Tomato "Abakan pink": reviews, description with photo, taste, conditions of reproduction and care

The Abakan pink tomato variety (photos, reviews, description and care features will be presented in this article) is very popular among domestic summer residents due to its good resistance to diseases and pests, excellent taste, attractive appearance and relative unpretentiousness in care. This culture will be discussed in our material.


For growing tomatoes in the Far East, Altai and Siberia, early ripening high-yielding varieties of tomatoes are ideally suited, among which a special place is occupied by "Abakan pink" tomato (you will find reviews about it in our article). It was bred by Altai breeders. In 2007, it was added to the State Register of the Russian Federation.

The variety is suitable for cultivation in both southern and northern regions of the country. Experienced summer residents are advised to plant it in open ground where it is always wet and warm. In a temperate climate zone, it is better to place bushes in greenhouses.


The tomato of this variety is a mid-season salad variety. The fruiting period is quite long. If you sow seeds for seedlings in March, namely during the period from the 10th to the 20th day, then fruiting will begin in July and will last up to 2 months, as many gardeners and summer residents write in their reviews. With proper care, you will receive the first crop on the 110th day of growing "Abakan pink" tomato. According to reviews, from 1 m 2 you can collect from 4 to 6 kg of fruits, which is a very, very good indicator. The growing season is about 4 months.

Abacan pink tomato reviews


The bushes are tall, on average, their sizes vary from 70 cm to 2 m. Since the plant has dense foliage, you need to regularly prune and leave only 1-2 stems. Bushes form 6 brushes, each of which contains from 4 to 5 fruits. The brushes are evenly distributed throughout the bush, at a distance of 2 sheets.

The fruits of the Abakan pink tomato have an attractive appearance. According to the description of the variety, photos and reviews presented in our article, you can see this. Fleshy fruits, whose mass averages 0.2-0.5 kg, and in some cases reaches 800 g, are painted in a reddish-pink hue. They are covered with thick strong skin that protects them from damage.

Tomatoes resemble the shape of a heart in shape, although there are flat-round fruits. All of them consist of several (usually 6) seed chambers. Tomatoes emit a pleasant smell. People who grow "Abakan pink" tomato, in the reviews note that the fruits have good taste, they are sweet and sour.

Tomato Abakan pink grade description photo reviews

Seedling propagation

Experienced gardeners advise starting seed preparation for seedlings about 2 months before planting it in open ground. Most often this period falls on the end of February or the beginning of March. Seeds are treated with a solution of manganese, and then soaked for 12 hours in a growth stimulator. This will speed up the process of their development. After this period, the seeds are planted in seedlings and carefully covered with a film. The next thing you should do is put the crates in a warm place. For growing seedlings, a standard soil for vegetables is suitable, which can be purchased at any gardening store. Watering is carried out as necessary.


Planting seedlings in open ground, as a rule, is carried out in May, when the ground warms up enough. At the same time, it is necessary to cover the culture with a film in order to protect it from sudden frosts. Experienced summer residents in their reviews advise to plant seedlings in such a way that 2-3 bushes with two stems or 4 bushes with one shoot are located on 1 m 2 .

Tomato grade Abakan pink reviews

Tomato "Abakan pink" (reviews and photos are presented in our article) is suitable for growing both in open ground and in a greenhouse. In the second case, the temperature in the room should not exceed 30 ° C. In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out ventilation.

If you turn to the reviews of summer residents, you can find the following advice: plant this culture in the soil in which legumes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage or onions previously grew. Neighborhood with eggplant, potatoes and peppers, on the contrary, is undesirable, as a tomato as a result may suffer from various diseases and pests.

Care Features

After planting the tomato varieties "Abakan pink", the description and reviews of which you can find in our article, the bush is formed into 1-2 stems. It is necessary to regularly remove the side shoots. Note that the plant needs a garter, as its fruits are too heavy.

Tomato Aabakan Pink Characteristics Reviews

As for watering, it is carried out twice a week. To do this, use warm soft water. Tomatoes do not like excess moisture, so do not overdo it. In their reviews, summer residents recommend filling open containers in the mornings and leaving them outdoors, allowing sunlight to heat the liquid. Under young bushes make about 3 liters of water, and under mature - up to 10.

The soil around the bushes must be loosened to provide oxygen access to the roots. Weeds are removed as necessary. Since tomatoes are thermophilic plants, you need to monitor the ambient temperature and protect the culture from the weather. At the same time, bushes cannot be placed on areas in which direct sunlight falls, since as a result of their effect on tomatoes, the foliage turns yellow and dries, which negatively affects the appearance of the plant.


It is necessary to regularly apply fertilizers, both organic and mineral. The most effective top dressings such as cow dung, bird droppings, infusions of herbs. During the season, 4 top dressings are introduced, the first of which is carried out immediately after transplanting seedlings in open ground.

Tomato Abakan pink description reviews

Experienced summer residents are not advised to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil during the growing season, as this will contribute to the rapid growth of the culture and fouling of its leaves, inhibiting the formation of ovaries.

If you notice that the buds with the ovary wither and crumble, this may indicate a lack of magnesium and boron in the soil, so you need to give preference to top dressing with a high content of these trace elements.

Storage and transportation

Speaking about the characteristics of the tomato "Abakan pink" (reviews are presented in our article), one cannot fail to mention the excellent transportability of the fruit. Summer residents are advised to collect slightly ripened fruits, if you have to transport them somewhere, since overripe tomatoes can burst. As for storage stability, it is quite mediocre in tomatoes of this variety.

Diseases and Pests

Tomato "Abakan pink" (description, reviews are presented in our material) is characterized by increased resistance to diseases and pests, but this does not mean that it is not subject to absolutely any ailments.

In reviews of this variety, you can find information that the Colorado potato beetles attack the tomato. These insects pose the greatest danger immediately after planting in the ground, as well as at the very beginning of the fruiting period. Insecticides are used to combat the Colorado potato beetle. They process bushes in the spring season. Experienced summer residents give several recommendations to those people who do not want to use chemical pesticides in pest control.

Tomato variety Abakan pink photo reviews
  • Between rows with seedlings, fresh sawdust can be poured.
  • In the morning, the area where the tomatoes grow should be treated with wood ash, a decoction of sunflower or walnut husk.
  • Sometimes you need to manually collect pests from the bushes.

In addition, there is a disease called late blight, from which the plant often suffers. It manifests itself in the appearance of brown rot on different parts of the bushes. To avoid this ailment, it is necessary to regulate the abundance of watering, and also to ventilate in time the area on which the tomato grows. Late blight is a dangerous disease, since in just a week it can destroy a seedling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reviews of the tomato variety "Abakan pink" often contain information about the following advantages of a vegetable:

  • Attractive appearance of the bushes. The fruits do not crack, there are no hard jumpers inside. In addition, tomatoes, whose mass exceeds 0.5 kg, have a neat shape.
  • Good taste. Lovers of vegetables say that they like the pleasant sweet-sour taste of tomato of the Abakan pink variety.
  • Universality of a grade. Salads, ketchup, tomato paste, various sauces are prepared from the fruits. You can eat tomatoes fresh, and also make them harvesting for the winter.
  • High cold resistance, which allows you to grow crops in the northern regions.
  • The presence of immunity to various diseases, resistance to cracking.
  • Abundant harvest and long fruiting period.
  • Transportability, which provides a dense peel of the fruit.
  • The ability to grow them both in open ground and in a greenhouse.
Tomato Abakan pink grade description reviews

According to reviews, tomato "Abakan pink" has virtually no flaws. True, there are some difficulties in the process of growing it: for example, it is necessary to carry out frequent and plentiful irrigation, tie the branches to the support, and also carry out pinching in time. In all other respects, caring for tomatoes is simple and requires a small amount of time.


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