Innovations in the library: implementation, implementation of the new and the observance of traditions

Do you think libraries have no future? Nothing like this. If you properly modernize the work and introduce innovations, readers will certainly reach the library. It is foolish to destroy what has borne fruit for many years. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the horizons of youth. Despite the fact that young people spend all their time on the Internet, they do not read anything useful. What innovations should be applied in the library for people to reach there? Read about it below.


library innovations

What is the current massive work in the library? Traditions and innovations in the temple of knowledge must keep pace with each other. Conferences are held in libraries today, but these are frankly boring events where even employees fall asleep. It is clear that with this approach it is impossible to attract a large audience. But how can you reorganize these events? An example should be taken from foreign colleagues. Every year in our country, trainings and master classes are becoming more popular. Specially trained people are able to convey information to their listeners. Moreover, the audience closely follows the speaker’s speech and does not fall asleep. Why is there such a contrast? The trainer who conducts the master class is passionate about what he talks about. A person actively and daily practices what he conveys to his listeners. Participants in modern library conferences make presentations on topics uninteresting to anyone. They cannot interest the audience. It is necessary to modernize this process. This will help modern innovation. You need to train people to perform. Yes, it can take a long time, but the game will be worth the candle. Topics for the conference should be chosen so that they are interesting to people of different ages. And it is advisable to organize events with different orientations every week in order to interest a larger volume of potential readers.

Book clubs

We must strive to introduce such innovations in the library that attract people who are not indifferent to reading to the temple of knowledge. And best of all, book clubs will do the job. Several sets of readers should be made, which will be supervised by library staff. Book clubs need to be created based on interests. For example, one will specialize in science fiction, the other in classical Russian literature, and in the third, people will read foreign classics. You can create mixed groups for beginners. In such clubs, everyone will be given an interesting selection of books of different genres.

Foreign libraries, innovations in which are made more often than in our country, have long organized such book clubs.

library innovation examples

Such events were created in order to attract more readers to the temple of knowledge. People are happy to come to the library for books and then to meet like-minded people who are sometimes impossible to find on their own. The library will have to work out a book club plan in advance. It should be discussed with readers when it is more convenient for anyone to gather, who wants to read and discuss which books. Decisions on such matters must be made by voting.

In addition to adult book clubs, you can create a club for children on the basis of the school library. A similar event can be supervised by a literature teacher. At the extracurricular lesson, the children will get acquainted with interesting works that are not included in the school curriculum. Thanks to such events, students will develop a good taste, the ability to well perceive information and express their opinion.

Book Cafe

traditions and innovations in libraries

Innovations in the library are perceived by the reading generation as a necessity. Indeed, today many do not want to go to the temple of knowledge because of the too small range of services offered by the organization. Therefore, library directors need to consider expanding. For example, you can create a book cafe. It should be noted that the innovation in the mass work of the library will consist in the opening of a room where you can not only eat, but also read. There is no point in opening an ordinary dining room in the library. But the book cafe will be able to gain popularity. Coming to such an institution, you can have a hearty meal, for example, during lunch and enjoy reading books. Naturally, you need to minimize the time of issuing paper products to customers. If a person enters a cafe to drink coffee, he will not have the desire to walk around the building for 30 minutes to take and then take the book to the reading room. In the cafe there should be shelves with the most popular copies of classics and bestsellers.

The cafe needs to be arranged so that people can go to it not only alone, but also with friends. You should think in advance what customers can get from the institution, in addition to delicious food. For example, on the shelves, along with books, there may be board games. It is advisable that there be some kind of connection between the games and the literary cafe. For example, you can create all kinds of quizzes on the theme of famous literary works.

Internet room

library innovation in libraries

What does the standard library look like today? This is a building filled with shelving, narrow tables and chairs. Innovations in the work of libraries should relate to redevelopment. In the building you need to allocate one of the halls in order to make a room in which people can sit on the Internet. Sometimes, for writing a doctoral or diploma work, readers lack information. And in order to get it, you have to return home. Such a problem will not arise if innovations are implemented in the library. The Internet room can be divided into two zones. In one sector there will be static computers belonging to the library, and in another zone there may be readers who came with their laptops. The work area needs to be made comfortable. Everyone who comes into the hall should have their own personal space. You can make partitions between computers or arrange them at a great distance from each other. To come to sit on the Internet will be able not only to those who need it to write a work, but also those who want to relax and unwind by checking social networks or mail.

In the Internet room, the library can organize watching movies. Subjects need to be selected literary. It is necessary to alternate documentary films with art to cover the entire diverse audience of the library.


modern library of innovation

Innovations in the work of libraries should concern not only work. Be sure to think about the rest of readers. One of the steps to create a comfortable atmosphere in the library will be a literary cafe. What else can you think of? Innovations in mass libraries may include the creation of recreational facilities. Such rooms are in large office buildings where employees are forced to engage in active brain activity. What should a modern rest room look like? Such a room is of two types. The first variation is a room with dark walls, sofas, armchairs and pouffes. Such a room makes a person a nap, and he can sleep lying on a puff for 20-30 minutes. Short breaks help the body recover, and the person will be ready for further work. The second variation of the relaxation room is a sports hall. A change of activity is the most productive vacation. So scientists say. After a long mental load, the reader can play a game of table tennis or run on a treadmill. A well-equipped gymnasium in the library is not needed, but a room with a small number of exercise machines will not be superfluous.

People can relax in the library on the roof of the building, on the terrace or on the balcony. Fresh air helps a person quickly regain strength and cheer up.


foreign libraries innovation

Has it ever happened that you came to the library, took a book, and you liked it so much that you would like to buy it? An example of an innovation in a library is a store. Readers will be able to buy any book they like. You will no longer need to travel around the city in search of the necessary literature. In the temple of knowledge, you can choose what you need. Naturally, prices should be reasonable, since people whose salaries are far from governor's go to the library.

Also, a great advantage of the store will be qualified employees. Bookstore sellers often cannot give good advice. Their maximum is to show the client what is on which shelf. The library staff not only knows the contents of the book, but can also give personal recommendations on what is better to read, what is bought more and what is in demand among each age segment of readers. The advantage of buying book gifts can be the fact that you can purchase in the library the literature that you have already read.

Order department

library innovation

Traditions and innovations in the work of libraries should merge into a single whole. What is worth doing? You can organize an order department. In this section, people will be able to make a request to the library management. Readers will visit the temple of knowledge only if there are fresh editions on the bookshelves, and not volumes of a hundred years ago. Young people want to read not only the classics, but also the books of their contemporaries. An example of an innovation in a library is electronic filing. For example, every week librarians can rank the most requested books and, based on this, post open ballots on the library's website. Thanks to this method of interviewing, the director of the library will be aware of all the most popular bestsellers and will be able to timely replenish shelves with the demanded news.

The library can work directly with suppliers and purchase books from them. Moreover, in case of need and requests from the store, the temple of science can supply its customers with rare copies of books, for example, collection editions. Such an individual approach to each client will not be able to go unnoticed. Readers will stop looking for alternatives on the Internet if ordering a book in a library is quick and cheap.

Meetings with writers

How to combine tradition and innovation in libraries? You can arrange meetings with writers. The Temple of Knowledge is the place where modern recognized geniuses will be able to present their new products. At such an event, authors can read excerpts from their famous books and answer all the questions of their fans. It will be interesting for every fan to meet his literary idol and find out his true idea. Indeed, it often happens that the reader takes out from the book not at all what the author put into it. So meetings in the library will be mutually beneficial for both the creators of masterpieces and admirers of creativity.

Authors can be invited to the library who can tell everyone who wishes their success story. After all, people always like to listen to inspirational stories. At such meetings, writers will be able to warn young talents from all the pitfalls that they had to overcome. Authors of famous works can share their worldview and find out from readers what topic they will be more in demand.

Book authors can be invited to book club meetings in the library. Many writers will be interested in hearing a detailed discussion, criticism and praise of their novel.

Meetings with publishers

Traditions and innovations in libraries can be combined without much difficulty. So, for example, holding modernized conferences will be relevant. At such an event, publishers and readers may meet. What could be the topic of conversation? Today, many gifted people live in cities. Some of them write novels, others write poems, and others write stories for children. Most of these creations are written on the table. The light will never be able to see the work of a person who has no connections and does not know how to print and then sell his own work. Publishers will be able to tell which books are popular today, what kind of creativity can be published through the printing house, and what requirements are presented in the publishing house regarding work. The publisher can show with the example of one book what is good and what is bad in it. An expert opinion will be curious to hear not only for beginners, but also for amateurs who have repeatedly printed their creations.

At such meetings, you can raise the question of the sale. To whom to sell, how to do it and for how much. The publisher will be able to give detailed answers and each paragraph of his story will be illustrated by examples from practice.

Readings for children

The introduction of innovation in the library should be gradual and phased. One such step should be the introduction of readings for children. Parents of the younger generation entertain children in various ways. They take children to master classes, order animators and send kids to complete quests. But there is no intellectual development in most of these events. This gap can be filled by the library. Every week, children's readings are available. At such events, one of the librarians will read children's works, and then discuss what they read with the children. Children will learn to articulate their thoughts and express them. Such classes will help kids expand their horizons and liberate themselves.

Similar innovations in the children's library will also find a response. Employees of the temple of knowledge will be able to read with children not only classical charity, but also the school curriculum. Thanks to such activities, schoolchildren will improve their academic performance in literature, as they will analyze some works more than once. But the main task of such children's events is to instill in the child a love of reading. After all, reading children are a hope for a happy future for our country.


Library innovations in libraries may be related to related activities. For example, with a theater. Someone may think this idea is too daring, but if the space of the library allows, you can open a theater circle in it. In it, plays will be staged not only by classics, but also by contemporary writers. Talented young people will be able to offer their vision of a modern bestseller. Having made a play out of the work, it will be possible to begin rehearsals. To such an activity somehow helped people to develop, teachers of acting can lead such an initiative. They will be able to teach everyone to properly behave on stage, speak beautifully and remember large volumes of text.

Such events will be popular not only among adults, but also among children and adolescents. It will be interesting for the children to play in a hand-written play. Thanks to the synthesis of art, the library will be able to simultaneously increase the prestige of literature and theater. Reporting concerts of groups can take place both in the library building. Interested viewers will be able to get to know the temple of science and join the ranks of readers.

Literary workshops

Want to innovate in your school library, but don't know which ones? Pay attention to literary workshops. What it is? Children's creativity, unlike an adult, does not know any prohibitions. The child writes because he wants to do it, because the activity gives him pleasure. An experienced adult can guide the aspiration of children in the right direction. At literary master classes, librarians or invited people will talk about how the work is built, that any book consists of parts. Children will get acquainted with the laws of writing, which, perhaps, they are already following, but so far thoughtlessly. At such events with children, you can analyze in detail a separate fragment from the work. Using the example of a part of the text, the essence of metaphor or the role of proverbs in a work should be explained. A library, even a school library, should not force children to attend such events. Work at the master classes will go on the quality of education of interested persons. It is clear that it is desirable to find at least 5 people, so that it makes sense to introduce innovation.

Evenings of poetry

There are many ways to interest people. For example, one of the innovations in the library's activities could be the creation of poetry evenings.People who care about poetry will come to events. The administration of the library may invite famous poets to raise interest in the event. People will read their poems, and help listeners better understand the essence of poetic lines. Young poets will be able to read their own creations in front of the audience as part of the evenings held in the library. Presentations of new editions and popularization of the old collection, inexperienced listeners will like any option.

At each evening of poetry, you can set aside time for young beginnings to take the floor. Thanks to sound criticism, people will be able to improve their creativity and choose the right vector of development.

You can organize meetings of poets and musicians. Indeed, in fact, a song is a poem put to music. Composers will tell you how it is possible to beat your creativity and how to find a companion who agrees to write a melody for poetry. At such events, live performances of musicians who will demonstrate their poems through songs can be encouraged.

Interest Clubs

What modern innovations do libraries use? Yes, almost none. The temples of knowledge, unfortunately, are empty today. Many books are stored in them, but finding something fresh on the shelves is sometimes problematic. What should libraries do in order to win the former love of their readers? You can organize various clubs in the temple of knowledge. But clubs should not be confused with what can sometimes be observed in our country. The library rents out unnecessary premises. This should not be allowed. Each of the clubs should be headed by a librarian and the club itself should be connected with literature in one area or another. As already mentioned above, you can organize a literary club, a poetry club, a club of theater lovers with the subsequent organization of the performance. Also in the library you can give lectures. Weekly topics of such lectures will change. For example, it can be reports on the lives of writers, stories about unknown facts from the lives of famous people.


Young people love to solve logical puzzles. A library can provide people with this opportunity. Writing a script for a quest for literary works will not be difficult for an experienced specialist. Scenery for such an event can be done by the efforts of employees or call on students for help. Advertise an event in advance. Each department of the library should prepare its own assignment. In the reading room they can ask general questions, in the local history department the task should be connected with famous personalities and native land, and in the music department readers will have to give an answer using the music recording.


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