Visa to China on your own: design features

The People's Republic of China is the most populated country in the world, and this, of course, is not its main feature. The country has its own special political path that it has been following for many decades. Chinese medicine, Chinese wise men and much more interesting and surprising attract tourists to this country.

If we take into account the friendly relations between China and Russia, the question arises: "Do I need a visa to the PRC for Russian citizens, and how to get it myself?"

Visa to China on your own

A visa to China independently is issued quite simply, since the visa regime is no different from the rules for entering many other countries. It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents and indicate the purpose of your visit. To visit regions with special status, for example Tibet, you need to get additional permission.

Visa application

Visa to China yourself can be obtained by anyone. It is enough to contact the Chinese embassy or consulate in your country. Then you must submit the necessary documents and determine the type of visa. For example, for a business trip, a business visa is required.

Visa to China cost

Documents for applying for a visa

A visa to China is independently issued in the presence of the following documents:

  1. Passport valid for at least another six months.
  2. Color photographs.
  3. The questionnaire completed and signed by the applicant.
  4. Certificates from the place of work, in which the position occupied by the applicant and the size of the average monthly salary should be indicated.

Types of Visas to Visit China

If you plan to travel not as part of a tourist group, but on your own, then you need an individual visa. In addition to the required documents, you must provide an invitation from a travel agency registered in China and a power of attorney for the removal of the child from his parents / one of the parents.

If you prefer to relax in a fun company of compatriots, then you need a group visa. To receive it, you must have an official invitation from a travel agency registered in China, and a list of the group (3 copies). The list should contain the data of each tourist (name, as in the passport, date of birth, passport number , date of issue and expiration date).

Visa issuance procedure

Residents of border areas with China can count on a special procedure for issuing visas. A visa to China is independently issued for them without an invitation.

In rare cases, a visa can be obtained directly at Beijing Airport. To do this, you must confirm receipt of an urgent invitation certified by the Chinese body or provide evidence that a visa at the consulate is not physically possible due to lack of time.

How much does a visa to China cost?

How much does a visa to China cost?

For the issuance of an individual commercial, tourist or transit visa to the PRC, when submitting documents to the consulate, it is necessary to pay a fee in the amount of:

  • 1,5 thousand rubles for a single visa;
  • 3 thousand rubles for a double visa;
  • 4,5 thousand rubles for a multiple visa.

A group tourist or commercial visa to China costs slightly lower - 1.2 thousand rubles per person (single entry visa). For urgent processing, in addition to the consular fee, you must pay nine hundred rubles (3-5 days). If you need to get a visa during the day, the fee increases by 2100 rubles.


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