Early Red - Apple Tree for Southern Gardens

Early red is an apple tree of rather miniature size. In this parameter, it cannot be compared with Kitayka, however, both the tree and its fruits are small. Popular fame for this apple variety went for taste.


When was the Early Red variety bred? An apple tree with this name was obtained in 1965. The initial varieties were Spring and Melba. The main problem was the lack of resistance to low temperatures. As a result, the tree was considered unsuitable for cultivation in areas with frosty winters. The apple tree tolerated dry periods perfectly, which made it popular in places with hot summers.

The variety belongs to the summer, as the fruit collection lasts from late July to early August. Fruits of bright red color of a small size are the main distinguishing feature of Red early. Another feature is the self-pollination of the plant. Fruiting begins in the 4th-5th year.

red early apple tree


A low tree with a rounded dense crown is an excellent decoration of the garden. The apple tree combines a decorative and fruit component. The branches are close to each other, moving at a right angle from the main trunk. The bark is brown. The shoots are medium in size and covered with a barely noticeable fluff. The shape of the small leaf blades is oval, and their color is greenish yellow. Small notches are visible along the edges of a flat sheet.

White inflorescences are medium in size. The kids were very fond of the children for their resemblance to small toys. The weight of the rounded fruits does not exceed 100 g. Over the years, apples grow smaller. Slippery peel is smooth with medium thickness. The flesh is light yellow, friable. Early red is an apple tree whose fruits will be remembered for its sweet and sour taste.

red apple tree early reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of the variety are the following:

  • A beautiful appearance that allows you to use the plant as an element of landscape design.
  • The fruits ripen in late July, so apple lovers can enjoy them almost at the height of summer.
  • Small apples are beautiful in appearance and tasty, they are considered dessert.
  • Drought tolerance of the plant makes it possible to grow in areas with low rainfall.

Early red - the apple tree is not without flaws. We list some of them:

  • Small fruit size (for an amateur). The tendency to grind them every year. The reason for this phenomenon can serve as a large total weight of the fruit.
  • Productivity does not exceed 27 kg. But some experts consider this a good indicator.
  • Ripened fruits fall off. Do not leave them on the branches, it is better to start harvesting in several stages.
  • Shelf life of fruits, even in ideal conditions (coolness, lack of light) does not exceed 30 days.
  • Poor resistance of ripe apples to transportation.

red early apple tree description

Landing and care

Early red is an apple tree, the description of which was given above. She feels great in a temperate continental climate. It is necessary to take into account a good survival rate and fear of frost. Therefore, for regions with a sharply continental climate, the variety is not suitable.

It is best to plant the plant in the second half of April, before the buds bloom. If necessary, this can be done before October 10. Preparation begins 7-30 days before the date of planting.

Plant care is not too complicated. In spring, dry branches are removed from the tree, the wounds are smeared and fed, and pruning is also performed. The latter contributes to increased fruit tree productivity. Apple tree (Early Red), reviews of which are mostly positive, will be an excellent addition to the garden, provided that it is planted in the corresponding climatic zone.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23146/

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