Do-it-yourself bouquets of bears. Bouquet of Teddy Bears

In relationships, attention is especially important, especially for girls. Therefore, they love gifts so casually, albeit small and completely trifling. And, of course, the intrigue on holidays takes a much greater turn. Be it her birthday, Valentine's Day or Christmas, the girl always wants to feel special and stay in the spotlight. And no matter how wonderful the gifts from the shops are, what was done with your own hands, with your zeal and feelings invested in it, is much more valuable. Therefore, in this article you can learn how to make a bouquet of bears or any other small toys with your own hands.

Combination of colors and materials

bouquets of bears
First you need to familiarize yourself with what materials will be needed for such a surprise. Firstly, these are the toys themselves. You can choose the same, small size, or you can combine different with each other. However, it should be remembered that they should not stand out too much, that is, be neutral colors: white, beige, gray or pastel shades, except perhaps with slight color accents. For example, you can make a bouquet of white teddy bears with pink skirts. This is necessary because we will decorate the bouquet with bright shiny paper, feathers, foil and other materials that, when combined with the same catchy toys, will look silly and tasteless. Therefore, it is better to either think of a combination of colors in a bouquet in advance, or stock up on a large number and assortment of wrapping paper and decor elements.

Other materials and subtleties of the idea

bouquet of teddy bears
It’s already a matter of your imagination, and therefore you can find and prepare artificial flowers, sweets such as “Truffle” or “Ferrero Rocher”, ribbons, organza or net, feathers, beads, etc. for work. Also, to make bouquets from bears, metal wire (preferably floristic) for fastening toys and a common frame (more on this later) will be required. But we need the tools for work: durable scissors, a stapler, adhesive tape, a glue gun, a bag of dense polyethylene, wire cutters. To choose the general idea of ​​the bouquet, you need to think about whether it will be disassembled. For example, if your girl’s family has children or she herself loves toys, then in the process of work you will need to try not to spoil them with wire or glue. If you know for sure that nobody will take apart your bouquets from bears, then you can work more carelessly inside and even put toys on wooden skewers.

Making the foundation

how to make a bouquet of bears
For the frame, you can make two main options. Firstly, it can be a basket filled with polyurethane foam (such bouquets from bears look very nice). And secondly, for the base, you can cut a large cone from the foam and stick it with tape or fasten it with a stapler to a tube 35-45 cm long. It can be plastic or even cardboard, but you need to make sure that it is quite rigid and can withstand the weight of the future bouquet . If you don’t have polystyrene foam or you can’t attach it to the tube, a backup option is suitable: with paper we wrap the tube in the form of a cone and glue it from below and wrap it with tape, and fill the resulting cavity with polyurethane foam.

Getting to work

As a first option, a bouquet of Teddy bears in the form of a basket was chosen. So, we fill its cavity with polyurethane foam or cut out a foam in shape that matches the outlines of the bottom. Now we are preparing 11 bears: we cut the same squares with a side of 10-15 cm from the pink and green packaging felt and from the golden mesh. Now we put a toy on the wooden box in the tail area, and then 1 piece of mesh and 2 squares of felt each colors. We bend the wrapping paper and fasten the shape with a stapler so that it wraps the bottom of the bear in the form of a cone with fluffy corners, this is called a "little thing." We need to make sure that our bouquet of soft bears consists of 6 on pink pounds and 5 on green, or vice versa, that is, we will alternate them.

We make out

bouquet of soft bears

Now we fasten the toys to the bottom: before you pierce the foam with a skewer, put glue on it, and also do not forget to place the bears with their muzzles on the outer edge of the basket. So it should fit about 11 pieces, first we plant them on the periphery, and then fill the center. Now it remains only to fill the empty spaces between the toys and draw up the basket itself. Bouquets of teddy bears are usually decorated with the same cute decor elements, and therefore we make more funky on a skewer of felt and mesh, only now empty, and also fix them with glue between the toys. At the end of the process, we attach a ribbon bow to the handle of the basket , or you can even pre-wrap it completely with satin or a gold ribbon and fix everything with a stapler. And now our bouquet of Teddy bears in the basket is ready!

Sweet idea

bouquet of soft bears
To make our gift not only beautiful, but also tasty, someone came up with decorating bouquets of bears wrapped in sweets wrapped in corrugated paper so that they looked like flowers. This is exactly the idea that we will carry out now. So, we are preparing the basis: on a plastic tube we fasten with foam tape a foam in the form of a cone, the top of which continues into a small cylinder, it will need to be inserted into the lumen of the tube for reliable fastening. You can also use hot glue. Now 7 identical bears are wrapped around the belt with wire, and its free ends are twisted together and directed downwards. Thus, we can firmly “plant” our toys on polystyrene foam. We prepare candies: we will arrange them in the form of flowers, and about 5 pieces will be needed.

Second phase

bouquet of teddy bears
So, we cut the corrugated paper into small squares with a side of 15-20 cm, put the candy in the center, wrap it with paper and tie it with a ribbon, the edges of which should be wrapped for beauty. You can also glue paper petals on the outside, so they will look more like flowers. Now we proceed to the formation of a common idea. Bouquets of bears look very cute also with roses, which can be made from satin ribbons and used to decorate a gift. But if you do not own the technique of such creativity, you can do without them. To hide the wire on the lower back of the bears, we mask them with ribbons, tying them on the abdomen in the form of a bow. Now we pierce the foam with a wire, unfolding the toys with their muzzles to the outer edge of the basket and placing them in 2 rows. We fix sweets between them, and fill the empty spaces with pounds of wrapping paper or roses from ribbons.

The final stage

DIY bouquets of bears
Bouquets of bears made with love with their own hands are very beautiful and original, so connect all your imagination to decorate them. To begin with, in order to mask our gift from the outside, we wrap it in corrugated paper in two layers: at first it is darker, and on the outside it is lighter, we fasten them together with clips, and fasten them with hot glue on the tube and foam. At the same time, in order to hide all the flaws of the bouquet, the paper should recede from its edge by 8-10 cm so that it can be turned out and waves form. Now, we make out in the same way with organza or floristic net, and in the center of the tube we tie a ribbon in the form of a beautiful bow. Also on the periphery, you can lay lace from organza in several layers or feathers that are suitable in color. And now our wonderful bouquet of soft teddy bears is ready!


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