Hounds dogs: description and characteristics

Hounds are one of the most numerous groups of modern hunting dogs that can follow the trail of a wild beast for a long time. They have endurance, perseverance, a sharp sense of smell and high speed running. Unlike greyhounds, hounds can pursue game, guided only by the trail left by it. In today's article you will find a description of the most popular breeds of these animals.

American foxhound

These independent, independent dogs, driven by internal instincts, have a very long history. Their ancestor is the French foxhound, brought to America and crossed with local hounds.

Representatives of this breed differ in average size. Their weight ranges from 30-35 kg, and their height does not exceed 60 cm. The American Fox Hound is a dog with an elongated oval head, round dark amber eyes, long hanging ears and a melancholy expression of the muzzle. The whole body of the animal is covered with short, smooth, silky coat of cream, white, red, tan, or tricolor color.

hounds dogs

American Foxhounds are calm, restrained and independent dogs that show no causeless aggression. They are capable of coordinated teamwork, but prefer to pursue game alone. Like any other hounds, dogs of this breed are endowed with a melodic voice that helps in hunting wild boars, foxes and other inhabitants of the forest. They need frequent walks and active games, which makes them unsuitable for apartment maintenance. These animals are ideal for people who have enough free time, money and desire for daily training and hone already mastered dog skills.

English foxhound

This British breed was bred in the XV century and was originally intended for equestrian hunting of the local nobility. Due to the fact that different hounds and greyhounds were used to obtain it, the number of Foxhounds was heterogeneous and greatly differed in appearance. The final formation of the breed was completed only in the XIX century.

English Foxhounds are large hounds, whose height ranges from 53-66 cm, and weighs 29-34 kg. On the elongated cheekbone head with a flat forehead and a poorly pronounced occipital protuberance, there are long saggy ears and small oval brown eyes. Under the lean, sinewy body with well-developed muscle tissue are long, smooth limbs, ideally suited for fast running. The entire body of representatives of this breed is covered with a hard smooth spine with a rare undercoat. Color can be the most diverse. In addition, against the main background, white, black, red or tan spots are allowed.

hounds dogs on avito

The English Foxhound is a hound breed of dog with an inquisitive character. He gets along well with children and loves outdoor games. This savvy, attentive and loyal dog can become not only a great hunter, but also a decent guard. He has a strong hunting instinct and needs an active lifestyle.


This is one of the oldest hounds (photo below). Specialists still have not been able to accurately establish either the place of occurrence of the breed, or the variety of dogs used to breed it.

Bloodhound is a fairly large animal, whose height is at least 62-68 cm. As for body weight, it depends on the sex of the dog and varies between 40-70 kg. On a long, narrow-mouthed head covered with a lot of loose skin, there are deep-set eyes, the color of which coincides with the color of the coat, and thin, soft drooping ears. Strong proportional limbs with paws gathered in a lump are located under the proportional body with a deep keel-shaped sternum. The entire body of a typical representative of this breed is covered with brown-red hair. In addition, the standard allows the presence of small white spots localized in the chest, paws and tip of the tail.

hunting dog russian hound

Bloodhound is a hunting hound dog with a shy and sensitive character. But despite her inherent shyness, under certain circumstances she becomes stubborn and willful. Due to the highly developed hunting instinct, the dog is able to become interested in any trace and may be lost. Therefore, you need to walk it only on a leash.

Poitvin Hound

The native land of representatives of this breed is France. Presumably, she was bred by crossing the Normans and the Centroz. Over time, the blood of the Foxhounds began to pour to the received mestizos.

The Poitvin hound is a rather tall dog, whose height is 60-72 cm, and the mass does not exceed 35 kg. On a long, not too wide head with a flattened forehead, there are large expressive eyes framed by the so-called โ€œglassesโ€ and thin drooping ears. Poitveni - red-pinto hounds with short shiny hair. But the breed standard allows the existence of wolf or tricolor individuals with black shabrack and tan.

beagle dog puppies

These are very active, persistent and playful animals that easily get along with other pets. They are incredibly energetic and need constant contact with the owner. They do not tolerate loneliness and are not suitable for maintenance in cramped city apartments. Hunting with beagle dogs of this breed is a very fascinating activity. Despite the inability to reach high speeds, the putvens are very hardy and can long pursue prey in any terrain. They are incredibly restless and impatient, and therefore not suitable for beginner breeders.


Very little information is available on the origin of these dogs, called otter hounds. In all likelihood, the blood of the Welsh harrier and water spaniels flows in their veins. A resemblance to the Vendรฉe basset-griffin suggests that its roots must be sought in France.

The otter hound is an athletic dog. Its height is 60-65 cm, and the weight ranges from 30-52 kg. The elongated stocky body of the Otterhound is covered with a rough, stiff awn that protects the animal from prickly vegetation. Fluffy and soft undercoat, which prevents dog overcooling while in water, is saturated with fat.

Russian hounds dogs on Avito

Representatives of this breed are born hunters. They love to track down and catch small game, but never kill the caught prey. Otterhounds are non-aggressive towards their relatives and love to swim. These moving and incredibly energetic dogs have a friendly disposition and get along well with children. They can not be called clean. Therefore, he needs constant care. Otterhounds can be kept both in the house and in a warmed booth.

Russian pinto hound

Representatives of this breed have a fairly long history. Foxhounds brought to Russia by Count Saltykov are considered their ancestors. The Russian hounds were especially appreciated by hunters not only for their excellent sense of smell, but also for the special musicality of their voices.

Representatives of this breed are rather tall animals. Their height ranges from 54-67.5 cm, and the mass reaches 21-31 kg. Under a rectangular case with powerful muscles and a wide chest, strong, even limbs with curved, tightly connected fingers are located. On a proportional head with a rounded occipital protuberance and flat cheekbones, there are small, slightly slanting eyes and long hanging ears with elastic, not thickened cartilage. The whole body of the animal is covered with a short awn with a well-developed undercoat.

Russian hounds are hunting dogs with a calm, balanced disposition. They are great for pets, but show aggression and assertiveness to wild animals. They are impulsive, assertive and tireless in work, but phlegmatic when communicating with a person. These dogs distinguish one owner for themselves, but are equally correct with all members of the family. To get a pedigree dog endowed with all the described characteristics, you need to contact specialized nurseries that breed Russian beagle dogs. On "Avito" you can inexperience run into scammers selling puppies that only resemble the representatives of this hunting breed.

Austrian hound

The history of these dogs begins in the 19th century. Their homeland is the mountainous regions of Austria, and among the ancestors Tyrolean marriage and Slovak cops are listed.

The Austrian Hound or Brundle Brack is a medium sized dog. Its height reaches 48-56 cm, and weight varies between 22-32 kg. On a not too large head with a slightly pointed muzzle there are small oval eyes and drooping elongated ears with rounded ends. Dry, strong limbs with pronounced angles are located under a wide, bony case with a voluminous rib cage in a measure of convex ribs. The whole body is covered with short, smooth hair of black color with small clearly defined tan marks, the color of which varies from dark red to light fawn.

hunting with hounds dogs

Brundle Braque is an energetic and hardy dog. He is very good-natured when dealing with people and is aggressive towards prey. He is very much appreciated among professional hunters for his obedience and excellent working qualities. These are very rare hounds. On Avito there are no ads for the sale of such puppies. You can only get them from professional breeders.

Anglo-French Small Hound

The history of these dogs began back in the 16th century. But finally, the breed, which has another name - the small venus, was formed only in the first half of the 20th century. The homeland of these hunting dogs is France, and among their ancestors are listed poatvens, porcelains, blue Gascon hounds and harriers. The breed received official recognition in 1978.

The Anglo-French Small Hound is a compact, graceful animal with a strong physique and well-developed muscle tissue. The height of the dog is 48-56 cm, and the weight does not exceed 20 kg. On an elongated, narrow head with a poorly pronounced occipital tubercle and a barely visible stop, there are large brown eyes and elastic ears curled inwards. The whole body of the animal is covered with short, thick smooth hair. As for the acceptable color, the standard provides for the existence of two- or three-color individuals. The most common are white dogs with orange, black, pale fawn or bright red tan.

Representatives of this breed are very stubborn inherent in all hounds. A small venus puppy should be trained at a very young age. Training should be consistent and systematic. It is imperative that the entire educational process is built on the basis of positive reinforcement. Physical coercion or overly harsh treatment will make the dog even more capricious and uncontrollable.

Ariege hound

This is a relatively young breed. Its first representatives were born in 1912 in the province of Ariejois, located in the southern part of France. It is believed that these animals were obtained by crossing a large blue Gascon hound, Gascon-Sentosa and a small marriage.

Aryezhua - medium-sized animals, whose height is 50-58 cm, and weight does not exceed 30 kg. Relatively small dimensions do not prevent them from being excellent hunters, able to work on almost any terrain. They are very loyal to their masters and do not tolerate loneliness. These energetic dogs are not suitable as a companion for inactive people who are constantly lost at work. A bored animal may begin to show signs of destructive behavior, which will result in considerable problems.

Aryezhua is not a very common hound dog. On Avito you will hardly see an advertisement for the sale of such puppies. Therefore, those who want to buy just such a pet need to look for a specialized nursery.

Estonian hound

This breed appeared in 1959. She was bred by crossing beagles, foxhounds and Russian hounds. Despite the fact that the breed has its own officially approved standard, it still has not received full recognition.

Estonian hound - a dog, very similar to a beagle, but having larger sizes. Her height varies between 50-53 cm, and the mass reaches 15-20 kg. Under a strong, muscular body with a powerful skeleton and a flat top line, there are dry, long limbs adapted for long run. The whole body of the animal is covered with short hair of black-brown, brown-, crimson- or black-piebald color.

estonian hound dog

Estonian hounds are very gambling, courageous, persistent and smart dogs, endowed with excellent working qualities. They show aggression towards the beast, but are incredibly affectionate and calm in communication with humans. It is also important that they are easy to train and quickly remember new teams. You also need to understand that Estonian hounds living in city apartments must undergo full socialization.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23281/

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