What are pellets? Equipment for the production of pellets

The issues of optimizing the consumption of energy resources are becoming increasingly relevant for both manufacturing enterprises and ordinary consumers. To achieve maximum savings, more advanced technical means of fuel processing are usually used with the expectation of obtaining the appropriate return. However, the most promising area is the improvement of the characteristics of raw materials, which acts as the basis for energy production.

Private homeowners who decide to switch to fuel cells alternative to firewood and coal have long had no questions about what pellets are and how effective they are. In many ways, this type of biofuel is ahead of traditional materials. Given the prospects for the development of pellet production, entrepreneurs are also actively interested in this area. The fact is that Russia is a favorable platform for the use of inexpensive and easy to manufacture fuel. But first you need to figure out what this type of bio-filler is.

what is pellets

What are pellets?

In essence, these are granules that are made from natural raw materials. Although pellets are associated with fuel on a mass scale, which is justified and fair, this material is also used as a feed additive for livestock feed, as organic and mineral fertilizers, as a filler in construction, etc. Of course, the main area for which pellet production works, this is heat supply. In Europe, such biofuels are widely used in the maintenance of private homes. Users value this material for its environmental friendliness, zero waste and ease of transportation. In terms of the return of thermal energy, a high energy efficiency of the granules is also noted.

In Russia, so far only the formation of this niche in the market has been noted. The advantages of ecological fuel overlap with the need to use special boilers - this is the main disadvantage that fuel pellets have in terms of use in private needs.

pellets equipment

Black and white granules - what are the differences?

Classical pellets have a white tint, which is due to the main material of manufacture and additives. Black granules appeared just a few years ago, and today they are actively promoted by the largest European companies. A feature of such biofuels is the use of torrefaction technology in the production process. In addition, coal firing agents are used in the composition, as a result of which a dark shade is formed. But, of course, first of all, the consumer is interested in the question of what pellets (black) are in terms of performance. As chemical analyzes show, this type of wood pellets provides high values โ€‹โ€‹of calorific value, considerable energy intensity and good burning parameters even in comparison with traditional light-colored biomass. Now it is worth familiarizing yourself with the technology of manufacturing pellets.

pellet production

Manufacturing technology

As raw materials, such materials as wood, peat, sunflower husk, various wastes of cereal production and agriculture can be used. The prepared raw material is sent to the crusher, where it is crushed to a flour state. Further, the processed raw material enters the drying chamber, and then into a special press with the function of a granulator. At this stage, the direct production of pellets is carried out by compressing the wood pulp, pressing it and forming granules. In order to endow products with a stable form, binders, including lignin, are used. Finished pellets are cooled and then packaged in special containers. Packaging options vary from small 2-kilogram bags to big bags weighing up to 1 ton. The supply of granules in bulk is also common.

equipment for the production of pellets

Training Equipment

At the stage of grinding raw materials, chopping units of a drum or disk type are used, as well as crushing machines. The use of a particular type of grinding equipment depends on the characteristics of the prepared mass and the requirements to which finished pellets must meet. Equipment in the form of chippers, for example, is used for the treatment of wood waste with natural moisture indicators. In this case, the operator can control two cutting methods (hammers and knives), resulting in fine-grained sawdust. This approach to manufacturing allows you to get high-quality pellets that are suitable for most universal boilers.

Drying equipment

The next stage involves the drying of fine-grained raw materials. To achieve this goal, multicyclic pellet production equipment is used, which is presented on the Russian market by drum dryers and fireproof heat generators. The best solution for a small production line can be a drum-type dryer that provides thermal exposure. Such units usually have a power potential of up to 4 kW, and the average volume is 2-3 m 3 .

fuel pellets

Granulation Equipment

It should be noted that briquetting technology is also widespread, but its products are mainly used by large enterprises. At this stage, several types of pellet production equipment are used. First of all, it is a tedder hopper, which performs the tasks of accumulating and maintaining a certain amount of raw material before the granulation operation. During the pressing process, a steam supply is also necessary, for which an electric steam generator is responsible. The main production chain is a compression granulator.

Next, machines cooling the resulting product come into play. The task of coolers is not only to remove excess moisture. Such units also provide fuel pellets with sufficient strength for transportation and convenient handling during operation.

Pellet boiler

In conventional furnaces and boilers, biofuels, as a rule, cannot be burned. For these purposes, special heating units are used. The features of pellet boilers include the small size of the combustion chamber and the developed convective part. During operation, this design provides an exhaust gas temperature of up to 200 ยฐ C. In addition, pellet boilers are equipped with a volumetric burner, which ensures high productivity. In this indicator, pellet boilers can be compared to models using natural gas, however, against the background of solid fuel units, they noticeably benefit.

pellet boilers


Pellet pellets have many advantages over coal and wood, as well as gas heating systems. It is convenient to use, inexpensive and environmentally friendly fuel. To understand the value of the properties of this biomass, we should again turn to the question of what pellets are in terms of composition. It is a natural raw material that is pressed and marketed in optimal shape. We can say that this is the same wood, but shredded and not lost high density. If we talk about the disadvantages of this fuel, then the demand for heating equipment and the high price, which, however, pays off the energy efficiency of pellets, will come to the fore.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23168/

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