Diarrhea in budgerigars: symptoms, causes, description with photos, treatment and feeding rules

We are all mortal. With this sad note begins our article. After all, parrots that have diarrhea are the very first in line to attend to a grandmother with a scythe.

But a competent host can postpone the visit of death to the pet. Itโ€™s enough to know something. The budgie is sick, does he have diarrhea? It all depends on the color of the stool. In certain cases, the help of a veterinarian is needed.

Healthy parrot

Brought him home

He turned out to be sick. At first he still rode around the perch, tweeted merrily and eagerly absorbed the food. And now heโ€™s sitting, laughing. The eyes are cloudy, and the area around the cloaca is stained with feces.

What if a parrot has diarrhea? Let's see what it can be connected with and what happens.

Causes of Diarrhea

They can be external and internal. External causes include:

  • Poor quality food.
  • Bad water.
  • Dirty cell.
  • Expired fruits or vegetables caught in the parrot's diet.
  • Houseplants. The bird could pinch a flower. And the flower, in turn, is quite capable of being poisonous to the parrot.
  • Cell location. Draft is not the best feathered companion. Budgies are afraid of drafts.
  • Stressful situations. If the cage with the pet is near the TV, then the bird is constantly in stress. Pay attention to the room where the bird lives. Perhaps the presence of excessively loud sounds in it makes the bird worry.
  • Other pets. If a cat is constantly pestering a budgie, trying to extract it from a cage, or is interested in a dog, it is not surprising that the bird begins to wither.
  • Vitamin D deficiency. Sun baths for birds are very beneficial.

Internal causes include:

  • Parasites.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Inflammation.

Eliminate the causes

If the parrots have wavy diarrhea, then first you need to understand the causes of its appearance. Which we did above. If it is possible to eliminate external causes, then we are acting.

Poor feed is detected by examining grains. Have you noticed green mold or white coating? Does the smell bother you? Pour the food from the feeder, buy a new one. In the finished diet, the presence of millet is required.

It is better to replace water with a nursery. Even if a pet drinks bottled water, this does not guarantee its quality. As for raw water, right from the tap, it should not be given to a parrot. Suitable boiled, children's or mineral without gas.

Dirt in the cell is another reason. To hide the sin, the owners do not always observe sanitation in the home of the budgerigar. There is not enough time to remove the cage, laziness or something else interferes. But various diseases are possible from dirt, so I wash the cage in hot water with a disinfectant, carefully dry it. If the bottom of the cage is extendable, there will be no problems with daily cleaning. We put forward, wash off waste products, insert them into place. The cell must be completely disinfected once a week.

Eliminate fruits, vegetables, and greens from your pet's diet.

If the pet is sick, it freezes. It takes a lot of energy to heat the body. Turn on the infrared lamp above the cage to heat the budgie.

Watch the bird closely. If, after all the manipulations, diarrhea continues, this indicates the beginning of the pathological process in the feathered organism. The owner will not be able to independently help him. Running to the ornithologist.

The parrot is lousy

Types of Diarrhea

There are diarrhea and polyuria. If there is a lot of urine in the litter, then this is polyuria. There is nothing wrong with such feces if the bird ate a succulent feed, drank too much water. Watch the feathered. Has feces returned to normal? Then there is no need to sound the alarm.

But when there is a lot of liquid in the feces - this is cause for alarm. With diarrhea, the area around the cloaca is contaminated with feces, droppings produce a fetid odor, and may bubble. The bird looks lethargic, eyes are dull. The budgerigar does not respond to external stimuli, sitting on a perch or at the bottom of the cage with a chump.

What to give a budgie from diarrhea? Medicines can be prescribed only by an ornithologist. Human preparations should not be given to the bird; the feathered bird has a very weak liver. And a tool that helps people can destroy a pet.

Consider the main colors of the litter, which should alarm the owner of the parrot.

Litter color

So, if the owner of the bird found liquid feces of a certain color at the bottom of the cage, this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • The bright green color is a liver disease.
  • Yellow diarrhea in a budgie is a sign of poisoning.
  • If feces are liquid and particles of undigested feed are visible in them, this is a sign of infection, inflammation of goiter, fungus or dysbiosis.
  • White droppings - a disease of the pancreas.
  • Did the budgerigar give out a very thin black feces? This is a sign of gastrointestinal disease.
  • Green colored fluid. Running to the doctor, do not pull.
Scary color
  • Red droppings. The presence of blood indicates that it is necessary to get to the ornithologist as soon as possible.

What to do next?

How to support a bird, how to help it before a medical intervention and how to cure diarrhea in a budgerigar? Boil the rice. Without salt and spices. Add half of the Karsil tablet to the broth, pound it first.

Tidy up the bird, clean the cloaca area and feathers from the adhering droppings. Cleaning is carried out using a solution of chamomile. Wipe the contaminated area with a cotton pad moistened with it.

Remove fruits, vegetables and greens from the feeder. Replace water with chamomile solution. This is the first aid for a bird. And watch the feathered behavior. If there are no changes for the better, the pet is still sluggish, dry, and periodically gives out liquid excrement, do not delay the visit to the doctor.

Litter fluid

Home treatment: is it possible?

Is it possible to treat diarrhea in a budgerigar (pictured) at home? If only first aid. Professionally cure the bird can only an ornithologist.

Litter plentifully white

If there is no way to urgently contact him, what should the owner do? Watch a pet die? Not. Maintain your pet's body with vitamins. A good option is to give the feathered probiotic to restore intestinal microflora.

Several options for helping birds:

  • With bloody diarrhea, a drop of Dicinon is given.
  • Half a tablet of activated charcoal is ground and added to a rice broth.
  • The solution of chamomile is brewed and diluted with water. This broth is watered by the pet. The solution in the drinker changes every two hours.
  • Dissolve 0.5 ml "Gamavita" in 50 ml of boiled water. Give every day for a week.
  • Try giving twice a day Vetom 1.1. At the tip of a knife, the drug is added to water.

We strongly recommend that you consult a specialist for the treatment of diarrhea in parrots. Incorrect or untimely assistance will lead to the death of the bird.

Adjust the nutrition

We found out why a parrot can vilify. What are the external and internal causes of diarrhea and what should the host do? You can not get around such an important issue as the nutrition of a pet with liquid manure.

A parrot needs only dry food during this period. Its composition must necessarily include oats and millet. We remove greens, vegetables and fruits until the bird recovers. Sour fruits and spoiled vegetables may well lead to diarrhea, we will not experiment.

Sometimes inexperienced owners wonder: if the budgerigar has diarrhea, can you give bananas and apples? Bananas should not be given to birds at all. Apples will wait for the feathered to recover. There should not be any fruits in the diet right now.

Parrot is watered with baby water. A decoction of chamomile, tea without sugar and not very strong will do.


With diarrhea in budgerigars, we sorted it out. And what if the bird vomits? Someone will be surprised: does this happen at all? It happens, oddly enough.

Most often, vomiting occurs in females during the thirst for "getting married." The owner should watch the bird. If there are no cracks on the beak, the bird gallops cheerfully on the perch and tweets, eagerly eats, and the eyes are clean, there is nothing to worry about.

But when vomiting is accompanied by general lethargy and weakness, the pet rests heavily on half-bent paws, eyes seem to be sticky, and the parrot resembles a shaggy ball, this indicates serious diseases in the bird. Do not delay the visit to the doctor.

Sick parrot

Poultry Recommendations

Now the owners know what to do if the parrot has diarrhea. It remains to talk about the contents of the feathered, to give short tips for new owners:

  • It all starts with a cell. Do not save on it and buy the cheapest. Cheap cages are small, the bird will be uncomfortable in such. The minimum size of a dwelling for one individual is 40 ร— 25 ร— 45 cm. But this is a minimum, exactly the same as for sanitary standards 6 square meters. m of living space for a person.

Budgie cage
  • Do not use filler in the cage. You can purchase special floor mats, nothing more. And even better - a cage with a retractable bottom. It is easy to get out and wash.
  • Cleaning is done daily. The bottom of the cell is washed. Once a week, the parrotโ€™s housing is completely sterilized along with feeders and drinking bowls.
  • There must be two feeders in the cage. One - for dry food, the second - for fruits, vegetables and herbs. Feeders are better to take hanging plastic.
  • Buy a drinker with a wide nose, which is mounted between the rods in a cage.
  • As for toys, a standard mirror, a bell and various rope rings are a great option.
  • Feed the bird twice a day. Morning feeding consists of dry food (a tablespoon) and additives in the form of goodies. In the evening feeding give only food.
  • Water in the drinker is changed daily.
  • The bird can be let out to fly if the bird is rather manual. Only at this time, close the windows and windows, so that the parrot does not fly away forever.
  • If cats or dogs live in the house, it is advisable to isolate the budgerigar from them. Birds are very easily stressed, and it is unlikely that the cat will calmly watch the bird. She will certainly want to get the bird out of the cage. This is fraught with fright for a budgerigar, even death.
  • Near the cage you can not make noise. Loud music, screams, television screams - this is a lot of stress for a small pet.
  • In the room where there is a cage with a parrot, do not smoke. A few breaths of smoke are enough for the bird to fall to the bottom of the cage with its paws up and not stand up anymore.


In the article, we talked about diarrhea in budgies. What it happens, what to do to the owner, how to support the bird, you now know.

We outline the main aspects of the article:

  • Diarrhea is caused by internal and external factors.
  • Diseases and inflammations are treated by an ornithologist.
  • External factors are poor-quality food and water, unsanitary conditions in the cell, stress for the feathered.
  • If the owner has found that the bird is not feeling well, and its litter is liquid, urgent measures must be taken.
  • The first aid for diarrhea in budgerigars is a rice broth without salt with a crushed half tablet of activated charcoal.

Having considered diarrhea in budgies and received some advice on this, the bird owner will know what to do if necessary.

The main objective of the article - to tell the owner of the bird how to help with diarrhea in budgerigars - is completed. We wish your pets good health!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23235/

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