Types and name of family ties

Do you know the name of family ties well enough, can you easily guess the riddles of V.I. Dalya

name of family ties
from his collection of jokes, proverbs and sayings of the Russian language: β€œIs Shurin’s nephew a relative of his son-in-law?” or "Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother with a granddaughter, but all of them ...?" It turns out everything is simple, the answer to the first riddle is the son, and to the second - three: the granddaughter, daughter and mother.

Kinship terms are perhaps one of the most ancient words in any dialect. Slavic terms originated in Ancient Russia and amaze with their diversity. The name of kinship can be conditionally divided into three groups: blood relations - when there is a common ancestor, a property - based on marriage, and spiritual kinship: nepotism and sisterhood.

Direct blood relationship

Blood kinship in neighboring generations is determined by parents (father, mother) and children (son, daughter, illegitimate children).

relationship names
The father is called a man, and the mother is a woman in relation to his children. Accordingly, the son and daughter are a boy and a girl in relation to their parents. Blood relations through a generation are grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren with granddaughters. Grandfather is the father of a mother or father, the husband of a grandmother, who, in turn, is the mother of a mother or father. Kinship through two generations by analogy is determined by great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters. When it comes to blood ties through many generations, here you can already find some rare and unknown name for family ties. For example, ancestors and ancestors are the father and mother of the great-grandfather or great-grandmother, and proband is the person with whom the compilation of the genealogy begins.

Indirect blood relationship

kinship names

Blood indirect kinship is no longer a vertical, but rather a horizontal, that is, it spreads along the branches, along the lines of the father and mother. A brother is a son in relation to other children of his parents, and a sister is a daughter, respectively. Cousins ​​are the children of uncles and aunts, second cousins ​​are children of the cousin uncle and aunts, fourth cousins ​​of the second cousins, and so on. Uncle, in turn, is a man in relation to the children of his sister and brother, and aunt is a woman in relation to them. Nephew and niece are children in relation to uncle and aunt.


name of family ties

Speaking about the properties - relationships based on marriage, I want to note that, oddly enough, the spouses are not relatives. It is only a marriage, not a kinship. Here are some property terms: father-in-law and mother-in-law - parents of the wife, father and mother; father-in-law and mother-in-law - husband's parents, father and mother; brother-in-law and sister-in-law - brother and sister of the husband, brother-in-law and sister-in-law - brother and sister of the wife; the daughter's husband, sister-in-law and sisters are son-in-law; daughter-in-law is the wife of the son; brother-in-men, happy husbands of sisters.

Spiritual kinship. Names

The name of spiritual kinship

spiritual kinship
due to concepts such as: godfather, he is the godfather, he is also the recipient of the font, and godfather - godmother. Godfathers son and daughter are, respectively, children in relation to those who baptized them. The cross brothers are men who exchanged cross stitches, and if women do so, they will become cross sisters for each other.

It is very difficult to remember all the names of family ties, there are really a lot of them, many of them are outdated and gone into history, but we must know the main, most important names of people close to us. Each person is only a link in a long chain of generations, and almost our holiest duty is to honor and respect our relatives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2314/

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