Office for the Suppression of Economic Crimes (UBEP)

The state at all times was a political and legal structure based on the joint activities of its population. The fact is that it is society that is the key factor that led to the creation of countries. Today, states are quite developed. In their structure there are many different institutions of power and management. In their work, they implement various inherently functions, one of which is law enforcement. Representatives of such activities at all times enjoyed honor and respect in society. Today, this trend has not changed.

There are many law enforcement and security agencies in the Russian Federation, one of which is the police. It should be noted that a significant area of ​​police activity is the organization of security in the economic sphere and the fight against corruption. Tasks for the implementation of these functions are assigned to a special structural unit of the said body, the features and specifics of which will be written later in the article.

economic crime department

Economic Security and Anti-Corruption

Today, the activities of Russian law enforcement agencies are concentrated on several priority areas, which are such due to trends in the modern world. For example, if after the war of the 45th year, robberies, banditry, murders and robberies were the most common crimes, today they are replaced by offenses in the economic sphere, as well as corruption as an independent phenomenon. Extremism has also become quite common, but it is not the subject of this article.

Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

The specificity of economic crime and corruption is the lack of dynamics typical of many crimes. In other words, such acts are committed by white-collar workers or by public servants. In addition, corruption and economic crimes are accompanied by high latency, since it is quite difficult to identify and stop them. Nevertheless, the Office for the Suppression of Economic Crimes (UBEP) implements counteraction to socially dangerous acts. This work is carried out in the field of activities of public servants and white-collar workers.

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UBEP Ministry of Internal Affairs: description

The police are an element of a more bulky structure. She is included in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This body of the executive branch of government has its own apparatus. It is in its structure that the Office for the Fight against Economic Crimes, or UBEP, as it is commonly called, is located. This unit provides the actual development of government policy in the field of regulatory regulation of the economic sector. In addition, UBEP is engaged in the fight against corruption.

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Department History

The Office for Combating Economic Crimes has its roots dating back to the times of the USSR. The need for economic security agencies appeared before the war, namely in 1937. At this time, adopted a provision, a special departmental regulatory act on OBHSS. For several decades, the body has been reorganized more than once. For example, in 2008, the UBEP began to combat organized crime in the economic sphere. Today, UBEP is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, or rather its apparatus, as already mentioned. Direct management in this case perfectly affects the effectiveness of its activities.

Main goals

Before any law enforcement agency set a certain kind of goal. Their achievement is always a priority of his work, because otherwise the expediency of the existence and financing of the unit is simply reduced to zero. In its work, the Office for Combating Economic Crimes and Anti-Corruption performs the following tasks:

  • creating priority areas of financial security policy;
  • improvement of the entire regulatory framework, which regulates the activity of the Economic Crimes Management Department;
  • suppression, prevention, disclosure and detection of corruption and economic crimes;
  • development of priority tasks of UBEP;
  • provision of activity and coordination of work of the departments of UBEP.

Depending on the political situation in the state and other factors, the tasks of the unit may change.

Key line of business (functions)

UBEP in its activities implements many different functions that are provided by applicable law. There are quite a lot of them today, so the most important ones will be presented in the article. Thus, the main functions of UBEP include:

  • analytical work in the field of monitoring operational information;
    ubap check
  • development of promising areas of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • organization and support of corruption expertise of federal laws and by-laws of the state;
  • organization of investigation, suppression and disclosure of crimes of a corruption and economic nature;
  • countering money laundering and counterfeiting activities ;
  • the fight against organized crime in the field of economics, etc.

Conducting an ARD

It should be noted that the UBEP is a structural unit of the police, which, in turn, is authorized by the current legislation to conduct operational-search activities. Thus, the structure mentioned in the article has the right to carry out activities with the aim of identifying and actually suppressing crimes. Investigation activities play a significant role in the activities of the UBEP today.

Other information

As we understood from the features presented above, UBEP carries out a very important activity on which the welfare of our state depends. It should be noted that the regulatory framework plays a significant role in the work of the unit . UBEP operates on the basis of the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, orders of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as regulatory legal acts directly related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

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The organization of the work process itself takes place on the basis of entrusting the territorial areas to specific employees and entrusting them with individual tasks, the implementation of which is necessary for the department. UBEP of Moscow coordinates other structural parts of management. Direct regulation of the service is carried out by a single person. To date, Major General of the Police Andrei Anatolyevich Kurnosenko is the head of the Economic Crimes Department.

Thus, the activity of the service presented in the article is extremely important for the modern economic security of the Russian Federation. Let's hope that in the future the management's activity is only being modernized. To check UBEP for negligent citizens and corrupt officials was like a bolt from the blue.


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