The drug "ACC" for children. Instructions for use. Dosage and contraindications

atz for children instructions for use
The drug "ACC" for children, the instructions for use of which are presented in this article, is a popular mucolytic expectorant, which is used to thin the sputum and fight cough. You can buy "ACC" in the form of a soluble powder or effervescent tablets, however, the most popular granules for the preparation of syrup.


Active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​(20 mg / ml). Auxiliary ingredients are sodium citrate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sorbitol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate and flavorings.


What explains the effectiveness of the drug β€œACC” for children? The instruction for use states that it is optimally suitable for the treatment of wet cough with sputum that is difficult to separate. Under the influence of the components of the drug, it becomes less viscous and easier to remove from the respiratory tract. In addition, the drug β€œACC” prevents the development of pneumonia, increases the synthesis of glutathione - a substance that detoxifies the body when poisoned with paracetamol or other toxic substances (phenols, aldehydes). Acetylcysteine ​​is completely absorbed by the body and begins to act quickly.

atz for children reviews instruction


Consider some of the diagnoses in which the use of the drug β€œACC” for children may be appropriate . The instruction for use claims that this drug is effective in chronic and acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of sputum. Naturally, an indication for the use of the drug is bronchitis (acute, chronic and obstructive), as well as bronchiectasis. The tool is also used as part of the complex therapy of pneumonia.


Here is a table, after reading which, you will get an idea of ​​the correct dosage of the drug for children of different ages.


Single dose of syrup, ml

Single dose of acetylcysteine, mg

Number of receptions per day

Max. daily dose of acetylcysteine, mg

from 10 days to 2 years





2-6 years





6-14 years old





It is extremely important to observe the indicated doses so that the treatment is as effective as possible, and the risk of side effects is minimal.

Against the background of taking the drug, you need to make sure that the child drinks a sufficient amount of fluid throughout the day. The last dose of medication should occur no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

The total duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.


Despite the rather high effectiveness of the drug in question, it is important to understand that not all babies can be prescribed β€œACC” syrup for children. Instructions for use also confirm this. Contraindications to the use of the drug are individual sensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​and other components, exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis.

Side effects when taking the drug "ACC" for children: reviews, instructions

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It should be noted that the mothers of young patients call almost the same symptoms that are listed in the instructions for the drug. Among them, headache, skin allergic reactions and diarrhea were most often noted. Less often, reviews contain information about the occurrence of stomatitis, fever. Occasionally, heartburn, pain in the stomach, and vomiting were observed. The instruction also warns of the possibility of such manifestations while taking the medication, such as arterial hypotension (low blood pressure), tachycardia, shortness of breath and some others.

Where to buy the drug?

Another issue that should be highlighted when talking about the drug β€œACC” for children is the price. Syrup (or rather, granules for solution) or soluble tablets on average cost from 120 to 170 rubles (depending on the pharmacy itself). The drug is dispensed without a prescription, but you should not abuse this opportunity: without prior consultation with your doctor, you can only harm the child even more.


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