How much should a child eat in 1 month? Baby food in 1 month: table

During the first month of life, the baby is practically not active. He can only move his legs and arms a little. But this is quite enough for a small person. All the nutrients that he receives from a mixture or mother’s milk go to growth and physical development. A little more time will pass, and a new family member will begin to independently hold a spoon and show their eating habits. Until six months, the baby’s menu is not very diverse.

Breastfeeding or mixture?

If there is a choice: to feed the baby with a mixture or breast milk, stop, of course, better in the second option. Unfortunately, recently many young mothers do not want to enjoy the lactation period. They transfer their babies to the mixture immediately after discharge from the hospital. This action is motivated by the fact that breastfeeding spoils the shape of the mammary glands. This is not entirely true. Baby food in 1 month does not affect the woman’s breast at all. The mammary glands take on a different form during pregnancy

how much should a child eat in 1 month
Breast milk is considered ideal for the baby. Experts say that every woman produces food for the baby, which has unique properties and composition. And it doesn’t matter how much the child eats. 1 month of feeding with breast milk allows you to charge the baby with strength for the whole subsequent life.

If, for a number of reasons, a woman cannot continue breastfeeding, you should not be upset. Today, there are many mixtures available on the market that can replace breast milk. But preference should be given only to an expensive high-quality product.

The kid is constantly hungry

Many mothers complain that the baby constantly cries during the first month of life. Only a maternal breast or a bottle can become a sedation. Is the baby constantly hungry? How much should a child eat in 1 month? Despite the fact that the baby sleeps a lot and is practically without movement, he needs good nutrition. The child eats a lot. He needs to gain strength, develop mentally and physically.

how much does a baby eat 1 month
Moms who breastfeed their babies can generally not worry about baby food at 1 month. The baby should offer breasts on the first demand. If he wants, he will eat. Breast milk cannot harm a baby. The kid can eat it as much as he wants.

With children who are breast-fed, the situation is slightly different. The mixture is a complete substitute for breast milk. But eating such a plan can be difficult for a newborn’s weak stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to feed the baby by the hour.

The following table presents the diet for infants under the age of six months. Moms of babies of the first month of life can also be guided by it.



Artificial Feeding

0-1 month

Feeding takes place every 2-3 hours. Applications for every requirement. 8-10 applications per day

Feeding every 3-4 hours. Strict adherence to the schedule. 6-8 feedings per day. The volume of one feeding should not exceed 100 ml.

1-4 months

Reducing the number of feedings by improving night sleep. 6-8 applications per day

5-6 feedings per day. The volume of one feeding increases to 130 ml.

4-6 months

5-6 applications per day. The kid begins to eat complementary foods.

4-5 feedings per day. The volume of one serving is 150 ml.

Data are indicative only. All children develop differently. Some have a good appetite, while others will have to be forced. The main thing to rely on is the baby’s weight gain and overall well-being.

The child is gaining weight poorly

Lack of weight gain should alert a young mother in the first place. The first reason for this condition may be the fact that the child simply does not eat up. Sometimes children spend the whole day near their mother’s breasts and remain hungry. If this situation occurs, then the child’s nutrition is not complete. Perhaps it makes sense to transfer the baby to a mixed diet. But stop lactation in no case.

nutritional rate in 1 month

Children who are on artificial feeding may also not be full. If the baby is naughty and does not sleep well at night and is considered absolutely healthy, it is worth increasing the portion of the mixture. How much a child should eat in 1 month, every mother knows. But some children can depart from generally accepted norms.

Baby refuses breast

There are frequent cases when women breastfeed their babies for several weeks successfully, and then the idyll is violated. The baby stops taking breasts. There can be several reasons for this trouble. Perhaps the child’s teeth are being cut or he cannot suckle due to nasal congestion. In any case, panic should not be. Lactation can always be restored.

The first thing that mom should do is find out the reason for the baby to refuse to breast. If all else fails and the baby stubbornly continues to refuse milk, it is worth contacting a breast-feeding consultant. The specialist will tell you how much a baby should eat in 1 month and how to help him return to his mother’s breast.

We exclude allergic reactions

Food allergies in children in their first month of life are quite common. The baby’s body is being rebuilt from the womb to the outside world. Even the most common foods consumed by a young mother can cause a rash in a child.

nutritional norm for infants

A woman during lactation should monitor her diet. Spicy and fatty foods should be excluded from your diet. About red berries, as well as citrus fruits for a while you have to forget. Any product should be introduced into the diet gradually. Mom should monitor the baby’s reaction.

During the first month of the baby’s life, the mother should also not eat chocolate and coffee. These products can be introduced into the diet a little later.

How to choose the right mixture for babies?

Despite the fact that manufacturers now offer high-quality mixtures for babies, some of them can also cause an allergic reaction. Often, the transition from breastfeeding to artificial is characterized by a change in stool in the baby. In addition, abdominal pain or constipation may occur.

Even the highest quality mixture cannot replace breast milk. It is also difficult to answer the question of how much a child should eat in one month of a particular mixture. After all, food must be offered to the baby in a certain amount. Saving on the nutrition of babies is impossible. Moms need to choose products from a trusted manufacturer that has quality certificates. It is better to purchase the mixture in a pharmacy or in a specialized children's store.

The kid has a tummy ache

With the nutrition of the baby, many problems can arise. Especially often, babies in their first month of life suffer from colic. Unpleasant sensations in the tummy can cause both the highest quality mixture and breast milk. There are many drugs on sale that will help alleviate the condition of the child. But you can give them to your child only after agreement with the pediatrician.

nutrition chart
Tummy pain can be associated with gas. During feeding, the baby swallows a little air. To eliminate gas from the stomach, after each feeding it is necessary to carry the baby in a column of 10-15 minutes.

Do not overfeed the child. This is especially true for those babies who are on artificial feeding. When preparing a serving, the nutritional table should be taken into account.

Should a baby be given water?

Previously, water was given to infants from the first days of life. It was believed that a bottle of warm water calms the baby. Now experts say that it is completely optional to drink a baby who is breastfeeding. In addition, having offered a bottle to a child, mom risks completing the lactation process. Many babies refuse to breast, as the water from the bottle is extracted much easier.

baby food in 1 month

You can offer a little water to your baby only in the summer heat. And even in this case, it is advisable to drink the baby with a spoon. But children on artificial feeding can drink some water even in winter. But the first thing that mom should rely on is a 1-month diet. After drinking more water, the baby will not want to eat the mixture.

Choose a bottle

The success of feeding largely depends on the dishes that the mother uses. For babies on artificial feeding, this is primarily quality bottles. Today, dishes for feeding babies are made of glass and high-strength plastic. Preference should be given to the first option.

baby food in 1 month
Glass is an environmentally friendly material. In addition, such a bottle perfectly retains heat. The size of the bottle should be chosen according to the age of the baby.


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