Bottle decoration as a hobby and art

It so happened that if an old friend comes from distant wanderings , he will certainly bring some exotic drink with him to taste in pleasant company, telling about his outlandish adventures. If the story is interesting and the evening is long, then whatever the bottle, English gin, Mexican tequila, Scotch whiskey or Javanese rum, it usually becomes empty. Well, do not throw away such beauty! And the memory again ...

bottle decoration

There is an idea - to preserve and decorate this overseas miracle for future use. There are many applications for such an object - a lamp, a flower vase, or a souvenir, which can be presented to the same friend on your next visit. Know ours, we can do something! In the worst case, such a thing can easily replace a carafe for such domestic-made drinks.

This is a separate art form - bottle design. The master class will take a little time, and then pure creativity and your own imagination combined with artistic taste.

So where to start? There are two main approaches - external and internal. Decorating a bottle as a kitchen accessory allows it to be simply filled with various beautiful objects that crawl into the neck - grains, balls, or something else bright and contrasting. But such a method completely eliminates the possibility of the functional use of this object, it remains only a purely decorative purpose.

do-it-yourself bottle design

In order to carry out the external decoration of the bottle, you will need one of two, or paint for painting glass, or glue that can hold various elements on it. Here, for example, a friend is a sailor. In this case, the theme of the response presentation should be appropriate, and cause associations with tropical storms, equatorial archipelagos, lagoons, ports with exotic names that sound like strings of a ukulele guitar. You can draw a lighthouse on the surface of the glass and supplement the decoration of the bottle with a chain with an anchor, if, of course, there is one. Well, if not, then no.

Hemp ropes remind of the sea and the tropics. A very simplified and technological decoration of the bottle is to grease its surface with glass glue and wind a jute rope over it all the way up. Not only will the form be preserved, but breaking it now will not be easy. And on hot days, the porous surface can be moistened, and the drink will keep the cool longer.

bottle design master class

Bottle decoration can also be done using the mosaic method. Again, glue is required, on which you can fix multi-colored ceramic plates or pieces of a mirror. The main requirement is that such a souvenir is safe, because the cladding elements can have sharp edges. This is easy to achieve, just rub their edges on sandpaper or a whetstone.

Making bottles with your own hands sometimes captivates so much that it becomes a way of a pleasant and useful pastime. Mastery is improved, new methods are learned, different materials are used, and your own style appears. It is only important to ensure that the emptying of glass containers is not a habit.


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