How and where to get the rights to a boat with a motor. Motor boat control: documents

A driverā€™s license is a document that is familiar to almost every citizen. The thing is that without this paper you wonā€™t be able to drive a vehicle moving on the ground. If a person wants to drive a car, you will have to get a driverā€™s license. This fact is known to all. But land transport is far from the only option for moving. You can move through water and even through the air! Many believe that no documents are required for this. But this is an erroneous statement. To manage water transport, a citizen must obtain the rights to a boat with a motor. How to do it? What should you prepare for? Is it worth it to deal with the proposed idea? After all, a boat is far from the most basic vehicle. You can often refuse it if there are problems with obtaining rights.

motor boat license

Reality or fiction

Not everyone believes that for the management of water transport should receive the appropriate certificate. Therefore, without hesitation, they acquire boats and other vessels. Do not do this. Indeed, in Russia, in case of non-compliance with the rules of driving any vehicle, a certain punishment is provided.

So do you need the rights to a boat with a motor? Yes. And this is no fiction. Citizens who are going to buy a motor boat or a vessel must obtain the appropriate certificate without fail. Without it, entry into the water is prohibited. There are some exceptions, but there are very few. Which boats need rights, and which ones do not? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems.

When do I need a certificate?

The thing is that far from in all cases it is required to think about getting a boatmaster's certificate. Only for certain categories of water transport does this rule apply. Which boats do you need rights to? What does Russian legislation offer in this regard?

The first category is boats with a motor. If the watercraft has a motor engine, the citizen is required to obtain a certificate so that he can control the "machine". While there is no right, access to the water is prohibited. You can own such a boat, but not control it.

Further - these are small vessels. And any. Motor boats are far from the only transport requiring the owner to have the rights of a skipper. Even boats require this document.

motor boats

It is difficult to imagine, but most other vehicles also make you think about getting today's certificate. Even a jet ski cannot be operated without rights. Any hovercraft, as well as aerobots, are the next vehicles that can bring a lot of trouble to the owners. After all, it is impossible to manage them without the document being studied under any pretext. These are the rules. The rights to drive a motor boat are important paper. Her absence to skippers brings problems.

It is already clear that the requirements for obtaining a certificate are put forward mainly to the owners of any ships with engines. In addition, the rule applies to sailing watercraft. But, as practice shows, the interest of law enforcement agencies in such boats is not too high. Therefore, you can neglect the established rules at your own risk.

Not self-propelled

The biggest problem today is that you almost always need to get ā€œmaritimeā€ rights. On a boat with a motor - this is understandable. And indeed, on self-propelled vehicles designed for movement on water. Only swim lovers should not be happy. Indeed, now even non-self-propelled vessels require a boatmaster's license. When will this document be required? When do you need the rights to drive a motor boat? After all, some water transport can be "put" on the water without them.

For example, if you plan to control a sailboat. But not self-propelled, this is important. You can avoid excess paperwork. To do this, it is enough to purchase a non-self-propelled sailing vessel, which does not reach 80 register tons. If the capacity is greater than the specified figure, obtaining a certificate is required.

motor boat rights

Motor boats, as it turned out, are far from the only transport that requires the owner to have ā€œmaritimeā€ rights. Self-propelled vessels are also subject to the established rules. Even an ordinary boat in some cases requires a certificate. For this, its carrying capacity should be more than 100 kilograms (inclusive).

Kayaks - this is another type of water transport, which is no exception to the rule. Even for such vehicles, according to the established rules, a certificate is required. Again, there are exceptions. These are kayaks that are designed to hold only 150 kilograms of weight. If the capacity is greater, the right to receive will be mandatory.

Perhaps this is all. The rights to control the boat must be obtained for all of the above facilities, subject to exceptions to the rules. Often when acquiring a water vehicle of the future owner, the seller will try to inform that it is impossible to go into the water without a certificate.

Identification Algorithm

Of course, the entire process under consideration can be divided into several main parts. Each of them will play a certain important role. What steps will have to be taken in order to obtain rights to a boat with a motor or to another motor / self-propelled vessel? There are only a few steps:

  • verification of the need to obtain rights;
  • collection of documents;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • training;
  • exams;
  • filing an application for the issuance of a document;
  • obtaining the certificate of the skipper.

It is not necessary to comply with the proposed algorithm of actions. You can slightly delay the time of collecting documents to obtain rights to the boat. It is recommended to do this after training and exams are behind.

motor boat control

Medical checkup

Getting a motor boat license is not as easy as it sounds. The process looks nevertheless not too intimidating. Similarly, a driver's license is obtained. Therefore, many people think that getting a permission to drive a water vehicle will not be any harder. This is an erroneous statement. Many points are similar to getting a driverā€™s license, but in the case of boats you have to try pretty hard in terms of training. But the medical examination will be exactly the same as in the case of land vehicles.

Without passing the medical board, you canā€™t get the right to a boat with a motor. There are a number of prohibitions under which a citizen does not have the ability to control this vehicle. The absence of contraindications must be documented. More precisely, the conclusion of a medical commission. In order to be able to control boats with a motor, it is necessary to contact some specialists and get their conclusions on the state of health. It:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • expert in narcology;
  • psychiatrist;
  • neuropathologist.

As practice shows, if at least one medical worker from all of the above does not put a mark that a citizen is healthy (or does not have contraindications for managing water transport), you can forget about getting rights. The conclusion of the doctors is an important document, without which it will not be possible to submit an application for the issuance of a boatmaster's certificate.

Once the medical board is behind, you can go to study. It is not recommended that you learn how to drive a ship until you receive medical advice from a health professional. If it turns out that a citizen has contraindications, then all studies will lose their meaning. Some schools even ask you to first show a health certificate. And only then a potential student receives permission to take the course.


In the case of drivers of vehicles, everything is clear - it is enough to undergo a little training organized by private companies. But if we are talking about a document such as the right to a motor boat (or any other watercraft), the training component is complicated.

The thing is that citizens are given more opportunities. Itā€™s more difficult to bring them to life. It's no secret that there is a higher education, which is associated with marine vessels. It is necessary to obtain any such specialty in order to be eligible to receive a boatmaster's license. Not the most common, but the situation is taking place. You can get a similar education either in a technical school or in a university.

rights to drive a motor boat

Most often, the population chooses a more familiar and simple way. Training on the rights to the boat can be taken in specialized training centers. After completing the course, all students who successfully complete the process will receive a special certificate. It serves as a confirmation of water transport management skills.

Where to get the boat license? To do this, a citizen must go to specialized driving courses. They are engaged in a variety of training centers. There are associations in every city, but they are not as common as car driving courses. Further, for some time you will have to attend lectures. On average, skippers' courses last from one and a half to 6 months. Only a few educational institutions offer annual tuition. This process as a whole is not too long.

Accordingly, the entire training course is divided into two parts - theory and practice. The first option is listening to lectures. Many schools now even allow you to remotely take this course. How to get a boat license? Successfully complete the training, undergo a medical examination, and then submit documents to a specific place to issue the appropriate certificate. It doesnā€™t matter how the lecture course was listened to - in person, in absentia or remotely. The main thing is that the exams be passed in full.

The second part consists of practice. Many people wonder how this process proceeds. After all, you need to somehow learn how to drive a particular vehicle in practice. Upon receipt of a driverā€™s license, everything is very clear - the students practice on real cars. What about ships? Practical classes will be held only on special simulators. Indeed, without the rights of a skipper, citizens are forbidden to go to sea. If the theoretical part of the training can be skipped or not fully heard, then practice should not be neglected. Citizens point out that passing on the rights to the boat is very problematic. And this is even taking into account all the acquired theory and practice. Many simply do not cope with learning.


Driving a motor boat or any watercraft with a motor will be available not just after training. It has already been said that study is one of the essential parts of the entire process of obtaining a certificate. It ends with an exam. If a citizen cannot surrender it, the rights to the boat cannot be obtained. Do not worry - everyone has a chance to retake, or even a few. In an extreme case, you can re-listen to a course of lectures, and then successfully pass the exam.

This process is divided into 2 parts. First, you have to go through the theoretical part. Students will be asked a few questions that will help determine the sufficiency of the knowledge necessary in order to control the motor boat. Usually the theory is in the form of a small test. But simple questions are not excluded. You should find out about the specific form of the theoretical part of the exam in the chosen educational institution.

which boats need rights

Once the first stage is completed, you can proceed to a more crucial moment. It's about practice. Without it, the rights to a motor boat or any other watercraft with a motor cannot be obtained. This is the most important part of all learning. And it is at this moment that many experience certain difficulties. After all, steering a ship is much more difficult than driving a car.

The practical part will be carried out exclusively on simulators. For the management of a real ship, no one will let students go. Instead, they will have to perform several exercises on special simulators. If the process is successful, you can rejoice - the citizen will have a chance to obtain the rights of a skipper.

Typically, exam results are taken out by a special examination committee. Those who managed to complete and successfully complete the courses of skippers will receive a special conclusion - a certificate of graduation. This document must be mandatory for anyone who wants to legally steer motor boats. A certificate can only be replaced with a master's diploma of higher education.

Where to go with documents

Where to get the boat license? In specialized courses they only teach the basics of driving a vehicle. They also issue certificates of successful completion of studies. But with the collected package of documents will have to go to a completely different place. Where exactly?

In gims. What it is? State Inspectorate for Small Vessels. This is where the rights to a motor boat can be obtained. An application is submitted here, and all other documents are brought.

Often, it is enough to simply provide certain papers and write a request for a certificate. In some cases, a citizen may be asked to take an exam in the form of practice on a simulator. If a person has just completed a course of study, it is not necessary to show their skills. But getting ready for the demand is still worth it.

As soon as the documents for the boat (or rather, for the management of a small boat) are submitted, it remains to wait. On average, it takes about 30 days to produce and issue a certificate.

If you wish, you can apply in several ways. Now the population is invited to:

  • contact the gims personally;
  • resort to the help of the portal "State services";
  • bring a package of documents to the MFC.

The first option is considered the fastest, most reliable and most convenient. If you have to take an additional exam on the management of the vessel, you can realize the idea in the shortest possible time. Yes, and the certificate itself will be issued very quickly. But the MFC will slow down the process somewhat. Often you have to wait 1.5-2 months in order to get the rights to the boat. GIMS is a place that as quickly as possible will help to cope with the task. However, citizens themselves can choose the place where to apply. The package of documents still remains the same in all cases.

how to get a boat license


What does the future skipper have to bring in order to have official rights to drive a motor ship (or self-propelled with certain parameters)? The list of documents is not too long. It is necessary to present:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • documents for the vehicle that you plan to drive (if any, together with the ship's ticket);
  • application for the issuance of a boatmaster's license;
  • diploma of higher education related to navigation (if any);
  • state duty (receipt of payment);
  • certificate of successful completion of specialized courses for skippers;
  • medical certificate of the health status of the established sample;
  • photos (3-4 pieces, color, size 3 by 4 centimeters).

You will need to bring copies of all of the above documents with you. The only exception is a medical report. It should be presented only in the original. A certified copy is allowed. Now many require only a brief show of the passport and medical certificate in the original, and attach photocopies to the application.

How much will you have to pay as a state fee? At the moment, for obtaining rights will have to pay 1,300 rubles. This is for issuing a certificate. If the vessel has not been registered with the GIMS, you will additionally have to pay a fee of 1,600 rubles.

After submitting the application, the skipper will be told when it is possible to return for the rights. The document should be taken with an identity card (passport). That's all. Now motorboats are not under control prohibition.


In fact, obtaining a gims certificate is very problematic. In particular, due to the training and examination part of the whole process. Some decide to buy ready-made rights. This should not be done - it is illegal. All documents issued by GIMS are entered into the database. Fakes are quickly recognized. Now itā€™s clear how to get the rights to the boat. If you try hard, the process will not cause a huge amount of trouble.


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