DIY do-it-yourself butterfly origami kusudama butterfly

Kusudama is a decorative Japanese product that is assembled using the origami technique. As many people know, origami is the whole art of folding various figures out of paper. In this article we will tell you how the Kusudama butterfly gathers. But is an inexperienced person worth taking the craft in this matter? Won't they waste time? We usually ask such questions when we encounter something for the first time. But do not be afraid, but go ahead, comprehend the new!

kusudama butterfly

What are Kusudam

These are various balls consisting of figures, flowers, or parts of a different shape assembled identically. In other words, from modules. Do not use tissue paper to make kusudama. It should be dense, multi-colored, plain or with some medium-sized pattern. In Japan, a kusudama ball is hung on a thin rope or string from a lamp, ceiling, or any other place you like. Decorate the balls with a brush and beads. To understand how to make kusudama from paper, you first need to learn how to make modules. So, be patient, because you have a long work with your fingers.

How to assemble paper origami modules

how to make kusudama from paper

Kusudama is made from rectangular leaves. Harvest squares measuring 10x10 centimeters. Cut them in half. Origami kusudama butterfly is made of sixty modules, thirty yellow and blue. We collect the first part (yellow). Take a rectangle, bend up the bottom left corner, leave one millimeter from the edge. Bend the upper right corner as well. There should be a distance of about two millimeters between the triangles. Turn over the blank. Bend both edges inward, that is, connect the lower acute angle with the upper obtuse. Please note that the sides must be parallel. Next, connect the upper acute angle with the lower obtuse. It turned out two triangles. In the right triangle, bend the bottom corner up, and in the left - the top down. Bend the blank in half. Expand the shape. The first module is ready. Also add up similarly to 29. Now collect the second (blue). Take a strip of paper. Fold in half lengthwise. Then bend the right side to the middle. Fold the paper back to the line you received earlier. Turn the product over. Divide the resulting strips in half. As a result of excesses, three folds should be obtained. But do not divide the extreme strip in half. Do the same with the second half of the workpiece. Ready second module. To start collecting Origami Kusudama Butterfly, do another 29 pieces. When all the modules are ready, proceed to the assembly.

Kusudama assembly

paper origami kusudama

Connect the prepared modules as follows. Take the yellow part and put the blue one in its middle. Bend the right corner of the first workpiece. This way you lock the insert. Bend the left corner as well. Bend the resulting workpiece diagonally. Apply glue to the blue part. Squeeze in half. Make 29 such modules. Next, take two finished parts, connect as described below. Place the corners of the yellow module under the blue corrugation and fix with glue. Collect parts in fives, and then connect them into a ball. If you use the sizes of the rectangles that were given in the description, then the craft will learn a diameter of eleven centimeters. Kusudama can be made both plain and multi-colored. This is your choice.

Kusudama Butterfly is a colorful and amazing decoration of your interior.


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