Spanish dolls "Paola Reina" (Paola Reina)

The first dolls were created in the ancient world. But initially they were not childish fun. They identified as a person or spirit and were spiritual charms, religious symbols. The history of the emergence of dolls dates back several centuries and many different stages. As toys for children, they began to be manufactured on an industrial scale only in the middle of the 19th century. Since then, manufacturers have launched various types of dolls on the consumer market, which differ in material, manufacturing technology, appearance, functions, etc. In this article we will talk about what Paola Reina dolls are today, which are in incredible demand from customers. We will find out what is the secret to the success of such a toy and review various series.

Dolls Paola Reina

Doll manufacturer Paola Reina

Such dolls are made in Spain. The Paola Reina company was established in 1994. But only in 2008, their products began to conquer the Russian market. Today, the company exports its products to 33 countries. Paola Reina dolls are in demand on five continents. And they get such a toy not only for children's fun, but also as collectible souvenirs. What is the secret of such success? We will talk about this below.

Features of Paola Reina Doll

The first thing I want to note is that the Paola Reina dolls are multinational. Here are toys in the form of African Americans, Caucasians, Asians, mulattos. Today, conflicts related to racial affiliation are an urgent problem of modern society. By releasing dolls with different types of appearance, the manufacturer is trying to draw world attention to this problem. Playing with such toys, children learn tolerance towards people who are not similar in appearance to themselves.

Still such advantages are the Spanish dolls "Paola Reina":

  1. The toys are made from high quality materials that meet EU standards.
  2. Dolls are as realistic as possible - faces display different emotions, craftsmen worked out small details, thought out the style and character of each character.
  3. The manufacturer offers a series of such toys. Dolls are characterized by growth, "age", and are also made of different materials.
  4. Characters are gender related.
  5. A distinctive feature of such toys is a persistent pleasant vanilla odor - it does not disappear even after a long time.

Doll Paola Reina 32 cm

What are the advantages of such a toy?

Psychologists have proven that a child personifies himself in a doll. Thanks to such a toy, the kid learns the world around him, joins society. Depending on the age of the child, the doll has different game functions. Up to a year, children cannot fully organize any story games - the kids are just beginning to perceive and recognize facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.). Then such a toy becomes the key to understanding established rules in society (for example, a child bathes or feeds a doll) and the development of imagination. By the age of 4-5, the child is already able to independently develop the plot of the game, personifying himself or others in the doll.

In order for all these games to occur with maximum efficiency for the comprehensive development of the baby, it is important to acquire a high-quality toy. Indeed, most often, a doll is not just a toy, but a reflection of a person, in this case a friend or even himself. Paola Reina will become a worthy assistant in the development of crumbs - high-quality material, a detailed face, “live” emotions of the character will help the child to fantasize, creating a variety of game plots.

Series of dolls "Paola Reina"

Dolls "Paola Reina" are produced in series. So, the following assortment is presented in stores:

  • vinyl "Paolitos and Paolitas" 21 cm tall;
  • "Pissing" 22-centimeter;
  • baby dolls — naked;
  • Gordis (34 cm);
  • "Newborns" (45 cm);
  • soft stuffed dolls:
  • dolls "Girlfriends" (32 cm);
  • with soft padding;
  • growth of 40 cm and 60 cm;
  • series "Elves, witches, angels and monsters."

From time to time, the manufacturer delights little fans of their products with exclusive series of dolls, for example, in 2007, favorite characters appeared in Christmas costumes.

Spanish dolls Paola Reina
Small dolls "Paola Reina"

Small dolls of the manufacturer Paola Reina are charming copies of real babies. For the youngest children choose dolls with a soft stuffed body (36 cm). They are so nice to hug, admiring smiling faces!

The assortment of naked baby dolls also pleases with ethnic diversity. In addition, there are girls and boys. Attracts buyers at an affordable cost. The quality of small dolls does not differ from other lines of dolls of this manufacturer, but the absence of a wardrobe significantly reduces the price of the product. In addition, for this type of “Paol”, the hair is either completely absent or made of vinyl - therefore, combing such a “baby” or making his hairdo is not possible. Thus, the Paola Reina doll without clothes will suit one-year-old children. After all, at this age, the child still does not think about the fact that toys need to be protected and carefully played with them. And such a baby doll is easy to wash and dry without damaging it.

But the biggest demand among consumers is funny baby dolls in summer clothes, 22 cm tall. Such a toy will be a wonderful gift for both a one-year-old baby and a 5-6 year old girl. The dolls of this series are distinguished by their emotionality - the artist worked out the smallest details that determine the features of the "character" and "mood" of the doll. Every detail is thought out - skin color, eye shape, hair structure, as well as clothing and accessories. Particular attention is paid to the facial expressions of the doll - it is this feature that distinguishes the small dolls "Paola Reina" from any others.

The manufacturer also offers larger baby dolls - from 34 to 45 cm tall. Such dolls are identical to 22 cm baby dolls, but differ in clothing. Characters of different races are presented here, both naked, in a diaper, and with a fashionable wardrobe thought out to the details. Such toys are suitable for girls from 6 years and older - they will be able to appreciate the quality of the baby doll, its realism. With such a doll, you can play role-playing games, dressing it up in real children's clothes.

Adults also often acquire such dolls - the realism of small dolls is fascinating. They decorate the interior or collect.

Dolls from Paola Reina

Dolls series "Friends"

A real friend for a child over 5 years old will be the Paola Reina doll (32 cm or 40 cm) from the specified series. They were created by the projects of the talented artist Ruth Treffeisen. The achievements of this master include world-class awards for the manufacture of porcelain collection dolls. Therefore, in the series “Paola Rhine: Friends”, the hand of the master is clearly traced. These dolls realistically depict children 4–5 years old. Each model has a name corresponding to ethnicity. In a series such dolls "Paola Reina" are issued:

  • Carla.
  • Carol.
  • Claudia.
  • Dasha.
  • Hope.
  • Ballerina.
  • Yael.
  • Leela.
  • Nastya.
  • Christie.
  • Nataliya.
  • Nora.

Dolls with a height of 40 cm are produced as follows:

  • Emily.
  • Audrey
  • Asian.
  • Becky.
  • Emma.
  • Peleroi.
  • Moraine.
  • Nastya.
  • Masha.
  • Ballerina.
  • Ashley
  • Liz.

Most of the models described are produced in several versions. For example, the Christie Paola Reina doll is a green-eyed, curious red-haired girl who chooses a wardrobe according to the weather and mood. In one version, she is dressed in a light pink sundress, in another - in a strict blue dress with white stripes, and with the onset of autumn she dressed in a warm cloak, hat and high black boots.

Dolls Paola Reina: Carla

Stuffed dolls

The company also produces 50-centimeter dolls with a soft stuffed torso. It is a pleasure to hug such a toy, for example, during sleep. They are made no less detailed than those described above: realistic facial features and a masterful selection of wardrobe details conquer adults and children. In this series, such dolls are presented:

  • Boy Adrian.
  • Unai with closing eyes.
  • Marcus.
  • Isa.
  • Wiki.
  • Mayan.
  • Mulatto.
  • Sonya (with sound effects).
  • Alice.
  • Rocio.

Articulated dolls

Articulated dolls are those that, thanks to special manufacturing techniques, can take on different body positions. Such a toy will delight girls over five years old, because it will become a real girlfriend! The articulated dolls from Paola Rhine have a height of 60 cm. The mobility and flexibility of the limbs can significantly expand the possibilities and diversify the plot of the game.

Such a toy will become a worthy exhibit of a professional collection. The combination of modern technologies for the manufacture of dolls and the high skill of artists led to a decent result in the form of articulated dolls "Paola Reina".

Angels, princesses, witches, monsters and elves

Analyzing demand in the consumer market, Paola Reina released such small series of dolls as Angels, Princesses, Witches, Monsters and Elves. So, the latter are 24-centimeter bright baby dolls. And the rest are in the line of 32-centimeter dolls. “Princesses” occupy a separate place - a detailed workshop designing the wardrobe of these models delights with sophistication. Such dolls are more likely created for collecting than for children's play.

Doll Christie Paola Reina

Prototypes of real children

The Paola Reina company has released two dolls that are realistic replicas of famous children. One of them is 32-inch blonde Leonora - the prototype of the daughter of the Spanish prince. We offer to see the image of such a Paola Reina doll (photo can be seen below) together with Carol's girlfriend.

Another “puppet clone” of a real child is Cleopatra, which looks like the smallest pop singer Cleopatra Stratan.

Dolls Paola Reina: photos

Dolls "Paola Reina" are of high quality and realism. The successful combination of modern toy manufacturing technologies and the professionalism of the team of creative masters became the key to the global success of the brand.


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