"Napoleonic plan" - the meaning of phraseology and features of use

The amusing phraseology “Napoleonic plans” evokes a smile, often pronounced in a playful way. But meanwhile, there is nothing funny behind these words. To give them harmless meaning is at least disrespectful to our ancestors. And this expression cannot be called good. To understand the true meaning of phraseology “Napoleonic plans”, it is enough to turn to history. And, of course, to agree that good deeds are not done by the tyrant’s hand, they cannot be mixed up with blood. Not the right ingredients, not the right ones.

Napoleonic plan

Budding young man

Napoleon Bonaparte - a person who left a bright mark in history, Corsican (1769, Corsica), one of the thirteen children of a poor family, although his father belonged to a noble family. The young man was easily given study and military affairs, to which he devoted his whole life. From a young age, the idols of Napoleon were Roman generals and emperors, as well as the legendary Greek - Alexander the Great (Macedonian).

We will not describe his entire path to the top of his career, this is written in abundance. It is worth noting that this path is difficult to call thorny, no matter what the historians of France say, trying to give this portrait a special brilliance and splendor. Eka is unseen, history knows much more complex and steep climbs to the heights of Olympus. In 1795, Napoleon - commander of the rear forces. The next year - the commander of the army (Italian Corps). And spun, away we go. Countries flickered, victorious marches in Italy and Venice, the shame of Austria on the battlefield, Egypt ... In Egypt, however, it went wrong.

Live to rule

The young commander did not indulge in despair, too, for a long time to think about what to do next. And according to the traditions of the literary genre, he organized a coup in France (1799). Napoleon takes up the reins of power.

Admittedly, his rule was not mediocre. With a stiff fist, he immediately, and not in stages, carries out a number of important state reforms. Austria and Prussia, tremble and bow! A new broom sweeps away feudal foundations. May it be so! Napoleon was able to impose his order on the countries under the wing and gaze of the French eagle.

It would seem, live and rejoice. But no, it will not be enough. Indefatigable ambitions, beckoning Egypt, the desire to subjugate Bengal and India, the desire to do what the Great Alexander himself could not do, “unwashed” Russia, not in a hurry to provide real help in achieving what was planned. Personal troubles with the barren lover Josephine. Failures of the Russian princesses (sisters of Alexander the First) with the offensive remark of one of them, Katerina: "Better for the stoker, than for this Corsican."

Napoleonic plans phraseology

All this angered and enraged the islet who ruled France. Napoleon needed an heir, and French society needed blood. In those days, the path from misconduct to a fire or block was measured in one step. It doesn’t even matter what the head is covered with, the royal crown or the peasant's shabby cap.

The day came when Bonaparte's bright mind settled on the idea of ​​visiting Russia in order to admire the beauties of the Russian land. This day can be safely marked as a memorable day. The day of the collapse of Napoleon. After all, he decided to do this camping trip with a large army, and even without a visa. Is it a joke, 400 thousand accompanying? But first things first.

Napoleon is modern

Napoleon has become a real brand. His name is actively used by businessmen around the world. Cakes and brandy, fashionable lines of shoes and perfume, souvenirs and company names - where you will not find Napoleon. In every city, in every region, in every country. “They untwisted the peasant in full, promoted,” as if our Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov, a special “connoisseur” of everything Western and American, said. This article, of course, is not a message to debate, it is not even about politics. But, to understand the meaning of the expression “Napoleonic plan”, it is useful to make another digression from the topic.

A retreat that you can't do without

The personality of Napoleon became a subject of pride and adoration for the French. Calling him a compatriot, the Great Frenchman, this warlike nation, at least, indicates ignorance of the key moments of history or that France has always sought to appropriate all the best and useful things, to capture, enslave, plunder and take out. By any methods and means. Some of these lines may cause bewilderment: How so? France? Warlike? Are these nice people and appropriate? Somehow does not fit.

Napoleonic plans meaning

Everything fits together and explains. It is enough to remove the “pink” glasses and turn to the story. The modern decent appearance of France, however, like the whole prosperous Europe, is nothing but the result of endless centuries-old aggression, bloody wars and aggressive politics. Numerous colonies, covered in a mask of protectorate, shameless interference in the life of numerous countries, the imposition of their own rules and regulations, other less civilized techniques leading to the bonfire or chopping block of a column of peaceful and defenseless people. And it’s okay, if this only concerned strangers, but numerous fellow tribesmen, sometimes, washed themselves with blood and gave God their soul on occasions of little significance.

The French should learn history. It contains all the answers

By the way, Napoleon could just as well become the Great Russian. If not for one but. An ambitious young man initially made plans for joining precisely the Russian army. And the occasion was suitable. In 1788, the Russian commander of the (expeditionary) corps Zaborovsky visited Livorno with the aim of hiring volunteers for the war with Turkey.

A graduate of the Paris School of Military Affairs, graduating with honors, volunteered. Severe need pushed the young man to any military business. His family was already in poverty by this time, having buried the head of the family.

The Napoleonic plan was not destined to materialize. The reason is all in the same ambitions of Napoleon. The Russian tsar’s decree stated that foreign legionnaires could be recruited to a lower rank. The conceited future commander could not agree to this.

His subsequent appeal personally to the head of the Russian military affairs commission did not affect the situation. The Russian army refused his services. An annoyed Corsican with impudent speeches left the office, with bitter anger and resentment. But it could have been otherwise. The great "Frenchman" is the pride of France. What else can you say?

Ideologists write everything off, they have such a job

Modern European ideologists, following the path beaten by their predecessors, have succeeded in creating a mass of myths that have already become an axiom, replacing the concepts of “atrocities” with “good”, justifying before the descendants centuries ahead the atrocities of their former rulers, and why walk in circles, and current ones. The ideological machine is knocking on wheels, rustling with gears, sparking with indicators and releasing a pair of clubs seven days a week and 24 hours a day. She manages to find excuses for new facts of aggression, the destruction of entire third world states, the erasure of centuries-old foundations and traditions of small nationalities, the turning into ruins of historical monuments, and the ruined lives of people who did not care about a well-fed Europe.

Napoleonic plans the meaning of phraseology

Lovers of disputes and inquisitive minds

There will always be someone who wants to argue and cite, as a matter of fact, the poems written in old Europe, about Ivan the Terrible and about the Russian bloodsucking emperors. Words are empty if there are no figures and facts. As the Russian president recently said to Megin Kelly, an American journalist with NBC News, “Where are the addresses, appearances, last names?” Nevertheless, we will avoid discussions on this subject by sending inquiring minds to the historical archives, advising us to delve into the numbers.

For one night, the European queen drowned in blood so many of her subjects that Ivan the Terrible becomes just an innocent baby. And as for the Russian “lack of silence”, at a time when in the European states the courtiers openly relieved the need for all the palace corners, and streams of sewage and feces boiled down the city streets, in Russia people washed themselves in bathhouses and relieved the need for toilets.

By the way, where did the wide-brimmed hats appear ? What purpose? Doesn't that mean anything? Exactly, in Mother Europe, in order to protect my head and, if possible, my expensive outfit from rain of sewage spilled directly from the window of some European house. Europe has long been accustomed to comfort - why burden yourself with a trip to the street if you can get rid of excesses right from the window?

The tale is a lie, but a hint in it ...

Meanwhile, the noble Europe understood and still understands only power. True, one must pay tribute to her well-developed intuition and historical memory. Belligerent arrogance bashfully hides in front of an adversary strong, able to make dental repairs and beat hair.

It’s time to return to the phraseology “Napoleonic Plan”. Indeed, Napoleon’s plans were great, with a distant sight. Before the eyes of the commander was the empire of Alexander, the legendary Greek. He had already seen his triumphal march through the conquered Egyptian, Bengal and Indian villages. But Bonaparte did not want to limit himself to this. In his insidious plans was the closest neighbor.

constantly building Napoleonic plans

As was usual in good old Europe, a welcoming neighborhood was held together by vile adventures, intrigues, conspiracies, and bloody skirmishes. Paying tribute to his time, Napoleon wanted to rid the British crown of the extra load, its colonies. He dreamed of casting the English throne at his feet, undermining and destroying his economy, bleeding the British army and navy. Not a weak desire for a good neighbor.

Initially, Napoleon tried to enlist the support of Russian emperors. Under Paul the First, there was already an agreement on a joint campaign, but she was upset. Subsequently, Napoleon continued to win over the already new Russian Tsar, Alexander. We omit all the subtleties. The case ended with Russia independently embarking on the development of the Asian region. Moreover, by completely different methods. Instead of a fierce war, India offered mutually beneficial cooperation and trade.

Is it worth talking about the fit of rage that occurred at Napoleon, after receiving such news? It remains to add personal insults to Russian eminent brides, and now the “brother-in-law has matured”, couples demand an exit. And without that Napoleon’s grandiose plan was replenished with the next item - “excursion” to Russia. It would have been better for him to think of shooting himself. This is the meaning of the Napoleonic plans, as unrealizable, losing and dangerous. Voluntarily knocking on the bear’s den, shouting threats and provoking a predator, that is still a gamble.

Hospitable Russia

The year is 1812. Russian people with an open soul met dear French guests. So "appeased" and so "regaled" that only ten thousand battered and exhausted Napoleonic warriors returned from the campaign. The nearly 400,000th army found an eternal refuge in the Russian land.

Bonaparte's further fate left much to be desired. Forced rejection of the “crown”, shame and reference to the island of Elba. The island was again destined for the island.

A bright spark in the fading career sky of Napoleon was 1815, when he found strength and made an attempt to restore his former greatness. Gathering the army, he unhindered came to Paris itself. But it was already not the same Napoleon. The “shark teeth” left in Russia could no longer serve the ambitions of their master. The celebration was short-lived.

poems about Napoleonic plans

At the first battle near Waterloo (in the same 1815), Napoleon was completely defeated by the Duke of Wellington. As a mockery, the fate of the villain prepared Bonaparte's last refuge, a new island. As they say, if born a plowman, you will return to plow. St. Helena became the end of his ambitions. Death was not long in coming. She knocked on Napoleon’s door in the month of May, the 5th, 1821.

The moral of that fable is this

The meaning of the expression “Napoleonic plan” could have been explained differently. Translate reasoning into modern life. Complain about everyday life, endless chores and the fact that we are constantly building Napoleonic plans. But isn't it better to turn your eyes to history? The less often people turn their attention to historical events, the more mistakes they make in modern realities.

Man, no doubt, is changing. But what are these changes? Household improvement of existence. It all comes down to this. But in general, how has he changed? The same wars, the same intrigues, cunning and meanness, violence and predatory plans. Other methods? Are there others? Other tools. More perfect, sophisticated. Otherwise, everything is the same. Tell me about international law? The counter-question is whether it is being implemented. The paragraph on the ideological machine was not created by chance.

It's time to answer with one phrase the question - what does Napoleonic plans mean? Building grandiose plans that never came true.

interpretation of the term Napoleonic plans

From greatness to ridicule

You can share the opinion about the greatness of this conceited man, you can argue, but it’s impossible to call Napoleon an ordinary person. Many literary works and films have been created about this man, even poems about Napoleonic plans have appeared.

He loved sparkling humor, he himself was the author of many expressions that became winged and preserved to this day. For example, the expression: "in the knapsack of every soldier lies a marshal's baton."

The ambiguous attitude to this Great "Frenchman". You can love and hate him, but life itself puts everything in its place. A lover of aphorisms and phraseologisms himself became the object of these stable sayings. Not in the best light, by the way. The commander’s unrealizable plans became the interpretation of the term “Napoleonic plans”.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23315/

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