Check valve for water for the pump: overview, varieties, installation and technical specifications

If you are interested in the question of what the check valve for water for a pump is, then you should know that this is an important part of the system. Most often it is installed in pipelines to ensure the movement of steam, liquid or gas. All this should happen in one direction. The valve will not allow fluid to reverse in a direction that is opposite to the existing one. The installation of this element for the pump in various systems is carried out in the case when there are a number of factors that create resistance to the movement of the liquid.

Valve overview

water check valve for pump

The check valve for water for the pump is a cylinder that is equipped with a spring inside. There is also an overlapping round plate. Initially, this element is closed due to the presence of a spring. However, under the influence of water, the spring weakens, the valve opens, creating the ability to pass a stream of water through itself. If the flow force weakens due to leakage, pump stoppage, or a number of other reasons, then the cover plate closes, the spring acts on it. If water is not pressurized, the valve does not allow it to move back. A non-return valve is necessary so that water does not flow back into a well or other water source when the pump stops. If there is a power outage or the pump shuts off, there is no need to refill the entire system with water. When choosing this item, you should consider that its size is indicated in inches.

Valve characteristics

water check valve for pump Price

When considering a water check valve for a pump, you should be aware that among its characteristics there is a nominal diameter, which is also called the diameter of the bore. This indicator is conditional and does not correspond to the pipe diameter. In addition, you must consider the thickness of the pipe walls. The size of the check valve ranges from 15 to 200 millimeters.

Varieties of check valves

varieties of check valves for water

The check valve for water for the pump may have certain characteristics according to the method of fastening. Distinguish these products for this particular feature. For example, they can be designed to be fixed by welding to polypropylene pipes, using flanges to the piping system, and also using a threaded sleeve, which is called a socket mount. Installation can also be carried out by the interflange method, when the valve is clamped between the flanges of the pipeline system.

Device Type Difference

where and how to install a check valve for water

The described part of the system can be represented by a valve or a check valve. They differ from each other in that the check valve has a spool as an internal partition, while a round disk is installed at the check valve, which acts as a shutter. It can be shock, which involves the use of an appropriate closure technique, this is not able to affect the operation of the system. This component of the valve can be unstressed, it closes quite softly. Shutters are made of titanium, bronze, steel, brass, non-metallic materials or cast iron. Depending on the method of execution of the valve, check valves can be divided into those that have a lifting view, ball, rotary or interflange. If we are talking about a lifting check valve, then under the influence of water pressure the element rises, weakening the pressure of the spring. Ball valves are based on a ball that shuts off the flow if necessary. A rotary type check valve assumes a flap. The interflange valve has a sash or disc, one of which does not allow water to go back.

Types of Check Valve

check valve for submersible submersible pump

If you are considering varieties of check valves for water, you should pay attention to V 275 DN 15-100. He is able, first of all, to protect the water supply system from the reverse flow. The maximum allowable temperature of his work is 250 degrees. The body is based on brass, the permissible pressure is equivalent to 16 bar. It is worth considering the non-return valve V6516 (DN 50−500, PN 10), which performs its main tasks and can be installed in a pipeline system through which not only ordinary water is transported, but also sewage and industrial water. You can use this element even at a minimum temperature of 70 degrees, the permissible pressure is 10 bar. The housing is based on cast iron. On sale you can find the Granlock rotary valve, which is an interclass device. The permissible temperature is 110 degrees, the maximum pressure at which the valve is capable of working is 16 bar. The case is based on stainless steel. Professionals often select the RD50 ° F series check valve. It is able to protect the water supply system from the reverse flow, it can be operated at a wide temperature range, and the maximum permissible value is 350 degrees. The body is based on steel, the maximum pressure that the valve can withstand is equivalent to 40 bar.

Key Features

the use of a check valve for water

Once you understand how important it is to use a non-return valve for water, you need to consider that among the advantages of interflange devices is not only small size, but also light weight. They can be installed horizontally, at an angle and vertically. In many cases, a non-return flange valve is installed with polypropylene pipes. They must be mounted in the direction of the water flow. When the pump stops working in the event of an emergency, a water hammer may occur, which leads to damage to the hydraulic system. In this case, experts advise using double-leaf valves. When the water stream rushes back, the valves do not allow liquid to penetrate, as they fold. The diameter of such valves can vary from 50 to 700 millimeters.

Characteristics of check and ball valves

water check valve installation instruction

The check valve for water for the pump, the price of which is reasonably reasonable, can have a diameter of up to 400 millimeters. It is used in those systems where the impact of the shutter will not damage the further operation of the hydraulic system when the pump stops. In hydro and air systems of impressive size, shockless rotary valves are installed. It differs in that it is not picky about water pollution. If you are thinking about where and how to install a check valve for water, then you can use the ball type of the described product. It is most often used in plumbing. It should be installed exclusively vertically, it is sensitive to the cleanliness of the environment.


The non-return valve for centrifugal pumping units is an indispensable element when using a bypass. With its help, overlapping is carried out when the fluid moves in a small circle. The device is installed between the suction and discharge pipelines. The return pipe opening is blocked by the rubber ball of the valve. This action forces fluid to pass through the pump.


You can find a check valve for a submersible deep pump for sale at a price of 7 to 12 dollars. As for ball valves, they are cheaper, for one product you will have to pay no more than $ 7. Lift valves are available for $ 16-19. As for spool models, they are sold in stores at a cost of 10 to 12 dollars. If the check valve is to be installed on your own with water, the instructions must first be studied by you. However, you must first familiarize yourself with the cost. It should be noted that the above prices were indicated for models intended for domestic use.

They differ in that their diameter is not more than 1.5 inches. As for industrial valves, their cost will be increased several dozen times. The cost will depend on the materials used, design features and dimensions of the valves.


If you do not take care of installing the check valve, then in the mixer due to the impressive pressure, hot water will certainly fall into the tap with cold water. Among other things, vibration caused by the flow of water will lead to more intense rotation of the meter, causing non-existent waste.


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