How to decorate a knitted hat with your own hands

Many girls prefer to buy cheap hats, and then personally give them personality. Indeed, in this way you can save up to half the cost of a hat. Decor options can be a lot: buboes, rhinestones, beads or kanzashi. How to decorate a knitted hat, we will describe in detail in this article.

Decorate with rhinestones

how to decorate a knitted hat
Girls love everything brilliant, and no matter how old they are. Therefore, decorating hats, you need to remember this. Knitted hats with rhinestones are popular in our country. Moreover, both purchased hats and homemade ones. Some girls do not see the point of overpaying 2-3 thousand for the fact that a couple of rhinestones will be glued to their hat.

Consider, as an example, the decor of a children's knitted hat for a girl. Although this version of the headgear will look good on both a schoolgirl and a student. For decor, we need a knitted hat, rhinestones of different sizes and a hot gun. First of all, we’ll come up with a drawing. It can be 2-3 large flowers surrounded by randomly scattered plastic crystals. First, glue large flowers. To do this, plant a small rhinestone in the center, and arrange larger ones around. The final touch - in a chaotic manner, glue the remaining decor. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Decorate better only the front of the cap.

Decorate with buboes

knitted hats with fur
Knitted hats with fur decor look stylish. Therefore, if you bought the most ordinary headgear, do not be discouraged, you can do something more extravagant from it, moreover, without even spending a lot of effort.

How to decorate a knitted hat with a fur bubo? First of all, we need to make a soft ball for the crown. You can use a ready-made bubo, but if there is no such on the farm, then it can be sewn from both natural fur and artificial fur. A fluffy ball is sewn simply. We cut out a large circle of fur and with a seam forward, the needle goes around the entire perimeter. It turns out something like a bag. We stuff it with a synthetic winterizer and tighten it. It remains only to sew a fur ball to the crown of the cap. You can make several of these buboes and place them not only on top, but also on the sides of the headgear.

Decorate with flowers

children's knitted hats for girls
Children's knitted hats for girls are easily decorated with felt or cuts of unnecessary fabric. Today, the art of making kanzashi is popular. These extravagant flowers will also look good on hats. But you need to understand that if the hat is light, then the decor of the ribbons will be appropriate, but if the headgear is tight, it is better to use felt or drape. Flowers need not be glued, but sewn on. Silicone may not support the weight of the fabric, and then the decor will fall off at the most inopportune moment.

How to decorate a knitted hat? We take a piece of felt and cut it into strips 5-6 cm thick. We sew the strips together to make a long snake. And now you need to twist the resulting workpiece into a tube. Sew one of its ends to a hat. When everything is ready, you need to give the flower a more attractive shape and, if necessary, fix the petals with threads.

Applique as decoration

knitted hats with rhinestones
If you knit a hat yourself, then there is nothing easier than adding a couple of details to it. You can make them using knitting needles, a hook or cut out of fabric. Do-it-yourself decoration on a hat can be made in the form of some complex composition, for example, an owl sitting on a tree, or some simple one, for example, eyes, nose and mouth. It is better to decorate only the front side of the cap. It is not worth gluing the application, it will be safer to sew it. Thus, you can make a hat-character from your favorite cartoon. And this topic is relevant not only for children, but also for many adults.

Decorate with embroidery

do-it-yourself decoration on a hat
One of the easiest ways to decorate your headpiece is to embroider it. How to decorate a knitted hat in this way? There are two options.

In the first, you have to work yourself. You need to find or come up with a beautiful pattern that will decorate the lapel or the entire hat. As a theme, you can take flowers, animals or a funny face. And now the matter remains only for the imagination and ability to embroider. If you are good at smooth surface technique, then you should not think for a long time. Go ahead, even stitches of thick thread on a knitted hat look great. If the level of your skill is far from ideal, then it is better to embroider you with a cross. A cute scheme can be downloaded on the Internet, and a water-soluble canvas is sold in every needlework store.

The second option is much simpler. The girl needs to choose a nice pattern and take the sample along with the hat to the embroidery office. There, the pattern on the knitted product is applied using machines. But it should be noted that this option may be easier, but also more expensive.

Other types of decor

To decorate a hat, it is not necessary to use standard ideas and materials. The hats look interesting, the decor of which the craftswoman put her soul into and did not forget to use her imagination. So, you can make a knitted hat with fur, not only having sewed a bubo. There is another option to make a headdress ears, eyes, mustaches and even a tail. But do not make a cat, everyone is tired of this topic now. Show your imagination. You can make Mickey Mouse, panda or fox ears.

Another interesting way to decorate a knitted hat is to attach a veil to it. You can choose a large mesh so that it is clearly visible on the face, or you can take a fine-grained version, which will create a haze effect. The veil can be sewn to the cap, or you can pin it on small pins. To make such a headdress look interesting, you need to decorate with rhinestones both a knitted fabric and a mesh that closes your eyes.


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