Types of Administrative Offenses

Administrative violations are unlawful antisocial actions, or inaction in any field of activity for which administrative liability is established for the individual entrepreneur (individual) and LLC (legal entity).

The basis for bringing to administrative responsibility is, first of all, the actual violation of legal standards and norms. The types of administrative offenses vary depending on the sphere in which they are committed, but at the same time they have one similarity. Any offense may be committed guilty or unlawful. So, all citizens of the country are subject to administrative responsibility only on the basis of identified guilt. Organizations can be punished for certain types of administrative responsibility on the basis of objective imputation of the offense. That is, for violated legal rules. Only force majeure circumstances of force majeure (catastrophes, world disasters and natural disasters, etc.) can exempt organizations from administrative responsibility measures. Moreover, the burden of proof of this fact lies with the company itself.

The subject of an administrative offense is legal relations in the field of public administration of the state. They are regulated by the legislative norms of administrative law, protected by various measures of responsibility.

All types of administrative offenses are considered in the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and they are combined into separate classification groups. There are a lot of them. Let's consider some of them:

- Administrative violations related to the violation of the rights of citizens.

- Violations related to the health of citizens of the country.

- Administrative violations in the field of protection and use of property (private or public).

- Offenses related to the environment and environmental issues.

- Administrative violations in industry, construction and energy.

- Administrative offenses in agriculture, livestock and land cultivation.

- Administrative offenses in transport.

- Offenses in the field of driving vehicles.

- Illegal actions in the field of development of communication and information.

- Violations in business activities.

- Tax offenses, financial fraud and violations in transactions with securities on the market.

- Administrative offenses in the customs field.

- Administrative, encroaching on the activities of public administration institutions.

- Violations of the regime of temporary stay and residence of foreign citizens and LGB.

- Offenses against public administration.

- Encroaching on the social standards of life of society as a whole.

- Offenses in the field of military registration of draftees and those liable for military service.

All types of administrative offenses connected together in three main groups. These are crimes in the economic, social sphere and administrative-political.

Types of Administrative Offenses also vary depending on the nature of the wrongful act and the sanctions applied. For administrative violations punitive, legal liability is applied. Such an act may be intentional or through negligence. But in that, and in another case, guilt is necessarily there. Administrative punishment pursues, first of all, educational and preventive measures. Administrative penalties include the following: administrative fine, confiscation, warning, seizure, correctional community service, arrest and removal outside the country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23327/

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