What is a social pension?

Social pension is one of the types of state support. Such payments can be claimed by those citizens who, for one reason or another, could not acquire the right to a retirement pension, but, nevertheless, need current income. What is a social pension? Who can claim it? How to apply for state aid? All these questions interest many.

Social Pension: A Little History

social pension

In fact, this type of payment has a very ancient history. At first, a social pension was considered a kind of privilege or reward. It is known that demobilized Roman legionnaires had the right to receive regular payments - this emphasized their importance and demonstrated to society tremendous services to the country.

But over time, government payments acquired a social character. And for the first time, pension was approved over a century ago in Germany. In 1908, social pension appeared in other countries, in particular in Australia and the UK. The US government first introduced a law on such government support around the 30s of the 20th century. In Russia, payments to the elderly appeared only in 1956.

Who can claim a social pension?

social pension in Moscow

Of course, not every citizen has the right to receive such payments. As already mentioned, a social pension is granted to those persons who for one reason or another cannot receive labor payments. Below are those categories of people who can apply for a pension :

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that disabled children receive state assistance.
  • In addition, adults who apply to persons with disabilities of the first, second or third group can apply for payment.
  • Men over the age of 65, as well as women over 60.
  • There is such a thing as a social survivor pension. This implies that government assistance is provided to children under the age of 18 who have lost one or two parents. In addition, the payment period can last up to 23 years in cases where the child is in stationary education in any educational institution.

Naturally, in order to receive state assistance, it is necessary to provide the social services with the necessary information.

Social pension: what documents are needed to apply for it?

survivor social pension

In order to apply for social assistance, you need to contact your local social security institution. Here you will be told about which documents are needed to apply. Mandatory document is a passport. It is also necessary to provide a certificate of place of residence and family composition.

When applying for disability, you must also provide a doctor’s opinion on the state of health. If a social pension is needed after the loss of the breadwinner, then the social service must also submit a death certificate for the parent (parents or guardians), to confirm the identity of the official guardians (if the child is under 18). If the child is in stationary education, then confirmation from the educational institution is also necessary.

As for the size of state aid, they are determined individually depending on the reasons and living conditions. In addition, the cost of living is taken into account . Thus, the social pension in Moscow can be significantly greater than state assistance in any other city.

After submitting the documents, a thorough check takes place, and only then the first charges begin.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23172/

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