What types of analysis are there?

The most complete description of the types of analysis is given within the framework of a scientific economic approach, although this term is actively used in a number of other disciplines. Indeed, it is necessary for physicians and biologists to formulate analytics and systematize data from time to time, and those whose job responsibilities include researching a practical issue with identifying its inherent quantitative indicators. Nevertheless, the types of data analysis presented in the economy are of the greatest interest, therefore it is from them that one can begin to consider the issue.

types of analysis

What is it about?

From the point of view of economics as a science, analysis can be classified according to a number of features that also apply to banking business. The most characteristic allocation of categories is based on the frequency of statistical data collection activities. There are economic types of analyzes of the enterprise:

  • everyday;
  • monthly;
  • once a quarter;
  • once a year.

Depending on the object considered in the study, the economy speaks of the following types of analytical activity:

  • full (attention is paid to all aspects of the company, internal and external);
  • thematic (strictly limited issues are investigated, promising areas for improving production activity are determined).

Grouping: subject in focus

Depending on who acts as a subject in the course of analytical activity, research activity can be divided into several categories with a number of specific aspects inherent in each of them. Organizations consider users as subjects in the types of analysis. It is customary to talk about the categories:

  • internal analysis (intended for internal use);
  • external analysis.

types of company analyzes

In the first case, the data generated by the results of the study are classified as secret. As a rule, this is a trade secret. The appearance of the analysis of information in the economy is one that is initiated by external forces. The customer may be a group of shareholders or a government agency having the right to do so. The results of the research activity are published and sent to the address of the initiator of work. In some cases, the main types of analysis are carried out at the request of the auditor, investor.

What are we exploring?

Economic science involves the types of financial analysis, divided into categories depending on what kind of objects are studied in the course of the activities of specialists. In some cases, this is a complete analysis. This is done if it is necessary to evaluate the state of the enterprise from all sides, for which it is important to check the facilities included in its structure. Nothing escapes the attention of those responsible for the work.

Selective main types of analysis at the enterprise are initiated if it is necessary to study a specific area. As a rule, in-depth research is required. One or several objectives of the work are selected, in the second case, related aspects are usually considered. The data obtained are used in the work of the corresponding unit of the enterprise, which allows to increase the efficiency of its functioning.

Types of analysis: preliminary, operational

If some action is planned, including the implementation of a task agreed in advance, if it is necessary to justify a decision on the management of the enterprise, then initially they plan a planned analytical activity. This helps to predict the consequences of such activity, as well as assess the extent to which it will be possible to implement the plan. Preliminary types of process analysis can prevent a negative result of activities. If this is planned as part of the work of a banking enterprise, then an assessment of accounts is carried out, which allows to reveal the current state of affairs and understand what are the opportunities for growth and what the introduction of fundamentally new operations can give.

The modern economic classification of types of analysis offers a separate group to highlight operational activities. They organize them after some activity, as well as in a situation where, over a fairly short period of time, the situation undergoes significant changes. Sometimes operational analysis is required after a day from the moment of some event, decade or month. Such an analysis is an integral part of ongoing work. It is most relevant for financial institutions. A preliminary type of work analysis allows us to understand how liquid the enterprise is, as well as evaluate the funds for reserves, other indicators that allow us to adjust the company's activities in order to increase stability and efficiency.

Analytical Activity: Summing Up

One of the key types of analysis of the result is the final one. Such a need to be organized within the framework of any enterprise with clearly defined cyclicality. Systematically, the event is recommended to be held monthly, annually, as well as on the basis of quarters, six months.

types of information analysis

The main value of the final type of analysis of results is in a comprehensive assessment of the enterprise. Reporting data can be evaluated from different angles, which allows us to correctly formulate the results of the study period. In the commercial structure, the final analysis allows you to determine how economically high the efficiency of the enterprise in the selected time period. Based on these data, you can evaluate the financial situation and determine what reserves are available to improve the situation, including the revenue component.

What to count on?

One of the indispensable types of analysis - evaluating the prospects of the enterprise. Economic sciences in the framework of such a study involve forecasting the financial performance of the company. In this assessment, capital volumes and foreign currency balances, as well as the organization’s portfolios, including investments and credit component, are subject to assessment. At the same time, a promising type of analysis involves taking into account the results of financial activities that are currently available, since it is they who lay the foundation for the further development of the company.

Functional analysis

The functional type of analysis involves the formulation of the area of ​​specialization of the enterprise. At the same time, specialists pay attention to the main area of ​​the company’s activity and determine how significant the company occupies in the market in this area. This type of analysis involves taking into account the image of interaction with other structures, the prospects for the development of these aspects. It is necessary to evaluate all counterparties and make a forecast for interaction with them. Based on the results of the work, fairly correct assumptions can be made regarding the profitability of a legal entity in the relatively near future.

The functional type of analysis allows you to evaluate the liquidity of operations and develop approaches to increase this parameter. The main idea of ​​the event is the determination of loss-making operations and their exclusion from the scope of services provided by the company. In parallel, experts evaluate the competitiveness of the enterprise and analyze how reliable its position in the market is.

Structural and operational analysis

Structural analytics involves the study of operations conducted by the enterprise, on the basis of which it is possible to calculate the specific gravity of each of the counterparties. Pay equal attention to passive operations, and active. The most relevant structural analysis for financial corporations, as it allows you to summarize statistics for all economic counterparties. The event assesses the structure of the revenue component of the organization, profits. At the same time, analysts are exploring the expenditure component of the enterprise.

classification of types of analysis

Operational analysis involving simultaneous cost research is a research measure that allows one to formulate forecasts of the profitability of an enterprise. In the course of work, the profitability, prospects, loss-making of the company are evaluated, and a cost characteristic is given for each operation. Based on detailed statistics, you can understand what the company's profit is made up of, what policies need to be promoted in order to achieve prosperity. Analysts take into account that profit maximization is provided not only through deposits, but also loans, and equally analyze both sides of the financial issue.

Macroeconomic analysis

The collection of statistics and the systematization of data of this kind involves evaluating an enterprise as an element of the market in which it presents its product, service. At the same time, analysts are exploring how large are passive, active operations, what kind of income a company receives, how much this compares with the revenue component of the country's sphere as a whole. In addition, it is important to evaluate how significant the level of enterprise participation in the creation of the money supply, the distribution of services in the specialization sector. At the regional level, statistics on credit resources and the degree of their influence on the market are usually analyzed.

As part of the analytical activity to collect statistics of passive, active operations, the scales of a strictly limited list of operations are compared. The indicators of the corresponding sector of the market as a whole are taken as reference.

Risk analysis

By this term, it is customary to reverse the anatomical activity of determining risk factors with a concomitant assessment of the significance of each of them. Before starting work, they determine the system, event or complex thereof, in relation to which the identified risk aspects are evaluated. In fact, analysts are identifying with what probability a negative event can happen that can impede the successful achievement of the plan.

main types of analysis

Currently, risk analysis is more often carried out in the field of information technology than in any other applied field. This measure has a number of specific features. Evaluation work is carried out on the basis of a predetermined metric and using strictly agreed methods. An integrated approach involves evaluative measures, on the basis of which certain components are ignored, others are reduced, relative to the third measures are taken to eliminate the consequences.

The specifics of risk analytics in IT

In this area, risks are usually associated with information systems and a range of work with those. This includes the creation, improvement, input and decommissioning, as well as the maintenance of IP. In addition, the object may be another IT asset, including technology. Assets are artifacts that are valuable to a certain extent to a legal entity, and companies use them as part of their activities. In some cases, values ​​are determined, but this is not always possible. An asset is always directly, indirectly involved in the formation of products, the implementation of which determines the success of the company.

The correctness of accounting and asset control determines the risk component for the process in which they are involved. The more important, more significant an asset, the more significant is the identification, assessment, documentation of that. This takes into account the specifics of a particular company. The identification process is directly related to the complexity of the relationship between assets. The correctness of the measure affects the accuracy of risk identification, as well as the work associated with identifying and eliminating it (or its consequences).

Information Risks: Assessment

As part of this type of work analysis, a unique rank is formed where all conditions with prioritization are indicated. It takes into account aspects that may violate the integrity of the working system. They pay equal attention to large aspects, and for reasons that are rather small and not obvious at first glance. The assessment is carried out taking into account a complex of factors, including the value, effectiveness, and importance of the identified threats. A specific set of factors is determined by the situation, risks, assets.

Some theoretical approaches suggest defining an assessment of information risks as identifying quantitative, qualitative indicators of the degree of danger. In any of the options, it is necessary that the result of the measure provides information that allows you to determine the magnitude of the upcoming problems, possible ways to get around them and solve them. Based on a specific analysis, you can figure out which methodology for handling the situation will bring maximum benefits.

Analysis: a multifaceted concept

It's amazing how many phenomena can be analyzed! For example, there are many types of blood tests: general, dedicated to specific indicators, aimed at identifying the symptoms of the alleged pathology. You can analyze the state of a person, machine, process, system, world ... However, most often, analysis still occurs precisely in economic science, and the real pros in this field are specialists who can put any situation on the shelves.

types of analysis of results

Market analysis

There are two main methods to implement this event: fundamental, technical. The first involves an assessment of factors (politics, economics, society) that affect the current situation. In fact, the specialist evaluates the market, the economy within the boundaries of “bad / good”. The main idea of ​​such analytics is to strengthen the currency based on the stability of the economic situation. At the same time, they take into account that a strong currency stimulates confidence in the state and leads to its successful, rapid development.

Technical analysis is a term applicable to research work in the course of which the adjustment of pricing policy is tracked. The most obvious method of reflecting the information received is graphic. The researcher can at any time see how prices change, which helps to predict development in the near future. Usually, with sufficient preparation during the analysis, the specialist determines the dominant trends, identifies the figures, on the basis of which he identifies the optimal policy for concluding deals in the chosen field.

Analysis: how to approach the task?

Each of these methods has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to choose a specific option, taking into account the features of the task at hand. So, some methods of analysis are effective for the banking sector, others for the formation of the cost of work, and still others for determining prospects. The most suitable analytics technique can usually be selected by an experienced specialist who knows several approaches to identifying the essence of the situation. This is not to say that there is one universal “recipe” for analysis. Even similar situations at two enterprises may require a different approach, which will be determined by one or two factors (for example, debit component or clientele peculiarity).

types of work analysis

As statistics show, in most cases it is customary to resort to several methods of analyzing the situation to obtain the most voluminous information, based on which you can make the right managerial decision. This is due to the fact that each specific technique provides a rather limited set of information, and it does not always allow us to present the whole picture. But the simultaneous application of several approaches forms a correct vision of the situation, allows you to assess the current state of things and development prospects, as well as risks and ways to address them. In some cases, this approach may seem too complicated, but neglecting additional information, especially when the future of the enterprise in a crisis market situation depends on it, is completely unacceptable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E23344/

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