Effective drops from fleas and ticks for dogs

Almost all the owners heard that parasites are dangerous to the life and health of their pets, in addition, some of them, for example helminths, are dangerous to humans. That is why today flea and tick drops for dogs are widely used. Modern products are very convenient, they do not need to be applied daily, just one or two treatments for the whole season are enough - and your pet will be protected. However, not all owners are aware of how dangerous parasites can be. Therefore, today we will consider how fleas, ticks or worms affect your pet’s body, and what means are used to combat them.

drops from fleas and ticks for dogs

Puppy Handling

Kids are especially sensitive to various drugs, which is why it is necessary to choose not only the most effective, but also safe flea and tick drops for dogs. Why is timely processing so important? Because parasites not only cause inconvenience to your pet, bite and drink its blood, but also are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases, as well as helminth eggs. The puppy's immune system is too weak to withstand serious infections.

Drops from fleas and ticks for dogs under 6 months

At this tender age, it is necessary to combine high protection and maximum naturalness, drug safety. Therefore, veterinarians recommend using special collars for puppies. They contain a small dosage of drugs and do not harm the body of babies. However, some owners make a big mistake, using at the same time drops on the withers, collar and shampoo from parasites. The dosage of the drug may be too large, and your pet will recover. An exception is products based on aromatic drops with an insect repellent effect. They will only strengthen the protection of your pet.

Such drops from fleas and ticks for dogs should be in your arsenal constantly. These are BIO-drops and BIO-collar from "Beafar". At the same time, do not forget that a trip to the cottage or to the forest always involves a much higher danger than a walk in the yard, so in this case, you must additionally use antiparasitic drops at the withers. These include Bio Spot on drops from Beafar. It provides reliable protection against all blood-sucking insects and is absolutely safe for your pet.

drops from fleas and ticks for cats

Choose a tool for the duration of exposure

This is an important point, because someone spends the whole summer outdoors, while others do not get out of the city apartment. Of course, everyone needs their own level of protection. That is why a variety of drops from fleas and ticks have been created. Reviews of veterinarians and owners indicate their high efficiency: even with high activity of parasites, contact with them can be avoided. If you have a short trip out of town, you can use tools such as Bio Spot on drops or Bio Spot on spray. They provide protection up to 4 days. If you are used to spending all summer in the country or regularly travel out of town, then you should use Bio Band flea collar - this is a collar designed for 4 months of continuous protection.

practice drops from fleas and ticks instruction

Summer is the height of tick activity

Many dog ​​owners know that the peak activity of these blood-sucking insects occurs in May-June, as well as August-September. It was at this time that it was most important to use flea and tick drops for cats and dogs. For this, many manufacturers are developing a separate series of products based on tetrachlorvinphos. The "SOS BEAFAR" remedy also belongs to them. The drug is the longest in its effect, it works for 8 months, that is, the entire season of maximum tick activity.

Cat Tools

So far, we have only talked about dogs, but drops from fleas and ticks for cats have exactly the same mechanism of action and can be safely used with a slight correction for the weight of the animal. If you have an adult cat, then the dosage for the puppy is quite suitable. However, there are special tools that you can take for furry pets. The most recommended veterinarian is Front Line. This is a comprehensive treatment for fleas and ticks. Its active substance is fipronil. This is the highest quality, but also one of the most expensive means. For one package will have to pay about 400 rubles.

The following would like to introduce to your attention the drug "Dana-2 Ultra." It is an effective remedy for fleas, ticks and water-eaters. Advantages - affordable price, as well as low toxicity. However, the minus is that it can not be used for small kittens and pregnant cats. The drug costs about 35 rubles.

Another remedy worth paying attention to is the Russian Chistotel. These drops kill both adult parasites and their larvae. It belongs to moderately hazardous substances and does not pose a danger to humans. The cost of the drug is about 60 rubles, while it is not recommended to use it to remove the block in kittens under 3 months old.

sentry drops from fleas and ticks

Drops from fleas and ticks "Bars"

Probably the most famous brand. Drops in this series are used to protect cats and dogs from lice, fleas, and lice. In addition, the drug is prescribed for sarcoptosis, notoedrosis, otodectosis, ixodid ticks. The active substance of the drug is fipronil. Drops are released in convenient packaging, 3-4 ampoules. Each is equipped with a convenient pipette.

The drug has a pronounced effect on larvae and sexually mature parasites. After application, the product is not absorbed into the bloodstream, but remains in the epidermis and sebaceous glands. This is due to its long insectoacaricidal and repellent effect. The mechanism of action of the drug is that upon contact with it, the parasite disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to paralysis and death of insects. The drug is well tolerated by animals, which means it can be widely used. These drops from fleas and ticks for puppies are also safe, although they do not recommend using them under the age of 10 weeks unless absolutely necessary. If the weight of your pet has already exceeded 2 kg, then this restriction can be ignored.

drops from fleas and ticks for puppies

What is a tick dangerous

In fact, those who first got a pet may not know how important it is to use flea and tick drops. Instructions for use give only general information about the method of application, namely the application of the drug to the withers with a frequency determined by the dosage of this agent. Ticks are dangerous because they are carriers of a deadly disease called pyroplasmosis. This is a parasitic disease in which red blood cells are destroyed, the supply of organs with oxygen is disrupted, and if treatment is not done on time, the death of the pet is inevitable. That is why from the earliest spring, when the first grass appears from under the snow, it is necessary to begin processing your pets

Tick ​​Protection Products

We have already mentioned the French drug Front Line. He is considered one of the best to date. That is why most veterinarians recommend it. At the same time, it does not protect against tick attack, but, after drinking blood, the insect dies, not having time to give part of the drink to the bloodstream. Due to this, protection against pyroplasmosis is achieved. The effectiveness of protection against ticks is approximately 95%.

The second most effective drugs are Mr. Bruno and Fiprex. These are generics of the famous Front Line. They have a slightly lower efficiency, about 80%, but they are cheaper.

Among the effective drops from ticks, it is necessary to note the preparations “Harts”, “Advantix”, “Dana” and “Celandine”. They are very effective, but completely safe for the animal. Created on the basis of permethrins, they have a contact effect. The only negative is that they are easily washed off with water, so they are not suitable if your pet likes to swim in open water. It must be remembered that drops of Stronghold, Advocate, and Advantage do not protect against ticks.

practicing drops from fleas and ticks

Fleas and the fight against them

These blood-sucking insects are more common, but at the same time bring less trouble than ticks. The appearance of fleas is always clearly visible: the pet itches and worries, and when examined, it is possible to detect the insects themselves or traces of their presence under the hair, wounds and undigested blood, black spots on the skin. To combat parasites, any of the tools listed here are suitable. It is especially convenient to use collars that are designed for long-term (up to a year) protection. For example, often owners of cats and dogs buy "Practitioner". Drops from fleas and ticks, which have long established themselves as sufficiently reliable, are also advised by veterinarians.

The drug "Practitioner"

This is another well-known analogue of the French drug Front Line. It is quite expensive, the package will cost about 1000 rubles. At the same time, most owners are in a hurry to listen to the advice of doctors and purchase "Practitioner". Drops from fleas and ticks, the instructions for use of which do not require special medical knowledge, have gained confidence in reliable clinical studies that confirm the effectiveness of the drug.

The drug is intended to combat parasitic insects, and also protects them from attack. The active substance is pyriprol. The most important thing is the convenient packaging and dosage, designed for the specific age and weight of the dog. That is, you don’t need to measure the required dose, just ask at the Practician veterinary pharmacy (drops from fleas and ticks). The instructions will accurately guide you which particular packaging you should purchase. It remains only to cut off the top of the pipette and once apply the solution to the clean, dry skin of the pet in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. At the same time, spread the hair so that the drug gets on the skin. It is not recommended to wash or bathe the animal in the first day after application.

flea and tick drops reviews


If your pet needs emergency protection, then you should opt for Sentry. Drops from fleas and ticks usually begin to act only after 10-12 hours, while this tool kills insects within 5 minutes after application. If you suddenly decided to take a trip to the forest, and your pet is not treated with ticks, then there is no better option. In this case, the effect persists for a month. The only rule: on the first day after application, do not let the pet swim in water.

Universal drug

It's about a drug called "Inspector Total C". This is a comprehensive remedy - drops from fleas, ticks and worms. That is, it can be used even when preparing an animal for vaccination. The only condition: the pet must not be younger than 7 weeks of age. The drug is also applied to dry skin, to the withers. Spreading the hair, squeeze the contents of the pipette onto the skin. In order to prevent all kinds of invasions, the treatment is performed once a month. The exception is pregnancy, the recovery period after a serious illness, age up to one month.

drops from fleas and ticks instruction

To summarize

To date, there are more than enough means to combat parasitic insects on the market. Today we considered only drops and the features of their application, but we must remember that in addition to this, there are also other forms. These are sprays and collars, antiparasitic shampoos and creams, powder. Each form has its pros and cons, but drops at the withers are considered the most effective. They allow you to provide long-term protection of the pet, and at the same time are completely safe for him. Depending on the manufacturer, the period of protection against bloodsucking insects is from 1 to 8 months.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23160/

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