4 109 - Tunngle network adapter error

The Tunngle network adapter is quite common - many people use it, but it is not ideal. 4 109 - an error that is very common among users of this adapter. What causes it? What does it mean? How to deal with it? The problem here is that something is stopping your network adapter from starting normally. This may be an accidental manual cancellation of the installation and launch, and blocking by the antivirus, and a lack of administrator rights. Thus, you need to first deal with what is the cause of such a malfunction, and then calmly eliminate it. 4 109 - a mistake that you can quickly and comfortably get rid of if you know what you need to do.


4 109 error

One of the simplest options you can try is to reinstall the software. 4 109 - an error that occurs during certain failures, and these failures can be caused by improper installation of the software or its damage. Therefore, you need to complete four simple steps. The first step is to uninstall the existing version of the software. The second step is a reboot, which will allow your computer to clean up all the registries so that there are no “tails” behind Tunngle. The third step is to reinstall the software, and the fourth is another reboot, which will allow all changes to gain strength. That's when you can start your network adapter without error 4 109. Does the error still occur? Then you need other tricks.

Antiviruses and firewalls

tunngle error 4 109

Very often, in the case of Tunngle, error 4 109 occurs when your security software blocks certain files of the network adapter. This means that when you run it, either your antivirus or your firewall may not miss some files for security reasons, because of which the network adapter will not work, and you will receive an error message. To avoid this, you need to either add Tunngle to the exclusions of your protection programs, or disable them during the installation of the network adapter. The first case, of course, is preferable, because with the second, for some time you leave your computer completely defenseless against viruses.

Admin Rights

How to fix tunngle 4 109 error

It is possible that you still cannot figure out how to fix the Tunngle error. 4 109 is a very unpleasant thing, which can be difficult to get rid of until you try all the methods. For example, there is a possibility that you simply do not have enough rights to complete the installation of such important software. Therefore, you need to install it on behalf of the administrator or in the profile of the operating system that is installed as administrator. Only in this case, you can count on your program to start working successfully, and you can use the Tunngle network adapter. These measures should help you deal with your predicament. Naturally, these are only the most common methods that most often work efficiently. However, if you did not manage to fix everything with their help, it is better to contact the experts, describing your specific case.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23342/

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