Linnaeus north: description and medicinal properties

Northern Linnaeus is an evergreen shrub type inhabitant of the tundra, dark coniferous (less often deciduous) forests, alpine belt; distributed in North America, Europe, Asia, in Russia. The long-term culture got its official name in honor of the Swedish natural scientist, physician and botanist of the 18th century Karl Linnaeus. The emblem and portraits of the famous scientist depict precisely this flower, sincerely loved by him.

linnaea north
Northern Linnaeus is also considered the official plant of the Swedish province of Smoland - the place where Karl Linnaeus grew up. In traditional medicine, which successfully applies the healing properties of this unique herb in the treatment of many diseases, it is known as “wild creeper”, “hair-cutter”, “peritoneum”, “rabid grass”, and “ghost grass”.

Description of the Northern Linnaeus

Low (about 5 cm), with short pubescence, the grass is characterized by creeping lignified stems, rounded petioles, small, leathery leaves and an upright leafless stem with two bell-shaped flowers. Fruits are round nuts, ripen in August-September.

linnea northern application

The spectacle of how Northern Linnaea blooms is simply mesmerizing: in May, bell-shaped pinkish flowers often appear in the forest. By the beginning of summer, they grow into a large openwork rug associated with a light pink cloud. Such a forest tale lasts several weeks: from June to August. It was during this period that one should take up the collection of medicinal raw materials: flowers, leaves, plant stems. They need to be dried with a 3-5-cm layer in well-ventilated places, stored in paper bags or boxes.

Growing Features

Under natural conditions, the plant reproduces with the help of birds and animals. Attaching to their feathers and wool with sticky bracts and small hooks, the plant spreads to vast territories. In the cultural floriculture, Linnaeus northen is an infrequent phenomenon, as it causes certain difficulties during cultivation. So, the soil for its growth must be rich in humus, acidic and moist. Moreover, speaking of humidity, one should understand the non-constant stagnation of water, which can perniciously affect the flower culture. It is recommended to plant perennial grass in partial shade under the dense crown of trees. The plant is frost-resistant and able to withstand temperatures up to -45 ° C. Due to this quality of linnaea, the north is an excellent decoration element in mountainous rocky areas and in alpine hills. With a thin layer of soil, it is able to grow even on moss-covered stones. The most optimal location of a modest plant is a forest or heather garden.

northern linnea grass

In cultural floriculture, northern linna can be propagated by seed or vegetatively: roots and cuttings. Separation of the roots is carried out in places where the shoots come into contact with the ground. Seeds can be collected at flowering sites, and sowing is required to be done in the current season.

Such healing linnaea northern

The formula of the flower is not fully understood, however, the ability of a plant to help with diseases of various nature has been known for a long time. Characterized by blood-purifying, diuretic, expectorant, antipyretic, anti-cancer, sedative, restorative properties, northern grass has been successfully used in folk medicine. The preparations prepared on its basis normalize the activity of the digestive tract, intestines, help with diseases of the joints and blood, sexual impotence of men and female diseases (omission and prolapse of the uterus, mastopathy, infertility).

Linnaeus Northern Flower Formula

An infusion of linnea leaves is useful: a tablespoon of crushed raw materials need to be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, insisted for several hours and consumed by food a quarter cup 4 times a day.

Linnaeus north: application

Northern linnaea grass causes a decrease in blood pressure and is considered an easy way to stimulate breathing. In some regions of Russia, delicious and incredibly healthy tea is brewed from it, tincture is mixed in the drink for sick cattle, and fresh grass is applied to the hardened udder of cows. In winter, Linnaeus grass is an excellent food for reindeer.

Northern Linnaeus is a grass that can remove papillomas and get rid of age spots. For allergic rashes during bath procedures, it is used as a washcloth. Decoctions and tinctures are used in the treatment of colds, headaches and rheumatic pains, mental disorders, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Dry leaves in the form of poultices help with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially with radiculitis.


With vasoconstrictive properties, Northern Linnaeus is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and hypertension. Plant-based preparations are not recommended for children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.


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