Sakura tree: is it cherry or plum?

Japan is a country of centuries-old traditions and symbols. One of them is sakura. The country pays great attention to this plant. There is a belief that a person who does not see the beauty of nature cannot be trusted, because he has a heart of stone. People from all over the world come to admire the flowering spring garden. This tree is completely unfamiliar to us. Therefore, many are concerned about the question of whether sakura is cherry or plum. According to its external data, it resembles both of these trees. We will try to answer this question.


The beauty of trees is appreciated not only in Japan. In Russia, cherry orchards have always been considered symbolic. To appease the god of cherries, Kernis, candles were lit on young plants. This was the key to a future good harvest. Gradually, some European nations adopted this custom .

Sakura is a cherry or plum
They also endowed cherry trees with a special meaning. Their flowering has always been associated with youth, beauty and the birth of a new life. The Japanese also have a special relationship with flowering trees. The question immediately arises of what is common in these traditions. Is sakura a cherry or a plum? Let's try to figure it out.

Beautiful legend

To begin, let's talk about a beautiful legend, according to which the worship of sakura arose. The Japanese have the opinion that flowers that bloom in early spring are the fate of children. A very long time ago, the foreman of the village brought his children to the ruler and showed him scars on their backs, which appeared due to the cruel treatment of princely servants. It was a very bold act.

What does sakura cherry or plum look like
The ruler punished the prince, and he harbored a grudge against the foreman. He took his family high up into the mountains and tied them to a cherry. Then they were ruined to death. They say that since then, cherry blossoms in Japan have a pink hue. This is the answer to the question "Is Sakura a cherry or a plum?" For those who know this legend, falling petals torn from sakura by the wind cause sadness and sadness.


What does sakura look like? Cherry or plum blossom almost the same. They have some differences that are not immediately visible. But sakura inflorescences have a delightful pale pink color. To fall into the garden during this period means to plunge into the world of magic.

Sakura is a cherry or plum photo
Many poets sing the sakura blossom in their works. Spring in Japan is inextricably linked with the described tree. Those who managed to visit the country during this period and observe the flowering, for a long time can not forget the magnificent and enchanting process. Delicate flowers and a delicate aroma evoke thoughts of beauty and serenity.

Japanese holiday

For the Japanese, sakura blossoms are always a celebration. We are preparing very carefully for this event. Locals know for sure whether sakura is cherry or plum. It grows throughout the country: in mountainous areas, in city parks and temples, along river banks. In early spring, when sakura blooms, a holiday reigns in every village.

Sakura tree is a cherry or plum
All residents are located under trees, strewn with flowers. People come here as whole families or in the company of friends. People spread straw mats and admire the beauty created by nature itself. Traditionally, the Japanese celebrate this event with their family and a second time with colleagues. Having settled down comfortably under the trees, people organize a small feast, the main treat of which is rice balls.

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday goes deep into the past. According to the belief, this custom was born in the period from the 8th to the 12th century. The Japanese nobility was very fond of spending time under the spreading flowering trees. She enjoyed the beauty of nature, composed poems, drank drinks and played games. The aristocracy was distinguished by exquisite manners and grace. Its representatives attached great importance to flowering trees and saw this as a deep meaning. Gradually, the tradition became widespread and became part of the culture of Japan. Sakura flowers were the symbol of perfection and perfection.

Modern tendencies

Sakura blossom time does not last long. This period is only a few days, and sometimes a few hours. Today, thanks to special services, people are always informed about the moment of flowering. The Meteorological Service compiles a calendar of exact flowering dates for all areas of the country. For this, special studies are carried out.

What sakura refers to is cherry or plum
Through the media, residents are informed about the places where sakura blossoms. In large cities, special events are organized for this occasion. So, in Kyoto, the Sakura Matsuri festival is held, where they organize costume parades and dance "cherry dances". A procession takes place in the city of Nara, on which children and young women carry cherry branches.

What is sakura

Many people ask this question: "What is a sakura tree - is it a cherry or a plum?" Many interpret the answer to it in different ways. Often this tree is called Japanese cherry. But the real plant under this name is a low shrub that is used as a decorative decoration of the garden. According to experts, some types of cherries and even bird cherry are called sakura in Japan. Therefore, when answering the question of what sakura refers to, is it cherry or plum, we can say with confidence that the first option is true.

But there is a flip side to the coin. Very often, in Japan, some varieties of other trees are used to extend the flowering time of trees and enjoy the beauty. It can be plum, cherry, almond, peach, bird cherry or apricot. That is why you can enjoy the beauty of flowering plants for a longer period. It is not surprising that many reasonably raise the question of whether sakura is cherry or plum. Photos of flowering trees can be found in the article.

Decorative cherry

Real Japanese cherry belongs to heat-loving plants. Therefore, in our country it is very rare. It can be seen in the botanical garden. Today there are about 16 species of this tree and more than 400 varieties. These are plants of various shapes and sizes. They are united by a very beautiful and short-term flowering. Sakura refers to dicotyledonous angiosperms.

Sakura fruits are cherry or plum.
Many mistakenly claim that the described plant has no fruits. This is not true. There are sakura fruits. This is cherry or plum, we have already figured it out. But the berries themselves do not resemble either one or the other. They are small, tough and sour. They have no special taste. They make wine or add to rice dishes. Sakura fruits are also pickled.


As already mentioned, sakura in our regions is difficult to take root due to the harsh climate. But there are some varieties from the northern regions of Japan that can be grown in Russia. Sakura prefers very fertile soils. When planting, it is necessary to provide the tree with good drainage. A large amount of rainwater can kill sakura. The plant does not like drafts. It grows and develops best in a group of several trees. After a short flowering, small fruits appear. They ripen like cherries, but have a more sour taste. For planting, you should choose seedlings that are most adapted to our conditions. The seller can learn about the features of cultivation. The tree will please you, albeit short-lived, but amazing flowering. For the sake of this unforgettable sight, you can make an effort and grow sakura in your area. But if this is not possible, then visit Japan - a country where special attention is paid to the considered tree.


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