Tomar, Portugal: attractions, photos and reviews

The history of the city of Tomara in Portugal is closely connected with the famous Knights Templar. After the expulsion of the Moors from the territory of Portugal, in which the Templars took an active part, the land was granted the order between the rivers Mondegu and Tagus. It was here that the modern city of Tomar grew up. At first the castle was erected, and then a settlement arose around. The founder of the luxury residence was Gualdin Pais, the first Master of the Order in Portugal.

At present, visiting Tomar is a great opportunity to touch the history of chivalry, the Templars and the Order of Christ. A small town, an hour and a half drive from Lisbon, is proud of its unique architectural monuments preserved from the Middle Ages, and every autumn you can visit the large fair dedicated to Saint Iria - the patroness of Tomar.

Portugal Templars Tomar

The historical part of the city

The picturesque city is located on the banks of the Naban River. The settlement formed around the castle, which was built by the Templars on one of the hills. Gradually, the buildings around expanded, and today Tomar (Portugal) is reminded of the rich historical past of Charola Church, which was built a few years after the construction of the fortress walls.

This is a magnificent building, the architecture of which is not typical of the Middle Ages. The temple of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem served as an example of a sixteen-sided tower. The halls of the religious building are decorated with bewitching hand-painted and gilding.

The main street of the city is considered a historical district. Around narrow narrow streets typical of Portugal. It is enough to walk along them to find interesting workshops and small cozy coffee shops where you can stop waiting for rain (the weather is often cloudy). The main shopping street is Rua Serpa Pinto. This is a paradise for shopaholics. At Rua Serpa Pinto you can find the best stores offering branded clothing, luxury perfumes and jewelry.

Sao Joan Batista

Church of SĂŁo JoĂŁo Batista

Through narrow streets from the main square you can walk to the church, which in the fifteenth century was erected on behalf of King Manuel I the Happy. The building is a real architectural decoration of the city of Tomara (Portugal). Reviews of tourists confirm that it’s enough just to admire while walking nearby, but history or architecture lovers will be even more interesting here.

The interior of the building combines elements of the Portuguese Renaissance and Gothic. These solutions are better known under the name "Manuelino" - this is a folk trend in the art of medieval Portugal. The portal is made in the Greek style, and the columns are decorated with bulky capitals. The church was built during the unprecedented power and prosperity of the country, the formation of Portugal, as a powerful maritime state, which is evident from the general sight of the attraction.

The Church of São João Batiste is luxury itself, but the main asset is a collection of panels by Grigorio Lopis, a famous Renaissance artist. The central aisle is decorated with paintings “The Beheading of the Head of John the Baptist” and “The Last Supper”. A gilded altar with baroque elements looks very rich. In 1910, this attraction was recognized as a monument of national importance, so that it invariably attracts tourists.

tomar portugal photo

Castle of the Knights Templar in Tomar

Today, the Convento de Cristo Monastery (aka Tomar Castle in Portugal) is included in the UNESCO heritage list, being one of the most magnificent buildings. Tomar was the main castle and part of the defense system that defended the kingdom from the south. The attraction survived five centuries of construction and has repeatedly become a victim of destruction. In 1810, for example, Napoleon’s troops turned the monastery of amazing beauty into ruins.

Convento de Cristo Monastery History

At the beginning of the eleventh century, the spiritual and chivalric Order of the Knights was founded to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. Two centuries later, this organization became one of the most powerful and wealthy, laying the foundation for the modern financial system. The Templar Order was defeated by one of the largest debtors - Philip the Beautiful. Pope Clement V, who also owed a large sum, didn’t particularly prevent this.

tomar portugal templar castle

The massacre of the Templars was clearly organized and thought out. The top was subjected to a public process. Lawyers of the order built an ideal line of defense, but they did not appreciate this in the dark Middle Ages - the Templars were tortured and burned at the stake. The main question remains: where is the money? Not many jewels were found in the captured possessions. There are many versions according to which those who survived either fled to Great Britain, or to America, which had not yet been discovered, or to the mysterious Atlantis. One version points to Portugal.

Everything leads to the castle of the Templars in Tomar (Portugal). The castle was founded by representatives of the order in the middle of the twelfth century, and after the execution of the tops it became the main residence of the Order of Christ - an organization that received all the lands and possessions that previously belonged to the Templars. I must say that the symbolism and charter clearly resembled the symbolism and charter of the order, and in finance the knights were no less successful than their predecessors.

Some architectural features

Today, the architecture of this landmark of Tomara (Portugal) is a mixture of Romanesque and Gothic styles, Renaissance and Manuelino. The novelties introduced by the Templars were round fortress towers, which were more effective in the defense process than square ones, as well as a stronghold with a donjon. The rotunda church was built on the model of a mosque in Jerusalem, which (according to the Templars themselves) was the remnant of the Temple of Solomon. Another possible example is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem in the form in which it was before perestroika at the beginning of the century before last.

portugal tomar reviews

During the reign of Heinrich the Navigator, a Gothic nave was attached to the church, connected to the main interior with a large arch. The nave was reconstructed by order of Manuel I. So he combined the features of the late Gothic style and the Renaissance. This current was called "Manuelino". The Gothic cloister, also erected under Henry the Navigator, served as a necropolis for the monks and knights of the order. Diogo da Gama is buried there - the brother of the explorer Vasco da Gama and many other famous historical figures.

Abraham Zakutu Museum in the Synagogue

Synagogue on Rua Dr. Street Joaquim Jacinto was built at the beginning of the fifteenth century, which makes this landmark of the city of Tomara in Portugal one of the oldest. Judging by the reviews, the museum amazes tourists. At present, the Jewish house of worship has been transformed into a museum named after the famous astronomer and mathematician Abraham Zakutu. In general, in its entire history a religious object has been used as a synagogue for only fifty years. Once it was a prison, then a Christian chapel, a barn and a warehouse.

Church of SĂŁo Francisco in Tomar

The attraction was erected in the first third of the seventeenth century by order of King Philip III in Tomar, Portugal. Photos of the church show that the pediment and portal of the building are in the mannerism style characteristic of that era. In general, the facade looks quite modest. A hair dryer leads to the central hall, connected to the structure with round arches. Gilding, stone columns and arches, decorative painting fascinate visitors. The Church of SĂŁo Francisco attracts tourists not only with its history and architecture - in one of the galleries is the Museum of Matches. The collection includes more than forty-three thousand boxes from around the world. This collection is considered the largest in Europe.

tomar city portugal

Church of Santa Maria do Olival

This church of Tomara (Portugal) was erected in the thirteenth century. Compared to other buildings, this attraction looks very tiny, but tourists still like it, judging by the reviews. Numerous reconstructions did not prevent the church of Santa Maria do Olival from carrying through the centuries some of the characteristic features of its time. The main architectural feature of the building is a beautiful window above the main entrance, and the main value is a statue of the Virgin Mary, which appeared here in the Middle Ages.

Monastery of St. Iria in Tomar

The attraction was built in the first half of the sixteenth century, but after a while the monastery was reconstructed by Joa de Castillo, who was engaged in the monastery of the Order of Christ. The monastery and church were built on the site of an old religious building that dates from the seventh century. The old building stood on the spot where Iria was left to die (Irina Tomarskaya). This saint is considered the patroness of the city. Every fall in Tomar, for example, a fair is held. At first, the event was held only here, but later the tradition expanded throughout Portugal.

Chapel of Nossa Senhora da Conceisao

In the immediate vicinity of Tomar (Portugal) you can visit the chapel, which is considered a monument of national importance. The building is very small, but thirty-five years have been spent on its construction and design. The chapel was originally built as a tomb for Juan III, who ruled Portugal in the sixteenth century. Today, this building is considered an architectural example of a classic Italian style. The inner walls are completely smooth, the main decorations are elegant window openings with floral ornaments and hand-painted on the ceiling.

aqueduct in tomar

Ancient aqueduct in the area

In the immediate vicinity of the city, a long-standing aqueduct was preserved in good condition, with the help of which the Templar castle in Tomar (Portugal) was supplied with fresh water. Construction began in the sixteenth century and lasted almost a century. The aqueduct has almost two hundred arches and has a considerable length - about six thousand meters. This attraction is located in a picturesque area, which is great for walking.


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