Original Wans: how to distinguish from a fake and what you need to know

Sneakers "Vance" first appeared on the shelves of shoe stores in 1966 and since then are sold simply in incredible quantities. Today, Vance sneakers and sneakers are chosen by active young people for sports, training and for everyday wear. Vansa is a textile shoes with a dense multi-layer sole.

How to distinguish original vans from a fake

Nowadays, it’s quite difficult to get original products even in the most expensive store. Shelves in clothing and footwear stores were flooded with fakes of various quality, from frighteningly cheap to models that are like real ones and look almost exactly like the original.

How to distinguish a fake from the original? Below are a few criteria by which the most ordinary buyer can easily understand what is in front of him: original and high-quality shoes or skillful fake.


Vans branded box is made of very dense black cardboard. On the sides, it is covered with repeated repetitions of the brand name. A large logo and the inscription Off the wall are printed on the box lid. The sneakers themselves inside the box are additionally wrapped with special wrapping paper. At the bottom of the package there is also information about the Vance sneaker model itself, a dimensional grid and brief information about the manufacturer.


Perhaps no one will have difficulty in how to distinguish the original one from a fake in appearance. On the original there can be no traces or drips of glue. If visible gaps between the sole and the upper part or sticking out threads and curved seams catch your eye, then be sure that this is a fake. Real ones should look perfect. Also on the original is always a tag with a logo. In most models, it is placed on the back of the sole.

sneakers vance


How to distinguish the original one from the fake? The main criterion is labeling. The size of the model should be applied only according to the US measurement scale - US. You should immediately pay attention to this. It is not known what prevents fake manufacturers from writing the size on the correct scale, but they most often do not. Information about the size is located on the sticker, which is sewn to the inner surface of the tongue. It must not lag or peel off, be worn or hard to read. Also on this sticker indicates information about the country of origin and the batch number. Vance sneakers and sneakers are manufactured in three countries: China, the Philippines and Vietnam.


How to distinguish the original one from a fake, looking only at the sole? Very easy. The fact is that the sole pattern of TM Vance products is officially patented. The sole imprint should resemble the structure of waffles. Also, its color should be brick-brown. In addition to the picture, one of the special abbreviations - SP, EVB, IFC, HF or DT is applied to the sole.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that real wanses have a rather heavy sole, but this does not affect its elasticity. And their lateral part is always quite high.

If you are offered wards with a stiff and stiff sole of light orange color, you can safely refuse them - this is a 100% fake.

sneakers vance


Inside, Vance sneakers should have a normal classic insole, and not a piece of ordinary material. These insoles of this brand are famous for their high level of ergonomics, add a feeling of comfort and lightness in the process of wearing shoes and perfectly support the wearer's foot. Of the obvious nuances, the Vance logo should be printed in black on the insole near the heel.


In addition to the criteria presented, by which you can understand how to distinguish the original one from fake, you should pay attention to the price of the product. Before buying, read the prices presented on the official website of the company "Vance". If the model offered to you is cheaper than on the site by more than 30%, this is probably a fake. 30% is the allowable difference in cost at which the original products of TM "Vance" can be sold in our country, taking into account wholesale purchases, customs taxes, etc.

real one

Choosing any pair of shoes for yourself, not just Vans sneakers or sneakers, take your time and carefully examine the goods, down to the smallest detail. Try on shoes, walk around the store to appreciate its convenience. Shoes should be of high quality and not cause discomfort, so you need to make a purchase consciously and carefully, because you will have to shoe this pair more than once or twice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23285/

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