Call of Duty: Ghosts: Walkthrough, Part 1. Walkthrough of Call of Duty: Ghosts

A series of shooters Call of Duty began in the distant 2003, when the first game was born and gained immense popularity. The first part narrated about the events of the Second World War, which at that time was very popular in computer games. Realism, versatility, an abundance of weapons, technology, as well as other aspects allowed CoD to rise to the very top. In fact, this series has been there for many years. At first there were three parts devoted exclusively to World War II, then a fourth episode appeared, called Modern Warfare. One can already understand from this that the discussion will be about something completely different - in this branch, which includes already three games, events are currently taking place. It is also worth noting two projects, called the Black Ops - the subject of the Cold War is affected here. In each of the games in the series, gamers can find something new and interesting. Naturally, over the years, the gaming industry has developed, which allowed us to create more advanced projects. This is how the CoD series of games called World at War appeared, where actions returned again during the Second World War, but now with improved graphics, physics, realism and other aspects. But now we will talk about the newest of the projects in this series - Ghosts. Here, actions take place not in the past, not in the present, but in the future, in 2023, that is, it is not worth looking for a connection with reality in these events. Which, in a way, makes the game even more intriguing. Now it’s worth taking a closer look at Call of Duty: Ghosts. It will take you approximately thirteen or fourteen hours to complete it.

CoD: Ghosts - what kind of game is this?

call of duty ghosts walkthrough

If you are a fan of the series, then you could already get used to these games, so you can find familiar elements for yourself. It’s worth starting with the fact that in Call of Duty: Ghosts the passage is absolutely linear. In some previous games in the series, the developers added the possibility of choice, the branching of the plot, but now they decided to simplify everything and just tell a story that is really worth listening to.

In Call of Duty: Ghosts, most of the passage will be on behalf of Logan Walker, a member of the Ghosts division. In addition to it, you should know about the Hash, your older brother, who will also be with you in this unit, as well as about Elias - the boss, and part-time and your father. It will be he who will give you tasks and report the necessary data. Thus, in Call of Duty: Ghosts, the passage will revolve around these characters, as well as around other members of the Ghosts division and, naturally, your opponents - the Federation, which is trying to establish world domination. Here it is important for you to know the name of Gabriel Roork - this is the main antagonist of the game, who once was in Elias's place, that is, he led the Ghosts, but then went over to the Federation side and now makes every effort to destroy this group, which represents resistance.

How it all started

call of duty ghosts walkthrough part 1

What will begin in your Call of Duty: Ghosts passage? Part 1 will tell you the story of how, ten years ago, Logan, the main character, along with his brother listened to his father’s story about the legendary unit of the Ghosts. They were able to evacuate the whole hospital, which stormed over half a thousand people, while there were only sixty Ghosts. As a result, there were only fourteen of them left, but they coped with their task. When the story ends, a surprise awaits you - the bombing begins. It’s not simple, but special - the shells fly directly from space, from the orbital station. You need to overcome a certain distance before the camera switches to this same orbital station, where you will witness the attacks of terrorists who take control of a secret project and begin to bombard the Earth. You can save the planet at the cost of your life by redirecting shells to safe coordinates, but this very moment symbolizes the beginning of Federation domination.

Then the game will again entrust management to Logan so that you can get to your father’s pickup truck and drive away from the crash site. From this moment begins in Call of Duty: Ghosts passage. Part 1, which is a prologue, ends, and you find yourself in 2023. You are no longer a little boy, but already an adult young man. And not yet a member of the Ghosts, the resistance movement. The full passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts begins from this moment. However, it is worth noting that the mission, called "Brave New World", is a kind of tutorial - here for the first time you will have to use the various functions that you have to use in the game - you shoot, run, climb and jump, you will even be allowed to shoot from a rocket launcher with manual guidance to bring down the helicopter. And only after that, by contacting your father through a laptop, you will receive your first full-fledged task.

Neutral Zone and Fallen

walkthrough call of duty ghosts

Passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts, part 1, is left behind - now you are facing serious tasks. Elias sends you, your brother and a specially trained dog to explore the territory in the neutral zone. This name was given to the land, which was attacked from an orbital station ten years ago. Compassionate about where your home was, and then take action. Periodically, you will need to switch to the dog in order to perform some actions that are inaccessible to humans. Thus, the passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghost is much more interesting than you might think at first glance.

Having eliminated all opponents, you can finally, with the help of special binoculars, notice and eavesdrop on how the same Roark, the main villain, interrogates one of the Ghosts. Naturally, you will need to save him, only now you will have a more serious problem - the attack of the wolves. First, your dog will help you fight back, and then you will save his life. Also, two Ghost fighters will come to the rescue, with whom you will go to save Ajax - that is the name of their captive comrade. In the mission "Fallen" you have to work as a sniper rifle, silently clearing the territory, and then methodically storm the premises, throwing them with special grenades, while you yourself are in a gas mask. As you can see, the passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts, part 1 - this is the past. Now you need to act carefully and purposefully, you do not have the right to make a mistake. Finally, you get to the place where the interrogation was, but too late. Ajax is dead. And here an even more serious problem arises - photos of all the Ghost fighters are discovered, and you understand that a real hunt is being conducted for them.

Return and Legends Live Forever

walkthrough call of duty ghosts part 1

Passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts, part 4, the mission "Legends Live Forever" again throws you back in time. But for this, you first need to go through the third task, called "Return". You need to do exactly what the name says - return to the base to your father. And then an unpleasant surprise awaits you - the base is all on fire, a fierce battle is being fought on its territory. You immediately need to join this battle and try to destroy as many of the enemy as possible, although this number will not affect the passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts. The ending of this battle is already predetermined by the plot, but you can get enough adrenaline in the process. In addition, there are several points where you will have to decide both your fate and the fate of the whole confrontation, so be prepared for any development of events. As a result, you will need to get under heavy fire to the place of your father’s deployment, and from there you will already call the “ghosts” who will arrive behind you by helicopter.

And then the passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts (2013 release) will take an unexpected turn - Elias will tell you that he is the head of that very legendary unit of the Ghosts, and will also tell you who Roark is and why he hunts for the unit led by was earlier. This is where the game takes you 12 years ago - to the mission "Legends Live Forever." You play the role of a young Elias, who, along with Roark, goes on a mission to kill one of the important members of the Federation. You will need to simultaneously eliminate opponents, during which it will be demonstrated that Roarke and Elias were good friends. But the final battle will not go as we would like, and as a result, Elias will be in a difficult situation - he holds the falling Roark by the hand, but if everything remains that way, then all the Ghosts will die. He decides to let go, and Roarke falls, but his body is not found, and as a result it turns out that after that he went over to the side of the Federation and hated the Ghosts to the core, aiming to destroy them.

Federation Day and Birds of Prey

walkthrough call of duty ghosts part 4

Quite an interesting turn has now taken the passage of the game Call of Duty: Ghosts. "Part 2 is what you will have to remember now, since you will need a lot of dexterity and the application of vital skills. You go to the base of the right hand of Roork, Ramos, to find out the location of the main villain. The assault on the base is a pretty typical scene, but it will still require a lot of skill from you. Moreover, this attack will be an ambush and you will have to deal with an overwhelming number of opponents. But if you b If you act carefully and quickly, then deal with them, and also kill Ramos himself, but the most important thing here is to bring along a suitcase containing encrypted data, after which the Bird of Prey mission will begin, from which you will find out that the suitcase turned out to be very useful - after decryption, Roork’s whereabouts became known.You will go wherever they point you and take Roark’s shelter with a central assault.

At this point in Call of Duty: Ghosts, passing without comment is impossible, because Roark surrenders to you without much resistance. It looks rather suspicious, but the Ghosts do not want to miss such a chance. We recall how the passage of Call of Duty: Ghosts developed. Part 3 has already shown you that both Roark and the Federation are not those opponents who should be underestimated. After all, this whole situation turns out to be another ambush into which resistance fighters have fallen.

“Victims” and “Dial”

walkthrough call of duty ghosts finale

The Federation strikes at the helicopters in which Roork is transported. No wonder he did not resist - everything was counted several steps ahead, and now the Ghosts helicopters were shot down, Roarke was lost, and the soldiers themselves were in the jungle. What in this case will require you to pass in Call of Duty: Ghosts? 3 steps that you need to take very carefully. First, get to the crash site. Secondly, help bring all the Ghosts together. Thirdly, launch a signal flare so that your comrades can find you. But here a very unpleasant surprise awaits you - your rocket was seen not only by the Ghosts, but also by the Federation, so you will have to run a little and hide before you can be helped out. After that, you can continue in Call of Duty: Ghosts walkthrough.

Part 5 taught you that the Federation is a powerful force, and even then it became clear that everything would not end in good. The Dial mission tells us that a serious missile strike was inflicted on an undefined point outside the United States of America, and you need to find out exactly where the rocket flew. To do this, you will again need to storm the base, but the Ghosts remember what Call of Duty: Ghosts taught them to walk through, part 4 - if you forgot, it was there that Elias talked about how Roarke became what he is now. Therefore, you need to act quickly, efficiently and rapidly. As a result, you will get the information that you need, which will transfer you to another mission.

"Atlas fell" and "Into the Deep"

walkthrough call of duty ghosts 2013

From the information received, you can find out that the Federation has a water platform called Atlant, which you now have to blow up. This will not be the moment the Call of Duty: Ghosts walkthrough ends - the finale is still far off. But this will be a very important point. After undermining the charges, you will need to fight with opponents right on the water, as well as on the wreckage of the platform itself, and then successfully leave the place of the operation. But this does not end there - you need to completely deprive the Federation of water influence in this region, so you need to destroy the destroyer in the mission "Into the Deep". As the name implies, you will not be able to do this from the air - a powerful air defense system is installed on the ship. Therefore, you need to quietly go under water to the destroyer and attack its most vulnerable part, so that it sinks. All this time you will need to deal with enemy scuba divers, as well as with marine predators who are not averse to dine with you. When the destroyer is flooded, you can get ashore to continue passing, gradually approaching its logical conclusion.

The Ultimate and the City of Sins

Remember the passage of the game Call of Duty Ghosts, part 3? It was then that you first sniffed gunpowder, first entered into a real fight and learned to interact with your dog, as well as with partners. But now the game is nearing its end, so you have to gather strength and use all the skills that you have acquired. In the “Ultimate” mission, you need to storm the next enemy base to find out what exactly is being done under the heading “Top Secret”. Making your way through the crowds of enemies, you still achieve your goal. Then you will find out that the Federation at this base produces incredibly powerful weapons, so the best solution is to destroy the base than the Ghosts are doing, crowning this task with another success. But the following will turn into a real failure. So, the Federation began implementing a plan to revive the very orbital station, which established chaos on the planet, and then a new order. Now the Federation plans to complete what it started, and the Ghosts have already stopped it by destroying one of the missiles. As a result of the operation, a large number of fighters, including you and your brother and father, were captured. Roarke will try to find out all about the Ghosts from Elias, but he will refuse to cooperate. As a result of a short confrontation, Roarke kills Elias, but thanks to this, the rest of the Ghosts have a chance of salvation. Naturally, you manage to use it, although not without loss. Your faithful dog also gets wounded, which you now need to bring to the point of evacuation, periodically laying it in shelter and helping your comrades.

All or Nothing and Broken Ties

Once on the ship, you can pick up the Ghost mask - your father is dead, but you do not want his business to perish with him. Now it's your time to become a full fighter. But for this, you first need to survive - reunite with your brother, with whom you have to defend yourself from crowds of opponents trying to storm your ship. At the first opportunity, you need to take control of the on-board weapons system to make it easier to fight the enemy. Naturally, the ship will not withstand such an assault, but you have already managed to significantly undermine the enemy’s forces, and the Ghosts have arrived to pick you up. Now you are a full-fledged Ghost, and on the mission "Broken Ties" already go in the mask, as a member of one of the units. As you recall, your goal is to prevent the Federation from repeating what happened ten years ago. But destroying each of the twenty-four missiles is an impossible task, so it is better to focus on the control center, because if you destroy it, then deprive the Federation of the ability to launch existing missiles. So go to the main base, storm it, breaking through the huge enemy forces, and then give a signal to your bombers. Naturally, try to leave the building as soon as possible so as not to die under the rubble.

Loki and Ghost Slayer

So this amazingly addictive game comes to an end. You only have to go through two missions, one of which will not even be for the main character Logan, as it will take place in space. In Loki, you will need to play the role of one of the Ghosts fighters at the Federation orbital station. You need to destroy it in order to deprive the enemy of the opportunity to plan further to deliver a crushing blow to the Earth. Naturally, this succeeds, but much more interesting is what is happening at the same time on the planet.

And the following happens - Logan, Hash, as well as other Ghosts chase Roark and take a train to him, where there is a serious fight. Having seized control of the train, you are immediately captured by Roark, but Hash comes to the rescue, who has already designated the train as a target for bombing, and after a few seconds the bridge over which the rails pass collapses and the train goes to the bottom. In parallel, there is a final fight with Roarke, in which you manage to fire a bullet at him. When you come to the surface, you need to grab the hash and pull it ashore. It would seem that everything ended well - Roarke was defeated, the Federation forces along with the train sank, the orbital station destroyed, the missile control center in ruins - humanity was saved, as was Logan and Hash. But not everything is so rosy. As soon as you turn around, you will see a miracle of the surviving Roark, who will knock you out with one blow. He will not touch the hash, but he will drag the main character inland. The game ends with a buried pit being shown to you. Naturally, no one specifically indicates what exactly is inside, but, based on previous events, we can guess that a happy ending did not happen, and it was Logan who was buried there.

So you went through the game Call of Duty: Ghosts. She could not help but leave a pleasant imprint in your soul for several reasons at once - beautiful graphics, excellent implementation, a deep and fascinating plot, well-developed characters. All this instantly allows you to fall in love with the game and may well put it among the preferred ones if you are fond of this genre of games. But even if shooters are not your element, you should still try this project, since in many ways it has become a little easier and also more fun. QTE appeared in it, there is maximum linearity, that is, you do not have to make hard choices or travel around the game world to find where to go next.

It is also recommended that you try your hand at other games in the series, as each of them has a unique setting - your impressions are unlikely to be repeated at least once, so each time you will experience a full delight at how competently and incredibly high-quality this or that game is implemented series. In some of them, a happy ending, in some - not very, but the plot has always been and remains one of the strongest features of projects related to this series.


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