Do-it-yourself gift to the teacher on his birthday, on the teacher's day, on the last call, on graduation

The teacher has an important place in the life of every child. When a specific reason is planned - the beginning or end of the year, birthday or graduation evening, together with the children, their parents are busy with the choice of a gift. Sometimes a decision is made as agreed by the whole class. A great opportunity to express gratitude to the teacher for his attention is to make a DIY gift to the teacher. Such a present will remain in memory for a long time and will delight the eye.

Bouquet of unusual flowers

DIY gift to teacher

Let's consider what gifts can be made to teachers for the last call with their own hands. A great idea is a bouquet of unusual flowers. For manufacturing you will need:

  • colored paper or thin cardboard;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • photos of class students in miniature format;
  • skewers of medium length and a decorative pot.

How to make a DIY gift to the teacher? Now we will tell. First you need to make flowers (frames): girls can be in the form of daisies, and boys can be dandelions. On paper, you need to draw the outline of a flower, the petals will be more effective in several layers. To do this, the same blanks just need to be laid one on the other and glued. The core will be a small photo cut out in the form of a circle. We also plant it on glue in the middle of the flower. The stem can be made from a long skewer, painted in green. We glue it on the back of the flower.

When all the photos are applied in this way, the bouquet can be fixed in the pot. For this purpose, you can use a transparent glass vase in the shape of a square with a small height, a wicker basket or any other decorative container. In order for the stems to be stably in the pot, they must be fixed. To do this, the container should be filled with glass or silicone balls, an eraser, expanded clay colored in different colors, etc. Such gifts for teachers on their last call can be made by the whole class in several ways.

do-it-yourself teacher gift

Vase with Flowers

If the approaching occasion is the teacher’s birthday, then at first glance ordinary presents can be presented in a very interesting way. For example, it is better to give traditional fresh flowers not in a banal bouquet, but in a vase decorated with your own hands. This will mean that the child was preparing for this day in a special way and tried to put maximum of his heat. To make a pleasant gift for the teacher on his own birthday , you need to purchase a vase of the appropriate diameter and height in the store, depending on the intended size of the bouquet. You should also buy silicone glue and decorative elements. They can be beads, beads, ribbons, buttons, stones, etc.

To begin with, the vase should be treated with a degreasing agent so that the glue firmly holds the entire decor. Then outline the future pattern so that the handmade gift made to the teacher is exclusive. Beads can lay out the whole picture, as well as in small beads. If such a small job seems complicated, you can simplify the task a little. For this, ready-made beads can be purchased, and also they can be fixed on a vase. When the decor is complete, you need to let the product dry, then put a sponge dipped in water on the bottom and put flowers. Thus, nothing will flow out of the vase, and the bouquet will be fresh at the time of delivery.

DIY gift for teacher at graduation

Wall calendar

How to make a gift for teacher’s day with your own hands? You can make a wall calendar. Every month you should put a photo from the life of the class. Such a calendar can be printed in a printing house, or it is possible to carefully put pictures with glue on a finished one bought in a store. A similar idea will appeal to the whole class. After all, a sadly hanging calendar on the wall will turn into an island of memories of funny moments in school life. Such a gift will especially please the class teacher, who will surely keep it as a souvenir even after the end of the year.

Do it yourself teacher

DIY gifts for teachers on the last call

When not only the next year, but also schooling as a whole, comes to its graduation, you need to start preparing for graduation. In addition to organizing a gala evening, there is still something to think about. For example, you need to make a gift for a teacher at graduation with your own hands. With such pleasant things, one can express deep gratitude to the teacher for his work and endless patience. A video clip that can be edited independently from photographs taken during the study period will be spectacular. Such a gift will be memorable and truly expensive for the teacher who accompanied the already grown children on their way.

Bouquet of sweets

DIY Teacher's Day Gift

How to make a gift for a teacher at graduation with your own hands? You can make a bouquet of sweets. To do this, you will need corrugated paper, colored foil, glue, wire, scissors. Girls who know how to crochet can make buds manually from threads. In the center of each flower will be a candy. Having made blanks of petals from paper, and from foil and wire for stems, we proceed to assembly.

Sweets are better to take a round shape, because it is easier to wrap it with corrugation. The resulting multi-colored buds should be attached to the stem. First you need to measure the wire and wrap it with green foil. The bud can be wound or glued to this blank. If you place a beautifully connected base under each flower, the bouquet will only benefit from this. From above, the floral arrangement can be wrapped in canvas paper on which each of the students will write a congratulation or a wish. That's all, a gift to the teacher at the graduation, made with his own hands, is ready.

DIY gift for a teacher

Handmade Cards

In addition to significant dates in the school year, there are many other reasons when you can give a gift to teachers. It can be a name day or an angel's day, New Year, some other holidays. Making a gift to the teacher with your own hands will not be difficult, but the attention given will bring a lot of positive emotions.

For insignificant reasons, you can present handmade cards. Moreover, their special form is gaining more and more popularity every day. So-called pop-ups are postcards that become voluminous when opened. To make them, you need paper of different textures and colors, as well as decorative elements.

Consider the option of making cards with balloons. First, bend the A4 sheet in half, in the middle we glue a lot of circles on top to half of the figure, in the center below we fix the thread segment. One page with another can be connected with a paper garland with a festive inscription. Bind the threads below. It is easy to make such a gift for a teacher with your own hands. It is also a pleasure to give such a present. After all, you did the thing yourself, which means you invested a piece of the soul.


Now you know how to make a DIY gift to the teacher. On any day, you can please such a thing, and without much reason.


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