Black dog breeds: list with names

Many people who decide to get a dog, when choosing, often focus on certain subjective factors. Important is the color of the future pet. Breeds of black dogs in this case are more priority. After all, such an animal will not leave noticeable traces of wool on upholstered furniture, and besides, dirt will not be visible on it after a walk. There is even a certain belief according to which a black dog in a house (unlike cats) brings prosperity and luck to its owner. This factor is also considered by many when choosing an animal.
Consider the following breeds of black dogs, their main characteristics and features of the content:

  • Black terrier.
  • Giant Schnauzer.
  • Newfoundland.
  • Cane Corso.
  • Bullets and some others.

Black terrier

Lovers of this breed are affectionately called "black" their pets. These dogs were bred by special order of Stalin in the late 40s of the last century. The order was received by the Red Star kennel. According to preliminary descriptions, the dog was supposed to be large and have thick dark hair, and by nature - executive, fast, hardy and easily amenable to training, aggressive, but at the same time controlled. Representatives of this breed were supposed to be large, but at the same time occupy a little space.

black dog breeds

Their nature provided for ferocity in relation to strangers, but at the same time obedience to the master. In addition, the dogs had to be able to dive and swim, run fast and sneak up silently, have a lightning reaction, make as few sounds as possible, not shed, did not have a specific dog smell and looked beautiful.

Not fulfilling the order was simply impossible. The black terrier dog breed appeared in the mid-50s. Its ancestors were the Giant Schnauzer and Rottweiler, Newfoundland and Airedale, as well as the East European Shepherd. The order was practically completed, with the exception of one detail. This dog, despite the fact that it turned out to be quite severe, was not a fighter at all, but a big teddy bear who adores his master.

Description of the black terrier

Anyone who prefers black dog breeds will definitely pay attention to the one that was bred by order of Stalin. The black terrier is a well-built dog. Representatives of this breed are large black dogs whose height at the withers reaches 68-76 cm. Their weight is 45-60 kg.

Terrier is a physically developed animal, characterized by a strong back, a powerful body, strong jaws and a voluminous head. Previously, the tails of representatives of this black dog breed were subject to stopping, in which only one vertebra was left. Today, such a procedure is optional.

In this breed of black dogs, the hair has a thick, but at the same time short undercoat. In this case, the animals are distinguished by a long outer hair with a break. These black dogs of the breed (see photo below) on the body of the terrier have long hair, reaching 10 centimeters. In addition, a thick mustache, eyebrows and mustaches are formed on their muzzle.

black and white dog breed
The color of this breed is exclusively black. 30 percent of gray hair is not considered a defect among specialists. But the dogs with a black and tan color, which are sometimes found in this breed, are rejected.

Character Features

It is important for a person who decides to have such a dog in the house to know how his pet will behave in a particular situation. What is the character of the black terrier?

Representatives of this breed of black dogs are distinguished by the following:

- ideal family pets, very caring and affectionate, who need the attention of the owner and joyfully respond to the warm feelings of all household members;
- very smart, combining a magnificent mentality with devotion;
- excellent guards and bodyguards, showing all their power only if necessary, and not showing signs of aggression in the family;
- needing long walks, well tolerating any weather;
- get along well with children, have a stable psyche and favor games with babies (leaving a dog with a child without adult supervision is not recommended, because of its large size, it can inadvertently harm him);
- showing caution in relation to strangers, but at the same time continuing to obey the owner and carry out all his commands.

Black Terrier Care

This breed of large black dogs was bred as universal, possessing, among other things, enviable health. However, it should be borne in mind that the terrier has some characteristic diagnoses. So, atrophy of the retina and dysplasia of the knee joint sometimes poses a threat to his health.

How to care for this breed of black fluffy dog? Recommendations for its content include:

1. Frequent washing and combing of wool. Blackies do not like such procedures, and therefore it is necessary to teach pets to them from childhood. Terriers bathe as their coat becomes dirty, but do not do this more often than once every two weeks.

2. Hair cutting. Caring for a dog coat should only begin after the pet is six months old.

3. Cleaning the eyes and ears with a cotton pad, which should be done several times during the month.

4. Inspection of the paw pads after each walk with a wipe with a damp cloth. Cutting off the legs of the terrier is not required.

5. Toothbrushing using a special paste, which will prevent the formation of tartar.

Giant Schnauzer

This is a breed of large black dogs, whose name in translation means "huge muzzle." Such an expression is fully consistent with the appearance of the dogs.

The history of the appearance of this black dog, and what breed of dogs is its ancestors, is still not known for certain. There are only reliable facts that these dogs come from Bavaria, which is located in the southern territories of Germany. The ancestors of this breed were bred in some areas of Switzerland and Austria adjacent to these lands.

large black dog breed
The Giant Schnauzer was a type of rural dog that was universal in its purpose. As a rule, these dogs were kept by herders of the alpine foothills to assist in grazing herds. Representatives of this breed of black dogs were also used as watchmen. Often they were guides of carts and gurtogonnymi animals.

The official date for the appearance of the breed is considered to be 1909, when it was presented at the Munich exhibition. These were dogs not only black, but also white, yellow, and also a dirty gray color. Representatives of this breed were heterogeneous in size and structure of the coat, as well as in appearance. What united them was that they were all guards at the brewers, being watchmen of beer barrels. The black shaggy breed of dog aroused sincere interest of dog handlers. And after the exhibition in Munich, these animals were seriously bred. Breeders ennobled the appearance of the schnauzer, improved its working qualities, made a distinction between individuals of small, medium and large physique. The largest representatives of the breed were crossed with dogs, as well as with Russian shepherds.

In our country, Giant Schnauzers were especially popular in the horse of the 80s - early 90s of the last century. These black bearded beauties were clear competitors to the Dobermann, Airedale and German Shepherd.

A bit about the appearance of the Giant Schnauzer

This dog breed is very similar to a black terrier. And this is by no means accidental. Indeed, when introducing the latter, it was precisely the Giant Schnauzer that was taken as the basis.

What is the appearance of this breed that came to us from the alpine foothills? Giant Schnauzer is distinguished by a funny face with a comically sticking beard and mustache. However, despite this, the dog is quite serious. Sharp teeth, excellent eyesight and excellent sense of smell are hidden behind a funny appearance. This is a wonderful working dog, perfectly trained and perfectly fulfilling the duties of a watchman, policeman, lifeguard and bodyguard.

The growth of the Giant Schnauzer is in the range from 60 to 70 cm. The weight of the dog is 35-45 kg. The dog is characterized by square shapes, as well as vegetation on the face in the form of bushy eyebrows, mustaches and beards.

Today, the tail and ears of the Giant Schnauzer are left in their natural form. However, initially they were stopped, which made it possible to give the dog a more formidable and austere look.

Representatives of this breed have thick, coarse hair, similar when touched by a wire, and well-hidden undercoat.

Character of Giant Schnauzers

Despite such a formidable appearance, these dogs are affectionate and flexible. But this continues only until the onset of a dangerous moment. It is he who makes the dog turn into a fierce predator, standing up to protect the household.
The pet has excellent immunity and very quickly adapts to any climatic conditions. At the same time, the dog has a stable psyche, unquestioningly fulfills the commands of its owner and gets along with children, as well as with friends of the household.

Giant Schnauzers are hardworking. They are constantly striving to help their master in the performance of household chores and have a wonderful security service. A dog is able to understand its owner so well that sometimes it executes commands even before it voices them.

The animal is hardy and active, loves long walks, has a quick reaction and well-developed sensory organs. Thanks to these characteristics, it can be taken for hunting.

Grooming Schnauzer

What does a pet need? Caring for it will require:

1. Regular combing of wool on the face to avoid the appearance of tangles. Also, after each meal, the Giant Schnauzer mustache should be wiped with a damp cloth, removing food debris.

black dog breeds
2. Washing the animal, which is produced as the pollution.

3. Trimming (plucking dead hair). A similar procedure should be carried out at least once every six months.

4. Pinning bangs, which sometimes falls to the eyes and interferes with normal vision.

5. Cutting out the hair between the pads of the paws, so that in these places there are no tangles that cause discomfort when walking.

6. Clipping claws twice a month.


Almost any person can answer the question: “What is the name of the black breed of a dog that loves the water element and shows absolute fearlessness in front of it?” Of course, this is Newfoundland. He is also called a diver.

The history of this breed is also not fully understood. Obviously, the homeland of these giants is the island of Newfoundland, which is located in a Canadian province and also includes a piece of land - Labrador.

The breed was first described in the 18th century. These were the references in the logbooks of sailors about large and strong dogs that could swim for a long time, dive deep, and pull out nets filled with fish. After this breed became known in the Old World, the island began to be visited by numerous travelers who purchased these animals for themselves or for sale.

Soon the breed was recorded in dog books and reference books. Newfoundlands were praised as rescuers of the drowning.

What does Newfoundland look like?

This black dog has a muscular body, has a wide skull, massive head. On its muzzle, which is square in shape, cheeks and a large nose stand out with wide nostrils wide apart. Newfoundland's eyes are set deep, and the ears are quite small. The growth of these dogs is in the range from 63 to 74 cm, and the weight is from 45 to 70 kg.

dog breed black shaggy
The coat of representatives of this breed is very thick due to the double undercoat. The main hair is characterized by the presence of sebaceous impregnation, thanks to which the dog does not get wet in the water. Divers have excellent swimming ability thanks to the membranes between the fingers of animals. It is traditionally believed that the color of the Newfs should be black. However, other colors of his coat are possible. There is a black and white dog in this breed. Brown spots are also allowed.

Newfoundland character

This dog is not just smart. It is distinguished by the fact that in a variety of situations it is able to make independent decisions. Newfoundland is good-natured, constantly ready to come to the rescue and in everything to please his master. These dogs have an innate instinct aimed at saving people. That is why the dog is able to come to the rescue even to strangers and without the command of its owner.

In addition, the newf is a great watchman who has a well-developed hearing and sense of smell. He is happy and quick to train and is always ready to receive new knowledge.

Despite its large size, the diver is very fond of children and is happy to frolic with them. Sometimes dogs with pleasure play the role of gentle and caring nannies. However, alone with the baby for a long time they should not be left. After all, the animals are still very large.

Care Features

Owners of this large black dog should pay particular attention to certain diseases characteristic of the breed of divers. The most common among them are considered pathologies of the heart, cataracts, hepatitis, thyroid ailments arising from an insufficient number of hormones produced, enteritis and eversion of the eyelid.

large black dog breed
But in general, keeping a newf is not very difficult. The dog, despite its superbly developed performance, is not too mobile. As a rule, he prefers either to rest, sitting in the shade of trees, or lying next to his master. But if the dog still decided to run, then its activity should be given attention. Otherwise, the pet will suffer from overweight and heart disease.

The dog will have to bathe only as it gets dirty. But his chic mustache needs to be cleaned with a damp cloth after each meal. Once a month, you will need to trim your pet's nails.

Newfoundland also needs regular eye examinations. This will prevent them from souring. During the molt period, which occurs twice a year, the owner needs to comb out the hair of his pet.

Cane Corso

This is the name of the black smooth-haired breed of dogs, which is also called the Italian mastiff. These are guard dogs with well-developed working skills. Their story stretches back to the Molossians. It was these dogs that the Romans used during the war. Later the animals were magnificent house keepers and shepherds.

black curly dog ​​breed
In translation, the name of the breed means "belonging to the yard." And it is not for nothing that owners of suburban cottages are especially often brought in by Cane Corso. It is for the protection of a private house that the skills and character of pets are best suited. Representatives of this breed are able to perform even the most serious work. No wonder these dogs often guard jewelry shops or become bodyguards of famous personalities. Cane Corso have an athletic physique, a square skull and ears hanging at the base. Their body is somewhat stretched, and short hair has a rigid structure.

The black dog perfectly combines courage and courage with tenderness and affection in its character. She used to act on the situation. So, with a complete sense of security, the animal behaves completely calmly. But every slightest attempt to express bad intentions to its owner turns him into an aggressive predator.

Cane Corso is perfect for those who will give the dog due attention and play sports with him. Such animals are very good-natured towards children. However, the huge size of the dogs does not guarantee the safety of games with kids.

Caring for a black pet consists in combing their hair daily with a rubber brush. Bathing Cane Corso should be just as regular. Also, you will constantly need to examine the dog’s ears for inflammation, and it is recommended that you clean the sulfur that has arisen in them with a wet swab once a week. With the same frequency, you will need to brush the animal’s teeth with a special paste.


This black curly dog breed hails from Hungary, where it is considered a shepherd. Bullets are distinguished by dumped wool that protects it from heat and cold. The main purpose of these animals is to graze sheep.

The dog is small in size. Its height at the withers does not exceed 45 cm, and its weight reaches only 15 kg. Of course, this small dog could not guard the flock. However, when she saw the danger, she barked, and this warned the shepherd in time. Today, a bullet is a wonderful pet. But, not forgetting her past, during walks she carefully monitors that all family members “do not run up”.

Other breeds

As you can see, the list with the names of black dogs is quite extensive. But he is not at all limited to the breeds described above. In addition to purebred black palettes, there are other dogs. They have almost a single color with a dominant dark color and interspersed with other shades. Let's consider some of them:

1. Affenpincher . This is a dwarf animal. Representatives of this breed of small black dogs have an outstanding appearance, a smart and bold character, they are constantly active and cheerful. The breed was bred in Germany at the turn of the 16th century. Its main purpose was the fight against rodents. Among the distinguishing features of the animal, one can highlight the love of travel. The dog with great joy accompanies his master, not only during trips to the country, but also when he visits a foreign resort.

2 . German dog. Representatives of this breed of black dogs are gigantic in size. They are real bodyguards and security guards. The body composition of these dogs is very harmonious. The body of the animal has noble proportions, which gives it an aristocratic appearance. Dogs have a friendly and sociable character and are able to maintain intelligence and restraint while communicating with people, as well as with other pets.

dog breed black smooth

3. Rottweiler . This black dog belongs to the service breed. She perfectly protects her master, zealously defending the territory entrusted to her. The dog has a frightening appearance, but at the same time balanced and calm. He is obedient and prudent. At the sight of strangers, he is alarmed, but retains restraint. Rottweiler gets along well with other pets only if he grew up with them

4. Dachshund . This is an old breed with pronounced hunting habits. She has a huge number of varieties that differ from each other in wool structure and size. Pets love physical activity, are devoted companions, are distinguished by a developed share of independence and intelligence. Often dachshunds are stubborn, which causes difficulties in their training. They are very sensitive to the mood of the owner and to his intonation. They love to be praised and given tasty incentives for the execution of teams.

5. Doberman . This black dog has a muscular physique, with both finished and beautiful features. The breed was bred at the end of the 19th century, and it got its name by the name of the dog handler, who took an active part in this. Doberman is active and energetic. At the same time, he is an obedient favorite and an excellent guard. Dogs are devoted to the whole family, they love children and get along well with other animals. Seeing strangers, Dobermans unmistakably and quickly recognize their intentions.

6. French hound. This is a breed of black and white dogs. They brought her out specially as an assistant when hunting big game. Representatives of this breed have a powerful physique, deep chest, descending to the level of the elbows, a straight strong back, well articulated muscular lower back and slightly tucked up stomach. The thick and coarse wool of the French hound is white with black. Sometimes on it you can see light yellow specks on the limbs. Dogs are very active, are flexible in nature and can be easily trained.


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