Responsibilities of a soldier in battle: the basics of combined arms combat

The duties of a soldier in battle are numerous. And the role and significance of each military is great. After all, victory in battle depends on the successful actions of each soldier, the crews of combat vehicles and tanks, the calculations of mortars, guns, etc. But all this, again, is under the control of the military. And the outcome of the battle, of course, depends on their actions.

soldier duties in battle

The basics

Before proceeding to the details, I would like to talk about the topic briefly. Namely, what constitutes a modern battle. The duties of a soldier in battle are determined precisely by his purpose. And it consists in inflicting fire damage to the opponent and its destruction.

Means of modern combat are not only weapons. This is also the personnel. Also, modern combined arms combat has its own characteristics. They usually understand their important features and properties, which, in fact, reveal the nature of the battle.

The main features are decisiveness, tension, transience, high maneuverability, and the variety of means used during the battle. But there are also principles. Every military should follow them.

Everyone must be in constant combat readiness, be decisive, highly active, and continuously fight. Actions taken by the military must be sudden for the opponent. Also, soldiers and commanders must constantly and clearly interact with each other, calculate and coordinate each step. The squad is obliged to ensure a comprehensive battle and do everything possible so that it ends in victory.


At this initial stage, each soldier acts as part of his unit. The offensive task comes from the commander. The duty of a soldier in battle is to clarify the guidelines, composition, position, as well as the nature of the enemy’s actions. Each military must also identify the location of the rival’s weapons. Then he must determine his task, find goals for defeat. And, in addition, indicate the tank number, followed by its separation, the procedure for using fire and overcoming obstacles.

Before this, each soldier checks the availability of certain ammunition, as well as the serviceability of the weapon - prepares him for battle. If preparation is being carried out for an offensive that will be at night, then you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the area, remember the identification signs that will help you navigate in the dark.

place and responsibilities of a soldier in battle

Attack preparation

All the above actions are carried out in order to defeat the enemy was carried out successfully. The offensive is followed by an attack. Before the commander announces its beginning, the military must not leave their place. And the duties of a soldier in battle before an attack are to fire at the enemy. The commander gives the order after the tanks come to the starting position. As soon as the soldier hears “Separate, prepare for the attack!”, He must quickly complete several actions.

First, reload weapons and prepare grenades. Secondly, attach a bayonet-knife to the machine and set the scope. Thirdly, fix the equipment so that they do not interfere with its movement.

As soon as the tanks pass, the soldier puts his foot on the step or in the recess (depending on what was prepared during the offensive), rests on the parapet of the trench with his hands and continues to follow the opponent, preparing to leave the shelter at any time. And when the commander says "Separation, go ahead!", He does it. The duty of a soldier in battle in this case is to quickly, simultaneously with other soldiers, respond to an order, jump out of a trench (trench), and then follow the tank.


This is one of the most critical stages. The duties of a soldier in battle, in attack, are extremely important, since the outcome of the confrontation depends on how well he copes with them.

So, when moving to the chain, each military should be equal to the front and keep a certain interval. In parallel, he is obliged to destroy the opponent’s weapons (especially anti-tank) from weapons. Also, the soldier should be ready to indicate the most dangerous targets to the combat vehicle, which more than others hinder the advancement of their squad.

When a fighter approaches the trench / trenches occupied by the enemy, he must throw a hand grenade there. The distance to the opponent’s shelter should be about 30-35 meters. If there are surviving enemies, then the military will destroy them at point blank range or with hand grenades, while continuing to move in a given direction - these are the duties of a soldier in battle. The charter also allows you to "finish off" the enemy with hand-to-hand combat.

modern combat soldier duties in battle

Contaminated Activities

Talking about the general duties of a soldier in battle, it is necessary to note with attention how each military man should behave if infected areas have formed on the battlefield. This is not uncommon. They are formed as a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction by an opponent.

Therefore, during the battle, each soldier must be as careful as possible in order to notice such areas in time and inform the commander about them. And then - to take all kinds of actions to successfully overcome the obstacle.

For this, soldiers who are in armored personnel carriers are required to wear gas masks. And in tanks and infantry fighting vehicles you need to include a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction. After that, vehicles should move at maximum speed and in the direction where the terrain is the least dangerous for the health of the military.

These are the duties of a soldier in battle. The combat charter says: the military must do everything necessary not only for the successful outcome of the battle, but also to maintain his own integrity. Since every soldier is important and valuable.

If the military is moving on foot or in open cars, then they should wear respirators, protective gloves, stockings and protective raincoats. Gas mask - if the area is contaminated with toxic substances. Sites need to be overcome by dashes, at maximum speed.

general duties of a soldier in battle

Overcoming Water Obstacles

This is also the duty of a soldier in battle. Briefly, attention should be paid to this topic. Indeed, in a military situation, employees have to overcome swamps, ditches, streams and rivers. And you need to do it right.

It’s not always possible to use wooden and inflatable landing boats, boats and other transport means. If you have to overcome a water obstacle by swimming, you need to do it quickly and suddenly for the opponent, so as not to slow down the pace of attack.

However, soldiers are required to do everything possible to equip Ford. To clear the approaches and the channel of stones, stumps, piles and other obstacles, to fill up the funnels (or at least to protect them), to strengthen the descents to the river and the unsteady bottom covered with silt. If the current is fast, then a rope must be drawn across the river. You need to cross for 1-2 people. If the situation is not critical, then part of the equipment and shoes are allowed to be removed and transported to yourself. When crossing a swim, a cuff and a collar, the soldier unfastens, twists his pockets, unties his pants and ties, and lays his boots behind a waist belt. The machine should be taken behind the back or, as an option, put on a roll, after passing the belt on the chest under your arms.

Overcoming minefields

This obstacle is the most dangerous. As already mentioned, the responsibilities of a soldier in battle are determined by purpose. And it consists not only in bringing the team to victory, but also in maintaining the integrity of their own lives.

Soldier overcomes mine-explosive barriers in a run, moving behind the tank, according to the rut done by him. Minimize is not allowed. Moreover, fighters, for the sake of safety, are obliged to move “trace by trace”. Because otherwise there is a risk of hooking the wire closure or extension. Also, to prevent this from happening, the soldier must raise and lower the soles of his feet vertically.

After overcoming the field, the squad again deploys into the chain, resuming the attack.

duties of a soldier in battle


The above is not all the duties of soldiers in battle. The execution of commands must be carried out according to strict rules. And, since the goal is to destroy the opponent, the action here is one - shooting.

If the soldier is armed with a machine gun or machine gun, then he can fire on the move with a butt to his side or shoulder. Or offhand. In this case, it is allowed to fire from a short stop or without it at all. Weapons reload also on the go. Destruction of the enemy in the trench can be done not only with a grenade, but also with a point-blank shot, with a bayonet-knife or even with a blow of the butt.

If the soldiers see the approach of a combat aircraft or helicopter, they must open fire on air targets. It is conducted as part of a platoon or squad, exclusively at a range of up to 500 meters (tentatively). Fire can only be opened with the permission of the commander. Soldiers are firing standing, from a knee or in a lying position.

the duties of a soldier in battle are defined


Each soldier must remember that he must overcome the first trench without descending into it. Breaking into other trenches, the soldiers clear them in the direction that was given to the commanders. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the provision of the flanks.

Fighters must move along the trench quickly, simultaneously using not only grenades and weapons, but also hand-to-hand combat techniques (striking with the butt, infantry shovel, arms and legs, and also with bayonet injections). Hope in this situation can only be on your skill, since in this case the soldier is in the enemy’s den, which carries the greatest danger for him.

By the way, it’s better to act in tandem. One soldier wields grenades, and the other destroys enemies with fire. It is better to use a third fighter who will support them from above.

duties of soldiers in battle

Battle end

An attack can be completed for various reasons. Sometimes the enemy decides to retreat. In any case, this is called an attack stop. And even in such situations, the soldier must act in a certain order.

First of all, fighters should take refuge. So that the place could protect them from attack and fire. And at the same time, from there it was possible to quickly open targeted fire. Pulling out the shelter with an infantry shovel, the soldier must make a single trench, designed to fire lying.

In general, you can talk about this topic for a long time. But the basics are just that. The only means that is effective in terms of achieving victory is coherence and, of course, the manifestation of courage and intelligence.


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