What model of a multicooker to choose: reviews. Slow cooker "Polaris 0517": specifications and reviews

Today, a lot of different techniques are offered to improve human life. For the hostess, an indispensable helper is a crock-pot. She cooks different kinds of food. Polaris company makes excellent devices in which you can bake pies, stew potatoes, cook borsch, make amazing pilaf and desserts. The most important advantage of the device is that it is not necessary to follow the cooking. He cooks, bakes, and at the end turns off.

How to choose a multicooker?

In order to choose the right unit, you need to pay attention to the volume of the pan. If the family consists of 4 people or more, then the best option is 5-6 liters to feed everyone. You can choose a smaller volume, it all depends on your needs. Power also matters when choosing a multicooker. It all depends on what you expect from her. The more powerful it is, the more it consumes electricity, but it cooks faster. Multicookers with power from 900 to 1500 watts are in demand. Programs are also different: in one device there are two, and in another 40. Accordingly, this affects the price. Bowls in slow cookers may differ: ceramic, stainless, non-stick. They can be bought separately. To date, the multicooker Polaris 0517 is in demand. Reviews, shortcomings, pluses now and consider.

Polaris PMC 0517: Description

This is a versatile and multifunctional device with a beautiful appearance (the top consists of black plastic, and the bottom is made of a metal rim). The control buttons on the screen are touch-sensitive, and near them it is shown how much time is left until the food is ready.

reviews multicooker Polaris 0517

An excellent option is the Polaris 0517 crock-pot. Reviews are almost all positive, very few are negative. The food in this slow cooker is very tasty, and most importantly - healthy. Food is cooked under a closed lid, so that beneficial substances do not evaporate. It has a power of 860 watts. The Polaris 0517 multicooker bowl is designed for 5 liters, equipped with an antibacterial coating. The pan has a three-color LCD display. The description in Russian is attached. 16 cooking programs are offered. It has 3D heating, thanks to which heat is evenly distributed from all sides. This is written reviews. Slow cooker "Polaris 0517" itself controls the cooking process. You don’t have to stand by her for hours. It has a delayed start function, so you can cook for a certain time. This model maintains the temperature for a whole day.

Complete set of the Multicooker "Polaris 0517"

The device kit includes:

  • bowl (antibacterial ceramic coating) - 1 pc.;
  • container to steam - 1 pc.;
  • container for boiling yogurt - 6 pcs.;
  • plastic flat spoon (for applying cereals) - 1 pc.;
  • plastic deep spoon (for pouring soup) - 1 pc.;
  • holder for a spoon - 1 pc.;
  • cup-measure - 1 pc.;
  • removable container, where condensate is going - 1 pc.;
  • power cord - 1 pc.;
  • recipe book.

Happy is he who has such an apparatus as the Polaris 0517 HELL multicooker. Reviews about the configuration are only positive, as there is everything necessary for comfortable work.

User manual

Before testing the multicooker, it is necessary to wash the bowl thoroughly with a soft sponge and soap, rinse and dry well. Do not rub it with brushes and hard objects. If you do not want to repair the multicooker often, the bottom of the bowl should be absolutely dry. After that, the pan can be put into the apparatus and plugged into a power outlet. The “Start” indicator will blink on the panel. Then you can choose a program, set the temperature, time. If heating is needed, then press "Heating-Cancel" on the Multi-Cook sensor, hold for 2-3 seconds. When the food is cooked, the heating function is automatically activated, except for the Yogurt program.

yogurt in the multicooker Polaris 0517

People write positive reviews about the instructions. Slow cooker "Polaris 0517" is not so difficult to use, but in order for it to work for a long time, it is necessary to operate it correctly, which is easy thanks to clear instructions.

Characteristic of the multicooker Polaris 0517

The control of this device is electronic, there is a display, 16 programs. It is possible to cook cereals, soup, pilaf, spaghetti, pizza, oatmeal, yogurt, jam, legumes, milk porridge, steamed, as well as baking, stewing, frying, heating, baking. The total weight of the multicooker is 4.1 kg. On the bowl there are convenient handles that do not heat up during cooking, and this is a big plus. Automatic heating can be canceled by pressing the button. Conveniently, there is a “Delay Start” function, especially for young mothers. The child will always eat tasty and healthy food. The manufacturer indicates the total volume of the bowl. Do not forget that with the addition of water and products, it decreases by about 0.5-1 l. Keep this in mind.

crock-pot Polaris 0517 reviews disadvantages

Wonderful and comfortable to use apparatus - multicooker "Polaris 0517". The photo gives a more visual representation of it.


The device is very convenient to use in that you can set both automatic mode and manual mode. “Multipovar” is a program that prepares various dishes. It is turned on in manual mode, independently set the temperature (from 35 degrees to 160) and time (from 5 minutes to 12 hours). In the “Baking” mode, you can cook delicious cakes, muffins, casseroles and even vegetables. The Soup program cooks broths or soups. Time can be set in accordance with the products from which the dish is prepared.

slow cooker polaris 0517 hell reviews

In the "Stewing" mode, it is possible to stew meat, fish, vegetables, poultry. Depending on the product, it is necessary to set the appropriate time and temperature. For example, meat is stewed for 1 hour, and fish - 10-15 minutes. The Frying program gives you the opportunity to fry foods. There are negative reviews about this feature. The Crock-pot "Polaris 0517" in this mode does not work on its own, you must make sure that the products do not burn. In the "Baking" mode, you can cook meat, vegetables, fish, etc. The main thing is to set the temperature and time correctly so that the product does not end up being raw or burnt.

The Pilaf program allows you to cook amazing pilaf. In this mode, the rice does not stick together and does not become sour. The dish is very tasty and healthy. In the multicooker "Polaris" there is a very convenient program "Pasta". It makes pasta juicy, tasty and not sticky. The "Pizza" mode helps to prepare pizza thin and not burnt. "Yogurt" is a program that replaces a special apparatus for this dish. For children, such a regimen is indispensable. The Oatmeal program will allow you to quickly, tasty cook porridge, and at the same time it will not burn. For breakfast, this is the most healthy and healthy dish. In order to make jam, there is a special mode of the same name. Those who are fond of healthy food can be cooked in the “Steamed” program. To cook soup with peas or a side dish of beans, you need the Beans mode. The Milk Porridge program is especially needed for those who have children. The tasty and healthy cereals are cooked in the "Cereals" mode. In order to warm up the dishes, there is an ideal program “Heating”. Multicooker modes "Polaris 0517" are very convenient for preparing a variety of dishes.

Positive customer reviews

Often you can hear the phrase: "how many people, so many opinions." This also applies to household appliances. After purchasing a product, people leave feedback about it. Slow cooker "Polaris 0517" gets more often positive than negative. What do consumers say about it? It is very convenient to use. It’s hard for mom to cope with young children, you have to have time to do a lot of housework, so for her a crock-pot is a great time saver. You can even go out with your child, and the machine will cook and shut itself off. Pregnant women need to eat only healthy foods. Thanks to features such as Baking and Steaming, this is possible. Many people praise the multi-cooker for the "Multi-cook" and "Delayed Start" modes. The food is much tastier than on the stove. Plus, water does not always need to be poured. For example, stew is cooked in its own juice. The price of such an amazing multicooker is quite affordable. Great time savings for those who work. You come home, and the food is already warm. Isn't that perfect?

crock-pot Polaris 0517 hell

According to users, this is such an excellent multicooker "Polaris 0517 HELL". Reviews will help you make your choice. Today, there is a suitable option for everyone.

Slow cooker Polaris 0517: reviews, disadvantages

Buyers very often make their choice based on the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Thanks to consumers, the positive and negative sides of the Polaris multicooker have been identified. A lot has been written about the merits. Only delicious dishes are prepared by the Multwark "Polaris 0517 HELL". Reviews, however, are not always flattering. And what disadvantages do you need to pay attention to when choosing? We list them:

1. For a long time the smell from rubber and plastic does not disappear.

2. Heats up for a long time (during this time the water boils on the stove).

3. No pressure cooker.

4. In the "Frying" mode, the time is not set.

5. The display does not light up.

6. A small recipe book.

Many consumers do not pay attention to these shortcomings.

How to make yogurt in the Polaris 0517 crock-pot?

Such a wonderful unit cooks not only a variety of dishes, but also the famous sour-milk product. Which one? Of course, yogurt. Important! Before cooking, the yogurt makers must be absolutely clean and dry. Otherwise, you will not succeed. The ingredients should be exceptionally fresh. For cooking, you will need fatter homemade milk (3.2% and above) - 1 liter. Cream is sometimes used. Sugar does not need to be added to yogurt, since the natural lactose present in milk will completely replace it. You will also need 1 package of sourdough, which you can buy at any grocery store. If it was not there, then you can add Activia yogurt without additives (100 grams) instead.


1. Heat the milk to 35-40 degrees. The temperature can no longer be set, since severe overheating negatively affects bacteria.

2. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of milk, stir.

3. Pour the yogurt makers with the mixture and cover with cling film.

4. Place the yogurt makers gently in the multicooker bowl and pour water to the level where the milk is.

5. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Yogurt” mode. Time must be set at 8-12 hours.

Yogurt in the multicooker Polaris 0517 is ready. When cool, put in the refrigerator for more solidification.

Pork recipe

The meat in this machine is very juicy and tasty. Pork in the Polaris 0517 slow cooker comes out tender. This meat is not considered a useful product, but there are exceptions. Try making pork goulash. For its preparation you will need products:

  1. Pork - 600-800 grams.
  2. Garlic - 3-5 cloves (depending on your taste).
  3. Boiling water - about 200 ml (see that the water barely covers the meat).
  4. Tomatoes - 0.5 kg (3-4 medium).
  5. Onion - 150 g.
  6. Carrots - 150 g.
  7. Bell pepper - 150-200 g (it gives the dish piquancy, but you can without it).
  8. Sunflower oil - about 50 g.
  9. Salt and pepper to taste.

Cut the meat into cubes, about 3x3 cm, fry it in sunflower oil until golden brown, stirring occasionally. Do not waste time, and while pork is in the bowl, cut into small cubes vegetables: onions, carrots and peppers. We report all prepared products to meat. Salt, pepper and add boiling water (you can take cold water, but pork will cook longer and become slightly harsh). Now you can close the lid and put on the quenching mode for 2 hours. 2-3 minutes before cooking, add finely chopped garlic to the pan.

pork in the multicooker polaris 0517

After a beep, the goulash is ready. It will become your family's favorite food. Let the multicooker Polaris RMS 0517 always delight you with wonderful dishes.

Making a pie

Take 200-250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and mix with pre-melted and cooled margarine (100 g). There, add one egg and sour cream (2-3 tbsp. L.) Of any fat content, 0.5 cups of sugar, quite a bit of salt and 10-12 g of vanillin. Grind all this in a blender so that there are no lumps left. Then mix 200 g of flour with 5-7 g of baking powder, mix and pour into the mixture. Grease the bowl with butter or sunflower. Pour dough there. You can add any fruit of your choice to the same pot. Bake for 70 minutes.

What can be done in a multicooker "Polaris" for a couple?

To cook in this mode, it is necessary to pour water into the bowl, then put the container for steam. You can make cutlets, they turn out very tasty. Make stuffing the same way as for ordinary. Only they need not be fried, but put in a container and close with a lid. Time is set depending on the meat.

multicooker bowl polaris

If pork or beef, then you need to set for 40-50 minutes, chicken - for 20 minutes, and fish - for 10 minutes. Steamed vegetables can also be cooked: tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, etc. This mode can be used for any product.

Proper maintenance of the Polaris multicooker

After each cooking, the multicooker must be washed from food debris and contaminants. Do not clean with a brush or any metal object (knife, screwdriver, etc.). In a slow cooker, you need to wash the lid, bowl and the outside with a soft material. The container where the condensate collects and the steam valve after each preparation must also be washed. All parts can be collected only after complete drying. If you follow these simple tips, then the slow cooker will serve you for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23321/

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