Violation of children's rights: examples. Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" of 07.24.1998 N 124-ะคะ—

Social protection authorities and guardianship often reveal violations of children's rights. Examples of unpleasant facts prove that this phenomenon does not depend on the wealth of the family. The laws of the country, their guarantor, are the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The UN Convention did not stand aside, Article 6 devoted to the full development of the younger generation. How to deal with the violation of children's rights, examples are given in the media, on television and Internet portals.

Baby tears

Legislative regulation

To talk about violations of children's rights, to give examples, you need to know what their essence is. The topic of childhood protection has been raised:

  1. Family Code.
  2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  3. Federal law.

Despite the level of legislative act, everywhere it is said about guaranteed protection:

  • health
  • education;
  • full physical development;
  • social security;
  • orphans, wherever their education takes place.

In 1989, UN member states approved the Convention through the ratification of 20 countries where it was written which children's rights should be protected. The Soviet Union also signed an international document and the authorities began to use the provisions as fundamental, and legislators included them in legal acts. They have not lost relevance in modern Russia. Social protection often receives signals about violation of children's rights, examples of dysfunctional families can often be seen. As evidence of a violation of rights, there may be shots taken on the phone from home or educational institutions.

State level goal

The State Duma adopted, and the Federation Council approved the legal act back in 1998 - 124 Federal Law "On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation." Over time, some points were corrected, changes and abolished, but the essence remained - childhood in our country should be protected.

The law emphasizes the understanding by the state of an important life stage for each person, the document sets up educators of all levels to follow the principles:

  • prepare the child for full communication with people around him;
  • develop meaningful creative activity;
  • to bring up high moral qualities, patriotism, citizenship.

On this basis, authorities together with educational institutions must create legal, social and economic conditions in order to implement legislative norms and ensure the interests of children.

Sad son

Short list of privileges

A whole list of rights is established for minors:

  • the presence of a first name and surname provided by the parents;
  • marital status, maintaining relationships with fathers and mothers;
  • protection of interests by relatives and other representatives in various bodies;
  • protection from all types of physical and moral harassment, humiliation, abuse, beatings, sexual violence;
  • freedom of expression - a child can express his opinion at the age of 10 in court, which is perceived on a par with adults;
  • obtaining information for effective development;
  • have personal secrets in the form of telephone conversations, correspondence;
  • religion choice;
  • state support;
  • provision of medical services;
  • free access to education, recreation;
  • help if retardation is found in mental or physical development;
  • material support from persons responsible for maintenance and upbringing.

Minors are all persons from birth to 18 years of age. For violation of children's rights by parents, adoptive parents, guardians, educators, they will have to answer before the law. The level of punishment depends on the severity of misconduct and unlawful acts.

What is the responsibility of the perpetrators?

Legislation approved the rights of children. If an irresponsible attitude towards minor citizens is proved, the infliction of property or moral harm to the guilty officials, parents and their substitutes will be held liable for violation of the rights of the child:

  • disciplinary;
  • administrative
  • criminal;
  • fulfilled the requirement for compensation for damage caused to property, health;
  • compensation for non-pecuniary damage in accordance with legislative standards.

When parents shy away from their responsibilities:

  • left without care;
  • mistreated;
  • do not provide medical support;
  • education and other rights and freedoms - they are deprived of access to children, their right to education is limited, but not to material content.

Citizens deprived of parental rights are required to pay child support until the age of their offspring.

Educational poison element

A small person has his own thinking, perception of the world and a special relationship to it. Educators leave their mark on the future citizen of Russia. From what it will be, it depends largely on the parents and the poisoning consciousness of pedagogy.

Emotional violence of children negatively affects their psyche. Each parent in his own way reacts to the successful achievements of the children. One shows visible pride, joy. The other indifferently perceives the fives, he is annoyed by reports of his role in the school theater, and the first literary tests of the pen seem like another stupid thing. Children begin to create their own attitudes toward inadequate reactions, they understand that there is no need to strive for good grades and enjoy another commendable letter.

Emotional pressure

What is the result of negative examples?

The attitude of parents with the use of special educational measures is manifested in the following cases:

  • no social communication;
  • refuse to discuss problems;
  • establish restrictions on the freedom of the child, prohibitions due to petty misconduct;
  • terrorize with threats and insults;
  • maintain constant tension in a state of fear;
  • decompose morally.

Such behavior of educators affects a minor citizen, he becomes:

  • indifferent to others;
  • sad
  • closed.

Children have negative physiological problems:

  • enuresis;
  • pain in various organs.

The development of kids under oppression, excessive educational methods - reduced.

Banned games

Home threats

Sexual abuse is increasingly being considered in litigation. Such a threat is accompanied by hidden actions from:

  • stepfathers;
  • uncles;
  • grandfathers;
  • fathers.

A child in such families is brought up in conditions:

  • addictions;
  • feelings of one's own guilt;
  • lack of support and love;
  • prohibitions on utterance.

These children are abandoned and rejected by family and friends. Do not forget that many guys know their legislative security and can avenge the denial of access to computer games with a similar charge. Then they will portray surprise and their ignorance of the seriousness of the consequences. Proper education, confidential communication with a discussion of various topics should increase adolescents' sense of self-preservation within accessible boundaries, instill in them moral principles. They will rely and seek help on reliable facts, will become capable of resisting manipulative manners.

Physical abuse of children

Violent treatment of a child of any age provides an indicator of the poor attitude of parents to him. Even if one is able to raise his hand, and the other does nothing to protect, he tacitly agrees with the physical subordination of a fragile consciousness and organism. Mother or father becomes a participant in the humiliation of the child.

Moreover, any form belongs to violence:

  • physical;
  • emotional
  • Sexy
  • neglect or neglect.

Each complaint, no matter who it was filed, the competent authorities check, collect evidence and documentary evidence.

Physical violence

How does abuse occur?

Physical violence should be understood as intentional intent, careless actions of parents or any persons with the application of:

  • wounds or injuries;
  • body marks from beatings;
  • incompatible with life consequences.

Punishments may take the form of:

  • slap and slap;
  • belt hits;
  • beatings;
  • torture;
  • concussions.

Any sophisticated measures that seem inconspicuous can affect the development of the future personality.

Severe punishment

Sociological Observations

The science of jurisprudence, together with scientists, analysts of human psychology, conducted an analysis of judicial practice. Examples of known crimes show that many participants in the atrocities grew up in families where material wealth did not play any role. There, close people were too strict or dismissive of children. Do not repeat their actions, this is incorrect in relation to the future generation. Parents need to know from whom the newly made maniacs are born. People who are happy to vent their hatred, anger and revenge on defenseless subjects.

Constant reproaches of the mother for the insignificance and worthlessness of her son will cause the pervert to always prove to her his superiority by suffering girls or babies. One cannot morally kill a real person at the root of their education. This will lead to negative consequences, only truly strong people are able to withstand humiliation and not repeat the mistakes of their parents.


What does the child need?

Neglect of needs is also a negative educational factor.

Children must be provided with:

  • proper nutrition;
  • seasonal clothes and shoes;
  • professional educators, teachers in educational institutions;
  • timely medical treatment, examination.

The reasons for the lack of important items may be:

  • Lack of money;
  • guardian's mental illness;
  • lack of parental experience.

An indifferent attitude towards providing children with essentials is based on:

  • parental personality traits;
  • past negative memories of people who have experienced violent methods against themselves;
  • poverty of citizens;
  • changes in status due to job loss;
  • severe illnesses.

Children should not be deprived of the material condition of their guardians.

Typical examples

The weighty justification of his misconduct in the courts, when citizens are deprived of parental rights, may still cause the sympathy of the judge, he will provide time to improve his financial situation. The terms for the arrangement of housing, the purchase of bedding and household appliances are given.

There are many examples where parents return their rights and children from boarding schools. The guardianship and judicial authorities have a different attitude towards alcoholics and drug addicts. Practice shows accidents that burned families with young children from an abandoned cigarette butt of an insane parent. The guys sit hungry, dirty and groomed in the apartment for days, and mother at this time marks the next, significant date for herself.

At the legislative level, neglect of the maintenance and care of a child is considered:

  • leaving one;
  • lack of food, clothing, living quarters;
  • neglect;
  • illiteracy at school age.

Not always in the family can be purchased a new gadget, technical device, computer or television of the latest model. If the mother and father give their warmth and love, the kids do not see them in alcohol or drug intoxication, they do not scandal, pouring foul language on each other, here people will grow up adequate.

They will follow in accordance with moral principles, know that it becomes as painful for any person from a blow as he does, and everyone wants to eat equally strongly. The stability of statehood, the state and political mood of the whole society depend on the education of citizens, health, emotional attitude to their country.


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