Cornelis Vlasman's Living Modular Body - How Does It Work?

Long live the great progress! Who would have thought that quite a bit of time would pass and the science fiction predictions of the 20th century would become a reality! All the shocking developments of the 21st century are still a secret, but there are inventors who have managed to present to the public their incredible brain-blowing inventions. One of these innovative scientists was Cornelis Vlasman. The researcher organized a biotechnological project aimed at creating an artificial modular body, and it is worth admitting that he did it very well. It's only the beginning!


Recently, one of the viral videos has become a video entitled "Living Modular Body: Development of Cornelis Vlasman."

living modular body
The picture is rather strange: at first it might seem that products for cooking lasagna are laid out on the table. But this is not so. In fact, these pieces of meat, resting on a flat surface of the table, represent the "limbs" of a living modular body.


A living modular body is going to be like a child’s designer, but the effect is almost fabulous, it’s like breathing soul into the newly-minted monster Victor Frankenstein.

Cornelis Wlasman
We can say that Mary Shelley in her science fiction novel Frankenstein, or Modern Prometheus, foresaw the creation of a monster. But, just like a fairy-tale character, a real “monster” is also an object without a soul.

Living modular body - an interesting development of Cornelis Vlasman

The body consists of modules: the brain joins the heart, then the design is complemented by the lungs and kidneys.

development of Cornelis Vlasman living modular body
This enchanting robot begins to work fully, that is, to make movements, only when all the parts are assembled and work together. The movement is provided by limbs attached to the structure skeleton. The living modular body moves, accumulating an optimal temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. It looks like a human body, right? However, no one is taken to judge the reality of what is happening. Most likely, this is an imitation of movements recreated by a program to display the results of a study.

Some facts

If you believe the information on the Internet, then the project of Cornelis Vlasman took about eleven years of the scientist's life. However, the presented results justify such a temporary abyss. A living modular body was completely created, to which multiple configuration options are attached.

interesting development of Cornelis Vlasman living modular body
The main and central component of the artificial body is a four-chamber heart. It is it that pumps the blood of a modular robot through the blood vessels and internal organs. Incredibly, Oscar Cornelis Vlasman infuses his own blood. He donated it for research and kept it frozen. Not a very pleasant fact: the little monster turned out to be a vampire, because every day he needs scanty nourishment from human plasma. At the moment, the challenge is the development of the Oscars immune system. A living robot is at risk of infection and destruction non-stop.


The videos of Cornelis Vlasman are designed to educate the public about how the process of creating an artificial heart and modules occurs.
The limbs of this creature, in fact, do not play a big role in its existence. They are only a partial prototype of the future monster. They are held together with the help of a magnetic connection, which acts as a corridor for blood flow and a “signal room” for muscles. The brain module - the center of the small universe of artificial creatures - is called the Electronic Nervous System. Thanks to this device, breathing, palpitations, and recognition of the ambient temperature of a small bloodthirsty Oscar are carried out (no offense to the creator).

Oscar Cornelis Vlasman

The brain is a kind of microcontroller, the writing of the code of which delivered a lot of trouble to Cornelis Vlasman.

Modules for this little “miracle” are created on a special bio-printer. Another terrible fact - the body of Vlasman himself serves as biomaterial! Constantly the brainchild requires replenishment of human stem cells to maintain its imaginary life.

The race for ideals

The project of creating an artificial living body faces many questions that cannot be solved in any way by bioprinting. For example, how will existing legislation react to a new form of life? The organism of the new generation is just an octopus on the table - it does not think, does not have instincts and just searches for the temperature necessary for it. The goals of the author himself are generally hidden behind the "wings" of the videos. It is not clear whether Vlasman wants to achieve fame, or did he set out to reproduce offspring without the participation of the female body? Maybe he will become the inventor of human organs? Unknown It is only known that the work is underway, but their goal is the mystery of the century.

Is the Oscar real?

Of course, the project is just wonderful. But what are the chances of his success without a specific goal? The modern world is based on consumption in everything. The benefits began to be valued above all kinds of research, conquering new horizons. If something is produced, it is most likely what is in demand.

modular robot
These thoughts suggest that someone is still interested in creating a biorobot, well, or biological extremities and organs.

The media project literally “ate” the lion's share of the talent and time of people who distinguished themselves by persistence in this matter. The publicly available videos imitate the recordings of videoconferencing, telecasts, and scientific videos rather skillfully. This implementation itself is nothing more than a beautiful pseudoscientific hoax. But, of course, it did not arise from scratch.

No matter how absurd it may sound, in the future a fictional homunculus can be grown on a 3D printer. The prospect is quite obvious - people plan to create organs on such devices. At the moment, research is underway to create limbs: the artificial arms of monkeys and paws of rats have already been developed and released. The sensational story about a programmer who is about to have his head transplanted to another body takes on a real color, even the approximate date of the upcoming operation has already been agreed. At the moment, successful experiments have been recorded on monkeys and mice.

According to historical sources of the 30s of the last century, scientists were able to maintain the life of a dog’s head. If we recall the very origins, then long before the appearance of the mythical monster of Frankenstein, medieval alchemists spent days and nights sitting behind experiments and research, trying to understand how a person works. For example, Paracelsus has compiled an exhaustive list of ingredients for creating a homunculus. According to his recipe, in order to create a prototype of a person, you need to take human sperm, place it in a vessel and send it to “ferment” in horse manure buried somewhere near a tree.

live robot

A certain procedure called “magnetization” was prescribed in the sources, but so far no one can give a clear answer about what it is. It was rumored that it was able to help the embryo grow "meat." After excavating this "treasure", it is necessary to artificially maintain the life of the little monster with the "secret life energy of a person" (arcanum sanguinis hominis) or, in simple words, ordinary human blood.

All these manipulations should have led to the emergence of a homunculus baby, which could grow into a potential average person.

For half a millennium has passed since then. Now hardly anyone would think of using manure as a natural maintenance close to human temperature.


Now seldom, in their right mind, will seriously consider ancient occult recipes. Why magic, when a person became able to practically create people? Well, not quite full, but still progress is evident. Such large-scale interventions in nature can adversely affect not only the planet, but also the people themselves. By the way, many really believed in the power of the homunculus. Therefore, it is not surprising that the extravagant idea of ​​creating an Oscar was almost an indisputable fact for those who prefer to turn a blind eye to everything. A medical study, in fact, was not conducted. A fictional Oscar is hardly perceived as an illusion, it seems that here it is - real. But it was not there…


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