How long does a chinchilla live at home and what are the basic rules for caring for it?

Who is chinchilla? The question is quite natural, because we know such a small pet - a rodent. There is also such a coat color in some cat breeds. They are magnificent, for example, British chinchilla of the British breed, but we will now talk about rodents.

how much chinchilla lives at home
What is the life span of chinchillas at home and in nature?

A charming, cute creature - a chinchilla - has long and firmly settled as a pet in our homes and hearts. No owner wants to part with a wonderful animal quickly. Unfortunately, unlike cats and dogs, ordinary rodents do not live near us for long. So how much does a chinchilla live at home? In this regard, they are unique in comparison with other representatives of their family. Decorative rats or hamsters will live in your house just a couple of years. Chinchilla can theoretically please you for as long as 15-20 years. There are cases when they died only at 25.

Of course, as long as a chinchilla lives at home, it will never live in the wild. There their life is limited, because they have so many dangerous predatory enemies. At home, you can organize close to ideal conditions for the animal, in order to maintain its health and life for as long as possible.

Factors that determine how much chinchilla lives at home

home chinchillas

It is very important to observe the conditions for keeping the animal:

  • careful adherence to nutritional recommendations;
  • organization of adequate conditions of detention;
  • genetic characteristics of this individual.

Diseases of these animals are still quite difficult to diagnose and treat. Sometimes veterinary medicine lacks the knowledge and equipment for this. However, most diseases and almost all injuries are caused by neglect of the rules of feeding and keeping, so that they are easy to prevent.

So, with the question of how much chinchilla lives at home, figured out. A little about what you can not do when keeping a fur baby and why.

What can not be done when keeping a fur baby?

  1. Bathe him in the water. It is possible only in special sand. The chinchilla's fur deteriorates from this, in addition, the animal can be cold.
  2. Feed sweets, food from the table, food for other decorative rodents, street plants and those that grow at home. Chinchillas must receive special cereal feeds and treats sold to them at pet stores.
  3. Allow the animal to walk around the apartment and on the street. This is very dangerous, trauma most often happens when the animal is allowed to do this. On the street, a pet may become infected. "Walk" home chinchillas should be in a specially equipped safe space. In the absence of such it is better to exclude walks altogether.
    golden chinchilla
  4. To keep the baby in a tight cage without devices that support an active rodent lifestyle. The room for the chinchilla should be spacious, have compartments. It should be convenient and safe (do not make too high "steps").
  5. Often petting a pet. Its fur has a high moisture capacity and spoils from excessive caress.
  6. Keep the baby at a high temperature in the room, next to the radiators, in a place where direct sunlight. Overheating is detrimental to the animal.

It is enough to follow simple rules of maintenance and care, at the first sign of illness to deliver a pet to the veterinarian - and the chinchilla will live for a long time next to a caring and competent owner.


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