of immigrants and repatriates. Well, it is worth listing the ways in which you can become a citizen of this country.


This word means returning to the homeland. Authorities are interested in repatriation. The return of ethnic Jews to their historical homeland is strongly supported here. But, nevertheless, no one will grant a person Israeli citizenship only because he calls himself a Jew. The repatriation procedure is quite complicated.

First, let's have an educational program

Indeed, Jewish nationality is transmitted only through the maternal side, that is, only one who has a Jewish mother is considered a Jew. (There is also a religious aspect, when as a result of the ritual “giyur” a person becomes a Jew, but this is a very complex process).

But the right to obtain Israeli citizenship is transferred both on the maternal, paternal side. But this process is not endless, the countdown goes to the third generation. That is, if you count on the paternal side, then the right to citizenship of Israel has a person whose Jew is a grandfather, father of his father.

A detailed list of who is entitled to Israeli citizenship, you can look at the corresponding page Eli Gervitz, an Israeli Russian-language law firm, which has been assisting in obtaining Israeli citizenship for 20 years.


Emigration to Israel under the repatriation program is possible upon presentation of a weighty folder with documents. They must confirm the nationality of the person. As a rule, they present official papers that indicate the nationality of the ancestor, through whom he wants to repatriate.

A suitable document is a Soviet passport or an old-style military ID — they included the column “nationality”. Your own birth certificate is also suitable if it says “Jew”. Archival extracts from house books and any other old documents are also suitable.

You will also need a certificate of marriage between parents and grandparents (preferably). If a person who wishes to return to his homeland appeals in the name of a Jewish relative who has already passed away, he can present his death certificate. In general, the more official papers confirming the nationality of blood relatives in the Israeli embassy you present, the higher the likelihood of leaving for permanent residence in Israel.

Religious issue

All people are well aware that Judaism is adopted in this state. And the religious question is of great importance when it comes to repatriation. Every person who wants to return to their homeland passes through the Israeli embassy. Where he will be interviewed, during which questions regarding religion will be asked. Some people brought up in traditions that are far from beliefs are often confused. And they can say that they are related to Christianity. So, this is a cross on a possible move to permanent residence. Since the Law on Return does not allow the repatriation of a Jew who has changed religion. Failure to challenge is almost impossible. Therefore, you need to declare yourself as a Jew.

Other features

However, a potential Israeli citizen should remember not only Judaism. It is worth returning to the topic of Jewry. At the consulate, everyone knows that in the era of persecution and persecution of people of a given nationality, many hid it. And for this reason, the previously mentioned confirmation documents are difficult to obtain. But there are still other ways to prove your nationality. And these are photographs. For example, a photograph from a Jewish cemetery of a tombstone of a relative.

Many people who wish to repatriate turn to Dry. This is an organization that helps Jews return to their homeland. Employees of "Sokhnuta" better than anyone else will advise a person on all issues relating to moving to Israel, documents, proof of nationality, interviews, etc. Assistance in choosing a city, work - this is also their responsibility. Sometimes the representatives of the "Dry", in certain cases, even manage to organize a free flight to Israel.

General documents

Above were listed papers that should be provided by a person hoping for repatriation. But they also come with the main list of documents. They are presented by all people who intend to obtain Israeli citizenship.

So, a citizen will need not only his birth certificate, but also the same document belonging to the person who was going to leave with him. It is necessary. Still need passports, military IDs, certificates of registration of marriage / divorce / death of the spouse (if any of the above is available). Naturally, you will need to provide "foreign". And photos (3x4 format). They will be needed when filling out the questionnaire.

You also need to remember copies of work books (although the original is better), passports and birth certificates. Of course, there are a lot of papers, but it is better to collect all of them. Then emigration to Israel will seem more likely.

Emigration process

If a person was given the “go-ahead”, and he realized that obtaining Israeli citizenship is now a reality for him, then the time has come to prepare for the adaptation period.

On arrival at the Ben-Gurion airport, he is met, escorted to a special room where they give out lifting money, an internal passport, a card to the health insurance fund and a SIM for the phone. During the first three months, a person will not be able to vote in elections. And he will not be “abroad” - he will be extradited later, after a year of non-stop residence in Israel.

If necessary, then a person will be given permission to enter Russia at the local Ministry of Internal Affairs. But in Israel, a person will have the right to work, receive medical care and pensions.

In general, you can’t leave anywhere. Indeed, within 6 months a person will be given a basket of absorption. This is a certain amount of money, due to which you can pay for the study of Hebrew, partially compensate for the rental / purchase of housing, and just live. The absorption program also includes the provision of customs benefits, discounts on the purchase of housing and cars, and assistance in finding a job.

Non-Jewish conditions

In principle, anyone can obtain an Israeli citizen's passport. But only for people who are not of Jewish nationality, completely different conditions are established. They can obtain citizenship if they live in Israel for three years, they know Hebrew and have material income. And in order to stay in the country for the specified period, a visa is required.

The first step is to talk about the form of B / 1. It is issued to people traveling to Israel to earn money. This document is drawn up by an employer who is interested in a foreign specialist. When his extradition is approved, the person comes to Israel. And then he must get a work visa in 30 days (so much B / 1 is valid). He provides the consulate with a receipt for paying for the service ($ 47), a certificate of no criminal record and passing a medical examination (the person should not be sick with AIDS, tuberculosis and hepatitis), an application for fingerprinting (they take it on the spot), and two more photos.

After submitting the application - an interview with the consul. If no questions arise, then a work visa is issued within 24 hours.

What's next?

The coveted Israeli passport can be obtained by living in the country for 3 years and having a residence permit. Which, in turn, is issued to people with financial wealth. The authorities should know that they are accepting into their ranks a full-fledged person who is able to provide for himself and be useful to society. But this is taken for granted, because in any case a person will be in Israel for work.

If he is not Jewish, then he will need to provide a host of other arguments to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who will be able to convince them of making the right decision. Knowledge of Hebrew, the availability of real estate - this is all an advantage. Are there any relatives in Israel? No need to keep silent about this! Better yet, embrace Judaism. That's what, and that certainly will play an important role.

By the way, it is worth knowing that after obtaining a long work visa, a person has yet to take a language training course, as well as confirm the validity of his diploma and obtain a license.


Finally, a few words about another common method of obtaining Israeli citizenship by Russian people. Naturally, we will focus on obtaining a passport through marriage.

I must say that in 1999 some amendments were made to the law, according to which a person who has married a citizen of Israel cannot immediately obtain a national passport. He, like everyone else, must go through naturalization.

First of all, he draws up a work visa. And also a temporary residence permit. Then he must submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in which a person will ask for his recognition as an Israeli. Naturally, each of the periods takes a certain time. About 3-4 years, usually. You also need to be prepared for the fact that the Interior Ministry will ask the spouses very detailed questions about their life together (yes, both will need to come to the authorities). Israel has a strict attitude towards fictitious marriages. So questions about the date of birth, first gifts, acquaintance and favorite shades cannot be avoided. Another couple should be mentally prepared for the fact that representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may suddenly come to them to check whether they live together. However, all this is not scary if the marriage is sincere. Otherwise, if evidence to the contrary is revealed, the Israeli will face a fine, and his “soul mate” will be deported.


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