Personal security: the concept, types and methods of ensuring

The social connection between groups of people helps maintain their level of protection. Everyone in modern society is interested in improving the security sector. Security means the ability of social groups to defend themselves, their rights, freedoms, spiritual and moral values, as well as their worldview. The object of public protection is considered the public life of the state. Subjects are the authorities and other broad organizations and groups.

The definition of security in modern society

The main security criterion is to ensure the protection of the individual in a modern society. It helps to influence the work of international institutions, authorities, internal public institutions.

The following factors can jeopardize human security: ignoring the opinion of the country's inhabitants by the authorities, supporting the authorities only in a position favorable to them, suppressing or completely destroying the opposition, a policy that divides the country's social grouping into small parts, prohibitions and some restrictions on rallies, free marches, extermination of democratic views, media, organizations, subjugation of certain groups of the population, obtaining privileges. All described hazards are classified as state.

Contemporary issues

The safety of society will be determined by the influence of internal and external factors. Internal dangers include heredity and a person’s lifestyle.

To external - the predominant influence of the world on a person. This includes the impact of natural factors, anthropogenic environment, productive activities, as well as social influence.

Common threats to personal safety

In this case, the object of security is the person himself, but there can be a huge number of subjects: state institutions, authorities, various organizations, social groups, society, manufacturing enterprises, family, close circle of friends. It is important to remember that the person himself must try to provide his protection.

The main threats to human security include:

  • threat to human health, life and legal capacity;
  • coercion to another's worldview, opinion, the destruction of the existing lifestyle of the individual;
  • manipulation of consciousness, imposing wrong actions;
  • negative impact on human morality, physical violence;
  • restriction or deprivation of freedoms and rights established at the legislative level;
  • forced submission to various criminal groups and illegal groups (psychological security of an individual);
  • the use of personality in order to obtain own profit, money;
  • imposing obedience to any actions and orders;
  • actions that endanger other areas of human life (ecology, politics, economics);
  • lack of state control over the reproduction and use of psychotropic drugs, as well as weapons;
  • the lack of legislation in the state to protect against unauthorized energy-informational impact on the psyche of citizens.

Security basics

Basics of personal safety in environmental conditions:

  1. Mandatory measures to protect the population in places with poor ecology, reducing the amount of harmful substances and toxins in the atmosphere, ponds, reservoirs, soil. For this, special household appliances are used that help control the quality of the environment and the products used.
  2. Compliance with the rules for the use of household appliances, tools, household chemicals, personal information devices.
  3. Compliance with traffic regulations. Rules of driving, behavior in transport (land, air, water and rail), a pedestrian, a passenger will be responsible for their observance. Cyclists are required to use personal protective equipment.
  4. Protection against sudden fires. Every citizen must abide by the rules of conduct during a fire, know where fire extinguishing equipment and personal protective equipment are located.
  5. Compliance with the rules of conduct in open water. A person should know how to behave while in the water, how to provide first aid.
  6. Rules of conduct for hiking and trips. A person must be able to give distress signals in an emergency.
  7. A citizen must comply with the rules of conduct in criminogenic situations (apartment street, theft, fraud, protection from unscrupulous sellers).


Next is ensuring personal safety in emergency situations. In this case, the state and society must comply with the following rules:

  • Protection of the population from natural emergencies (sudden earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, hurricanes, showers, floods, snowdrifts, mudflows, tsunamis, forest fires, epidemics of dangerous diseases, blizzards, heavy ice, floods).
Natural factors
  • The population must comply with all recommendations for safe behavior in various emergency situations.
  • It is important to provide individual protection to the population, to protect residents from industrial accidents (chemical and radiation accidents, fire hazardous and explosive enterprises).
  • A person must know the rules of safe behavior, be able to use personal and collective protective equipment, be able to take the right actions with the “Attention to everyone!” Signal, carry out the correct evacuation, not be nervous and not fuss in an emergency.

Countering terrorism, extremism, narcotism

Threats to a person’s security in the context of terrorism, extremism and narcotism can be as follows:

  1. Terrorism, extremism and narcotism are serious problems of modern society that directly affect its security. The population should be aware of the main ways and means that dangerous organizations use to engage adolescents in drug, extremist and terrorist activities.
  2. Teenagers must be mindful of the seriousness of the responsibility that is imposed on them during the offense.
  3. Adults and children should take a course in which personal safety and basic actions in case of terrorist acts, detection of an unknown object, possible threat of explosion at the time of the explosion will be described in detail.
  4. It is important to keep safe during the abduction or hostage taking (attempted abduction), as well as during the release of the hostages.
  5. A person is obliged to observe personal safety when attending major events, as well as places with high crowds.
The influence of extremism

Healthy lifestyle

The safety of society and the individual directly depends on the medical field and the degree of spread of a healthy image among society:

  1. A citizen should be familiar with the basic rules of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and maintaining health. The main factors that affect health: regular physical activity, proper nutrition, compliance with the daily routine and hygiene rules.
  2. Teenagers should be familiar with the harmful effects of bad habits on the body (the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoking tobacco and special mixtures).
  3. Prevention of the influence of negative factors on human health.
  4. Preservation of a holistic concept of the family in modern society. Basic rights and obligations of spouses, as well as protection of the rights of a minor child.
Family relationship

Medical field

Safety of the individual, society and state in the medical field:

  1. Everyone should know the rules of first aid to the victim before the arrival of ambulance, first aid for external and internal bleeding, first aid for sprains, fractures, dislocations, burns of varying severity, frostbite or hypothermia.
  2. Everyone should carry out preventive measures to protect against non-infectious and infectious diseases, be able to provide first aid in case of intoxication of the body with toxins.
  3. To be able to assist in obtaining heat stroke, the bite of dangerous insects, poisonous snakes.
  4. Provide first aid for cardiac arrest, fainting, seizure, worsening, with a coma, as well as damage by a charge of electricity.

Information Security

At first, computer systems and the information sphere as a whole were something complicated and expensive for a person. When a computer appeared, only professionals worked with them, they received special formulas and deduced tasks, and then translated them into a generally accessible computer language.

After some time, a huge breakthrough occurred in the world of computer technology, which was provided by new developments of microcircuits, transistors.

Information Hazards

Currently, computers are an integral part of human life. There are special devices that work autonomously. People use a computer for various purposes - they visit online stores, work in it, make new friends, and increase their social circle.

Most common problems

Due to general computerization, access to personal information of a person through the Internet has been greatly simplified, which has jeopardized the security of the individual. Along with the problems of copyright and child pornography, the society began to worry about problems such as viral video, information warfare, human zombies, suggestion of opposing views, and a change in worldview.

Restructuring of consciousness

All the problems described negatively affect a person, destroy his personality. For this reason, it is very important to observe the information security of the individual.

The main dangers of the information sphere

The main threats to information security include:

  • adoption of normative acts contrary to constitutional human rights;
  • violation of the legal right of a person to privacy;
  • restriction of access to open information;
  • violation of individual rights in the field of mass media;
  • illegal use of specialized tools that adversely affect the human mind;
  • manipulating the information received.
Information Security

To improve the information security of an individual, the following rules must be followed:

  • regularly improve and modernize the infrastructure of the single information space of the Russian Federation;
  • improve the domestic industry of information services, develop their quality, apply state information resources.


It is also very important to ensure security for a citizen of the country to protect the information sphere from unauthorized access, to ensure complete protection of telecommunication systems both at the international level and within Russia. To ensure the security of the individual, the state takes the following actions:

  • Invest in the development of domestic hardware and software production, information security tools and methods for their control.
  • Data protection and complete confidentiality (especially in the public sphere).
  • Expanding international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of information security, developing the safe use of Internet resources, countering the threat of unleashing conflicts in the information sphere.

An analysis of the security of the individual and the state helps to identify that a person is influenced by many factors that can affect not only his physical condition, but also personal development.


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